-Caveat Lector-

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith) - http://www.softwar.net
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999
Subj: WND Clinton Creates A Missile GAP -
          Navy Buys Russian Missiles

   "The Clinton missile gap will close an important U.S.
   defense industrial center and force American engineers into
   the unemployment line.  The Clinton created missile gap
   leaves U.S. Navy warships with untested defenses, untrained
   crews and no domestic source for realistic target missiles."

   "Thanks to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, our Navy will now sail
   into harm's way unprepared and vulnerable."


Clinton Creates A Missile GAP -
Navy Buys Russian Missiles

In September 1999, the Navy SSST super-sonic target project
ended after eight years of study without a selection, leaving
America without a means to test the multi-billion dollar AEGIS
missile air defense system.

According to declassified documents from Logicon, the U.S. Navy
contractor responsible for all Navy ship air defenses, the
Clinton move "will have significant impact upon future SSST

The Clinton move not to issue a contract is also a victory for
the Russian Zvezda-Strela State Scientific Industrial Center,
maker of the MA-31 super-sonic target missile.  An August 31,
1999 letter to Senator Lugar (R-IN), issued by Navy
Undersecretary H.  Lee Buchanan, claimed that the Navy would
only purchase a "limited number" of the Russian made systems.

However, according to Logicon Corp., the Navy now "plans to
procure 37 additional MA-31 targets in FY00, providing politics
does not stop the procurement."

U.S. Navy sources, responding to a Freedom of Information
request (FOIA), confirmed the Russian MA-31 does not meet the
technical requirements for the U.S.N. super-sonic sea skimming
(SSST) target program.  Previous test results obtained from
Boeing show that the Russian MA-31 cannot meet the minimum
requirements set by the Navy SSST contract to fly 1,500 miles
per hour for 50 miles at 50 feet.

"It can only fly 16 miles on the deck," stated Mr. Hotze in
September 1999, the U.S. Navy program manger for the MA-31

Boeing officials again refused to comment on the MA-31 project
with Zvezda.  Repeated phone calls to Boeing have not been
returned.  Navy Under-Secretary Buchanan has also turned down a
second request for an interview.

Under pressure from a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request,
U.S. Navy managers also denied any knowledge of allegations of
corruption regarding kick-backs in the payments for the Russian

"We send the money to the Russians," stated Hotze.  "What they
do with it is their business."

According to Janes Defense, each U.S purchase also includes a
28% "fee" given directly to Russian Generals.  Navy documents
show that each MA-31 missile costs $910,000.  The extremely high
price for the MA-31 is almost twice the price of current U.S.
weapons.  In addition, the 28% fee amounts to over a quarter
million dollars per missile paid directly to the Russian

In September 1999, the U.S. Navy decided not to purchase the
8,000 pound Allied-Signal Sea Snake super-sonic cruise missile.
The reason, according to the Navy Undersecretary Buchanan, was
the Sea Snake was "too large" to represent the current threat.

Yet, the REAL threat is not the small MA-31, which weighs only
1,100 pounds.  Russian missile makers recently put on sale the
very latest in super-sonic killing technology, the NPO
Mashinostroyenya YAHONT (NATO SS-N-26).  The Yahont ramjet
missile is nearly 30 feet long, over 2 feet in diameter, and
weighs in at 8,598 pounds.

The Russian SS-N-26 was put on sale in August 1999, during an
air-show, as the primary anti-ship weapon for the Sukhoi SU-32
Naval variant of the SU-27 Flanker.  The Yahont is being offered
to China, India, and Vietnam.  Other potential customers include
Iraq, Iran and Libya.

The Yahont missile was described as a integral kerosene fueled
ramjet with a top speed of Mach 2.6 at 45,000 feet and a range
of 180 miles.  The SS-N-26 appears to be almost a duplicate of
the Allied Signal developed Sea Snake which was rejected as "too
large" by U.S. Navy Undersecretary Buchanan.

Guidance is reported to be provided by an inertial system with
the missile descending to a sea-skimming mode 33 feet (10
meters) for its terminal phase of active/passive radar homing.
The Yahont is reported to deliver a 440 pound warhead at an
impact velocity of 2,460 feet per second - faster than a rifle

Russia has already fielded several very large missiles similar
to the Yahont and U.S. Sea Snake.  The SS-N-22 (NATO code-name
"Sunburn") anti-ship missile weighs over 7,000 pounds, and is
the primary armament for Russian made destroyers purchased by

The Clinton administration's selection in favor of the Russian
missile will force the closure of a U.S. missile defense plant
located in Indiana.  The Sea Snake is a 1990's version of the
U.S. Navy Talos ramjet powered missile produced by Allied Signal
at Mishawaka, Indiana.  The Talos missile was deployed as the
number one surface-to-air defense (SAM) missile for the Navy
during the Cold war.

Ironically, the Navy's decision not to buy the Sea Snake may
benefit the U.S. Air Force.  USAF officials have quietly
expressed interest in an air-launched weapon version of the
Sea Snake to arm B-1, B-2 and B-52 bombers on anti-ship and air
defense suppression missions.

In 1999, the USAF lost a F-117A Stealth bomber to a Serb air
defense missile.  U.S. bombers also encountered electronic
emissions from Russian warships during their flights over
Kosovo.  This spurred the U.S. Air Force to seek a SAM (Surface-
To-Air Missile) killer cruise missile that could penetrate
advanced air defenses and sink enemy warships.

The USAF nearly ran out of smart weapons during the air war over
Kosovo.  The Air Force "JASSM" stealthy cruise missile is not
slated to begin production until 2002 and costs nearly a million
dollars a copy.  The shortage of sub-sonic cruise missiles and
smart bombs drove the Air Force to seek alternative solutions to
strike heavily defended targets deep inside enemy territory.

USAF officials are evaluating the export of advanced Russian air
defense systems and modern warships after the war in Kosovo.  In
September 1999, USAF officials openly expressed fear that the
latest C version of the Russian SA-10 Grumble air defense
missile will soon be exported to Iran, Iraq, Lybia and Serbia.
China currently fields their own version of the SA-10 and also
plans to upgrade with purchases of the SA-10C.

In response, Air Force bomber crews expressed a need for a
heavy-weight, high speed, surface-skimming missile that could
defeat the best air defenses.  Allied engineers noted the Sea
Snake meets the USAF requirements and could exceed them with
little or no modification.  An Allied Signal engineer commented
that a single weaponized Sea Snake would "obliterate" an SA-10

According to the Allied Signal source, a minor change in the Sea
Snake fin system might be required.  This is because, at a speed
of over 2,000 miles an hour, air friction will melt its current
aluminum control surfaces.  The Allied proposal would upgrade
the Sea Snake with stainless steel or composite fins.

When asked if the huge four ton missile could be dropped by a
USAF B-52, the engineer noted, "No problem.  You can drop a
kitchen sink from a B-52."

The weaponized version of the Sea Snake, called Talos, is
already a battle proven weapon.  Talos had a long and successful
career filling Navy air defense needs until it was retired from
service in the late 1980s.  Allied Signal Director for New
Business Development Mike Boies noted that the Talos story did
not end with its retirement from active service.

"When Talos was retired we modified and successfully fired over
500 missiles as Navy target drones called Vandal," stated Boies.

Allied Signal claims that Vandal was merely "successful" are
modest indeed.  The Vandal/Talos is so fast and maneuverable
that it frequently outperforms the Navy Aegis anti-missile
defenses intended to replace it.  During the Vietnam War a
single Talos destroyed two MiGs at a distance of over 65 miles.
Talos was also used to strike North Vietnamese radar sites on
the ground over 75 miles inland.

Technical specifications, however, are of no concern to the
Clinton/Gore administration.  U.S. Navy Aegis missile
development, testing, and even active deployment has been
limited by political restrictions from the White House.  Bill
Clinton has imposed political limitations on the Navy AEGIS
missile systems, restricting it from live anti-missile
intercepts that could threaten the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile)
treaty with the former Soviet Union.

The MA-31 deal is part of a political deal made by the
Clinton/Gore administration with Russia.  The troubled Navy SSST
project has become a political plum that Clinton and Gore gave
to corrupt Russian Generals.  The only real threat, new heavy
Russian missiles, are now being offered in Beijing, Tehran,
Baghdad and Tripoli by the same Generals who cut the MA-31 deal
with the Clinton/Gore administration.

The Clinton missile gap will close an important U.S. defense
industrial center and force American engineers into the
unemployment line.  The Clinton created missile gap leaves U.S.
Navy warships with untested defenses, untrained crews and no
domestic source for realistic target missiles.

Thanks to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, our Navy will now sail into
harm's way unprepared and vulnerable.

source documents -



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