-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley


Biotech News, by Richard Wolfson, PhD

Reprinted with permission from the October 1999 issue of Alive: Canadian
Journal of Health and Nutrition, 7436 Fraser Park Drive, Burnaby, BC  V5J

Biotech Soybeans Deficient

New research shows that genetically engineered (GE) soybeans may be less
potent sources of phytoestrogens than their conventional precursors.  The
research, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (Vol. 1, no. 4, 1999),
reported an overall reduction in phytoestrogen levels of 12-14 percent in
genetically altered soybeans, compared to non-GE varieties. Soy foods are
recommended largely for their dietary phytoestrogen content.

This research refutes claims that genetically engineered foods are
'substantially equivalent' to their non-GE counterparts. Genetically
engineered herbicide-resistant soy is already on the market in Canada,
unlabelled and mixed in with conventional varieties.

Industry Claims Torpedoed

New research by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that biotech
crops do not produce higher yields or result in reduced pesticide use, as
claimed by industry.

American experts studied biotech soy, corn, and cotton across huge tracts
of the U.S. farming belt, where both GE and non-GE varieties were being
grown. The researchers found no increase in yields from GE crops in 12 of
18 areas.  In some areas, conventional varieties produced yields 10 percent
or more higher than comparable GE varieties.

In 7 of 12 areas studied, farmers growing biotech varieties used at least
the same amount of pesticide as those growing traditional crops.  Farmers
growing Roundup Ready (herbicide-resistant) soybeans used 2 to 5 times more
herbicide per acre, compared to the other popular weed management systems
with non-GE soybeans.  The research shoots down arguments that Frankenstein
foods could help stop hunger in the Third World, or are more
environmentally friendly.

Roundup Linked to Cancer

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Cancer Society
(March 15, 1999) showed that exposure to the herbicide glyphosate results
in increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of cancer.

Glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup, is the world's most widely used
herbicide. Seventy-one percent of biotech crops planted in 1998 (including
biotech soy, canola, and corn) were genetically engineered to be resistant
to glyphosate or other herbicides. Herbicide resistant crops allow
increased use of these toxic chemicals to kill weeds.

Marks & Spencer First to go GE-Free

Marks & Spencer, one of UK's largest food chains, announced that it has
become the first major UK retailer to go completely genetically-engineered
food free. From July 1, all M&S foods were produced without GE ingredients
or derivatives. More than 5,000 ingredients made from soy and corn were
checked and changes were made to 1,800 recipes to strip all products of GE
ingredients or derivatives.

FDA Ignored Warnings

Records from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that in
approving genetically engineered foods, the agency ignored some of its own
scientists. These people repeatedly cautioned against GE foods because of
unexpected and untested toxins and allergens.

For instance, Dr. Louis Priybl of the FDA Microbiology Group, stated "There
is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from
traditional breeding and genetic engineering which is just glanced over in
this document." He added that several aspects of gene splicing "...may be
more hazardous."

Codex Fails to Approve Hormone

At a recent Codex (the international food regulating body) meeting in Rome,
governments failed to agree on an international standard on genetically
engineered bovine growth hormone (BGH).  BGH is widely used in USA, where
it injected into cows to increase milk production.  BGH is not allowed in
Canada or EU due to concerns for both human and animal safety.

Failure to agree on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for BGH means that
individual governments will maintain their freedom to decide whether to
allow BGH in their countries.  Consumers International applauded the
decision not to approve BGH internationally as a victory for the health and
safety of consumers.


Greenpeace and Council of Canadians Expose Food Industry Double Standards
On Genetically Engineered Food

    Toronto, September 27 /CNW/ - Greenpeace and the Council of Canadians
today called on the country's food retailers and producers to give
Canadians the same environmental and health protection that Europeans
receive and take genetically engineered (GE) foods off retail shelves.
    At a news conference in front of a Loblaws supermarket, the
organizations released documents from ten international food companies who
have taken genetically engineered ingredients out of their products in
Europe, but refuse to do so in Canada.  The companies include:  Nestle,
Kellogg's, Mars, Heinz, Cadbury, Kraft, Unilever, General Mills, Campbells,
and Frito-Lay.
    Greenpeace campaigner Michael Khoo said:  ``Food producers and
retailers cannot justify this double standard.  These letters show that it
is possible to give the consumer GE-free food.  If genetically engineered
food is not fit for Europeans, it is not fit for Canadians either,'' he
    Responses gathered from three major Canadian food chains (Loblaws,
Sobeys and Safeway) also revealed a refusal to provide consumers with
GE-free choices.  These also contrast with statements from Britain's top
supermarket chains, Mark's & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Safeways', and Tesco
which pride themselves on providing customers with GE-free food.
    The groups called on consumers to pressure Loblaws to remove GE
products from ``President's Choice'' and ``No Name'' brand products, phase
out GE from all other products in the store; ensure that all fresh produce
remains GE-free and, in the meantime, label all GE products on the shelves.
    ``Genetically engineered foods have not been proven safe for human
health and the environment.  As the largest grocery chain in Canada,
Loblaws has the obligation to take the lead, and take genetically
engineered food off the shelf,'' said Jennifer Story, health protection
campaigner for the Council of Canadians.
    The groups assembled grocery carts with a wide range of popular
Canadian food brands that probably contain genetically engineered
ingredients: processed foods made with soya bean by-products (lecithin),
chips and cereals made from corn, and oils made from canola.  According to
the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, approximately 60-75% of all Canadian
processed food contains GE ingredients.
    Both groups noted scientific concerns that the planting and consumption
of genetically engineered foods has gone ahead with no long-term government
testing for heath or environmental impacts.
    Elizabeth Abergel, a molecular biologist working on food regulatory
issues at York University, said, ``The timelines necessary for proper
assessment of environmental and human health risks are being compromised by
a commercial desire to rush this to market.  If a threat develops, we won't
know until it's too late.''

For further information:  Greenpeace:  Mary MacNutt:  416-597-8408 or
271-8408 (cell) or Michael Khoo:  416-569-8408, Council of Canadians:
Jennifer Story (cell in Toronto):  613-795-8685, John Urquhart (613)
233-2773 ext. 230, Elizabeth Abergel:  416-486-4763.  Note to editors:
Footage of genetically engineered crops and foods available.

Thanks to NLPWessex for posting this:


"The humans will eat this stuff, but the animals won't."
 --U.S. farmer, ACRES, USA Special Report 19 September 1999.

After four months of retrieving anecdotes from Kansas to Wisconsin, I think
its high time to sample the producer community more thoroughly to see how
many stories there are out there.

Tell us more about the hogs that wouldn't eat the ration when the GMO crops
were included.  About the farmer who said ' Well, if you want your cattle
to go off their feed, just switch them out to a GMO silage.'

About the farmer who said that his cattle broke through an old fence and
ate down the non-GMO hybrids but wouldn't touch the Round-up ready corn,
and as a matter of fact, "They had to walk through the GMOs to get to the
Pioneer 3477 on the other side."

About the cattleman who saw the weight-gain of his cattle fall off when he
switched over to GMO sources.  About the organic farmer with a terrible
deer problem on his soybeans, and when he drives out at night there are
forty of them mowing down his tofu beans while across the road there isn’t
one doe eating on the Round-up Readies.

About the raccoons romping by the dozen in the organic corn, while down the
road there isn't one ear that's been touched in the Bt fields.  Even the
mice will move on down the line if given an alternative to these 'crops'.

What is it that they know instinctively that most of us ignore? I have been
travelling around with a bag of contaminated cob corn on the floor of my
vehicle, and I have begun to think of it as if it was a bag of plutonium. "

** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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