
Dave Hartley

The Medical Paradigm

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The FDA: Falling Standards and Dangerous Drug Approvals

Pharmaceuticals Kill Estimated 140,000+ people in US Each Year

Conduct Medical Research The Allopathic System (Our Action Graphic)
Modern Medicine as an Unscientific Pseudo-Science List of Health Supplements At Risk From the FDA
FDA Policy on Import of Personal Use Substances Politics, Profit and Prozac
How Real Cancer Cures Are Suppressed Research the FDA on the Web
FDA-Approved AZT is a Killer
Health in Crisis - A Rundown on Diseases
Prozac, The Killer Drug
Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research
The Dream and the Lie of Louis Pasteur - Introduction
Prior History of the Germ Theory of Disease
Bechamp, Pasteur and Fermentation
David Ware: Topic 1: Western Medicine: The Ultimate Healer?
Edward Jenner's Crime
The Candidiasis Conspiracy - Tuskegee II
Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society
Understanding Somatid Biology
Pasteur, Hitler and BSE: A Commentary
The Orthodox Interpretation of Disease
The History of Virology
Pleomorphic Research
Introduction to Epidemiology [Book Availability]
Vaccination: A Review of Medical Science and Government Policy
Old Paradigms Die Hard
From Quackery to Bacteriology - The Emergence of Modern Medicine in 19th Century America
"Scientific Medicine"
Vaccines: A Leading Cause of Infant Death
Pathology, Microbial & Parasitic Disease Option
Introduction to Bacteriology
Koch Postulates Defining a "Disease"


Smart Drugs and Nootropics
Alternative Health Sites Wellness Alternative Sites
The Future of Medicine: Thought Therapy Wholistic Body and Mind Website

Additional Recommended Reading List:
Medical System Corruption
Title: Medical Armageddon, Vols. 1/2 and 3/4 (: Behind the healthcare calamity of the Western World and How to Fix It

Author:Michael L. Culbert, D.Sc.

Publisher: C and C Communications, San Diego, California, 1994, ISBN: 0-9636487-3-X (Vol 1 and 2) , ISBN: 0-96736487-2-1 (Vols 3 & 4]. Tel: 619-4581-6640. Both volumes together: 707 pages.

Description: Michael L. Culbert, for years chairman emeritus of the Committee for Freedom of Choice in Medicine, is also the author of 16 other books in the areas of medical politics and economics, as well as metabolic and integrative therapeutics. Great material and well worth the investment.

Title: Dirty Medicine: Science, Big Business and the Assault on Natural Health Care

Author: Martin J. Walker

Publisher:Slingshot Publications, BM Box 8314, London WC1N 3XX, England. 1994. $18.00, 732 pages, ISBN: 0-9519646-0-7.

Description: A great piece of work that embodies information from both England and the United States, especially regarding the Wellcome Foundation and the AZT scam, involving dirty tricks, industrial sabotage and character assassination. Dirty Medicine is the story of the free market, at war with the powerless. It exposes how, under the guise of government regulation, big business, science and medical orthodoxy defended their products and profits from competition by alternative and complementary medicine.

Title: Confessions of a Medical Heretic

Author: Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

Publisher: Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1979, $12.95, ISBN: 0-8092-4131-5, 191 pages with index.

Description: This provacative book, when it was released, caused quite a firestorm because it pointed out the unnessary nature of many surgical procedures. The book covers this and other topics, from prescribed drugs to preventive medicine and home birth. The author points out that historically, when doctors have gone on strike, the mortality rate drops. I wonder why ...

Title: Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives

Author: James P. Carter, M.D.

Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Norfolk, VA, 1993, $12.95, 354 pages with index, ISBN: 1-878901-32-X.

Description: Dr. Carter gives names, events and facts to prove that Americans are being deprived of effective, economical treatments because those treatments are not profitable for surgeons and pharmaceutical companies. Carter discusses some of the history of suppression in medicone, the nature of organized medicine and its powerful lobbies, the example of EDTA and chelation therapy as a threat to orthodox medicine, the role of the FDA and the FTC, the hidden causes for the healthcare crisis, the European situation, the rejective and legal quarantine of medical hypotheses, UN endorsement of orthodox medical care and the world view, application of the 9th amendment to the Constitution, excerpts of taped conversations before the Arkansas State Board, and more. A very interesting piece of work.

Title: Good Intentions: How Big Business and the Medical Establishment Are Corrupting the Fight Against AIDS, Alzheimers, Cancer and More

Author: Bruce Nussbaum

Publisher: Penguin, New York, 1990, 352 pages with index, $10.95, ISBN: 0-14-016000-0

Description: A blistering portrait of an ongoing national scandal in which hundreds of thousands of people have died because of the use of AZT. Discusses what has been happening behind the scenes, the drug underground, the phenomenon of medical empire building based on disease, and more.

Title: The Medical Industrial Complex

Author: Stanley Wohl, M.D.

Publisher:Harmony Books (Crown) New York, 1984, $12.95, 210 pages with index, ISBN: 0-517-55351-1.

Description: One of the original works discussing corporate profit at human expense. This book picks up where Social Transformation of American Medicine (See below) leaves off, discussing the medical moguls, prescription for profit, providers, suppliers and patients. Discusses the out-of-control medical monopoly, sopme of the playersm and more.

Title: The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry

Author: Paul Starr

Publisher: Basic Books (Harper), New York, 1949, 1982, 514 pages with index, ISBN: 0-465-07935-0.

Description: A great historical work discussing the social orgins of professional sovereignty, medicine in a democratic culture from 1760 to 1850, medical counterculture, expansion of the market, the consolidation of professional authority from 1850 to 1930, the reconstitution of the hospital, the boundaries of public health, the struggle for medical care, and much more on the history of the American medical system and orthodoxy.

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