This young man of l9 has a patriot type father and a true Christian mother.
They are divorced.  He has stopped drinking and is productive.  The young man
has had it quite hard, he has a history of ADHD as well.  Please plead with
God that the boy live, become saved and conquer all his depression and
emotional and mental pains.  I thank you sincerely.  Terry

Please pray for Mike.  He has been admitted to the Addison Gilbert Hospital.
He attempted suicide last night (Tuesday nite).  He OD'd on some medications.
 I almost lost my son!  I'm numb right now.  He's in the ICU at the hospital.
 I can't believe it, I didn't see any signs.  I'll have to call you to talk
with you about this because there is going to be a law suit but I want to
make sure Mike makes it before I start anything!  I'll be in touch.  Today
(Wednesday) is going to be a lonnngggg day!

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