-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 4:19 PM
Subject: SN131:[DSS] General Jackson's Inglorious Achievements

>General Jackson's Inglorious Achievements
>To mark the end of his mandate in Kosovo, KFOR commander General Michael
>Jackson arranged a tank attack on barricades in Bresje, set up after an
>Albanian grenade attack on Serbs at an open market in Kosovo Polje. Neither
>did the zealous British general do anything to find those responsible for
>the Bresje massacre nor did his government condemn the crime in any way.
>Washington administration also turned a blind eye to the terrorist attack,
>obviously believing in the principle that the end justifies the means. If
>Washington's true goal is to eventually exert its influence in Kosovo by
>removing the only disturbing factor - Kosovo Serbs, than it simply has to
>hush up the crimes such as bombing attacks on the Kosovo Polje market or a
>convoy near Supkovac, to mention just the most recent ones.
>Jackson's list of achievements made during his four-month mandate will
>certainly include his responsibility for countless robberies, massacres,
>murders, and expellings of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo. When it
>comes to his yesterday's feat, it is very important to note that KFOR
>to remove the Serb barricades near Bresje, but has failed to show any sign
>of readiness to even touch the Albanian barricades near Orahovac. There is
>one single intention behind the two, seemingly different, acts: Kosovo
>should be cleansed of the non-Albanian elements, while all non-NATO factors
>should be eliminated from KFOR, so that NATO and Washington could maintain
>full control of this part of the Balkans, too.
>Belgrade, October 6, 1999

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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