-Caveat Lector-

Ventura’s Honesty Violates the Public’s Demand for Hypocrisy -
 After Bill Clinton, Why is the Public Outraged at Jesse Ventura?

 By Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (www.originalsources)

 October 5, 1999

 So far, the year 2000 presidential campaign has been pretty boring for most
 people. Candidates on both sides of the fence are walking very carefully
 through the changing mine fields of public opinion, saying as little as
 possible to try to make sure they offend no one.

 Today, in an apparent effort to wake up the electorate, the Cato Institute
 sponsoring "a more mature debate, October 5, 1999. The Cato Institute "will
 host Beyond Prohibition: An Adult Approach to Drug Policies in the 21st
 Century. Gov. Gary Johnson of New Mexico, who has become a leading advocate
 for drug decriminalization, is among the speakers scheduled for this day
 conference. The event will be broadcast live via the Cato Web site. The
 war has proven to be a costly failure. Drugs are as easy to obtain as ever.
 And yet, alternative drug policies are ignored by our political leaders."

 However, it appears that Reform Candidate Governor Jesse Ventura of
 has upstaged the erudite Cato Institute's "mature debate" with some pithy
 comments on the same subject in a Playboy Magazine interview. In the
 Ventura has given both Republicans and Democrats a new target to shoot at.
 Friday's edition of the St. Paul/Minneapolis Pioneer Planet headlined the
 report of Ventura's Playboy Magazine interview with: "Outrage greets
 interview." It followed that with: "Governor says he has no plans to

 Patrick Sweeney, staff writer for the Pioneer Planet, wrote: "In a storm of
 angry reaction, state political leaders and many average citizens rebuked
 Gov. Jesse Ventura on Thursday for his remarks in a Playboy Magazine
 interview. Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe called on Ventura to apologize
 Minnesotans for his comments about religion and sexual harassment, and the
 head of the state Republican Party said the governor should consider

 What did the governor say that brought about such a reaction? He said:

 * that organized religion is a ``sham and a crutch for weak-minded

 * that if he were reincarnated he would want to come back as a brassiere

 * that he has smoked marijuana and sees nothing wrong with that. He also
 no one should be imprisoned for either prostitution or drug offenses.

 * that he did not condone, but could understand, the widespread sexual
 harassment that was reported at the Las Vegas convention of Navy aviators

 * that he has no plans to apologize to anyone for anything he said in the
 interview. ``I did the interview, and I said what I said in it,'' he said.
 ``If people don't understand what I meant, I'm not going to apologize for

 In a news conference, Moe urged Ventura to apologize, and to do so in
 national television interviews he has scheduled next week with Barbara
 Walters and David Letterman. ``Use the opportunity, Governor, to get some
 good publicity for the state,'' Moe said. ``Don't talk about the things you
 talked about, because they don't reflect Minnesota values.''

 Now, let's see if we can sort out Minnesota's concerns and its values.
 Basically they have a governor whom they voted for, who is saying that
 is nothing at all wrong with what the majority of the Minnesota
 delegation voted on when the question was Bill Clinton's behavior in
 Ventura's statements merely validated what the Minnesota Congressional
 delegation has been supporting in the impeachment of Clinton. The seven
 Democrat-Farm-Labor members of Congress from Minnesota, of the ten member
 delegation, all voted against Articles of impeachment on Perjury Before
 Jury and Obstruction of Justice, in spite of the overwhelming evidence of
 both perjury and obstruction of justice.

 The President of the United States has shown by his immoral conduct -
 sex, adultery, lying (which he admitted), that he rejects religion - in
 of his occasional Bible thumping. We know he has smoked marijuana and the
 records show that Clinton's Arkansas was awash in Cocaine:" First Brother
 Roger Clinton and Arkansas political kingpin and Clinton Campaign
 Dan Lasater both served time in prison for trafficking in cocaine. A banker
 and key Clinton backer, Lasater was pardoned by Gov. Clinton after serving
 fraction of his sentence. Roger Clinton was arrested in the rotunda of the
 Arkansas State Capitol during Clinton's first term as governor. Many
 independent sources confirm that Governor Bill himself had "a nose like a
 vacuum cleaner" when it came to cocaine.

 So, Minnesota's values clearly have not been offended. The voters of
 Minnesota voted for a President who is a known drug user, liar and woman
 harasser, not once, but twice.

 On sexual harassment, the State of Minnesota's majority in its
 delegation has not only voted for Clinton to remain in the White House,
 have done so in spite of his being ordered to pay nearly a million dollars
 for harassing Paula Jones, a state employee when he was governor of
 And the women of Minnesota are bent out of shape because Ventura says he'd
 want to be reincarnated as a "brassiere?" What, do you suppose, would Bill
 Clinton like to be reincarnated as, considering his kinky sex habits?

 Dede Wolfson, co-director of the Minnesota Women's Consortium, a lobbying
 group representing some of Minnesota's women's organizations, is
 representative of the confusion being expressed by Minnesota's feminists.
 said she often views Ventura's "deeds as governor quite differently from
 words." For example, Wolfson likes Ventura's " support for education, his
 strong opposition to restrictions on abortion and his appointment of a
 of women to high-profile jobs.

 ``He does things that are really good and we are really pleased with, and
 then he says things like the Tailhook thing,'' Wolfson said. ''It makes you
 think he doesn't understand sexual harassment and discrimination.''

 This is typical. So far Ventura has not been accused of either sexual
 harassment, or drug use. Yet, there was irrefutable proof presented, part
 it by Clinton himself, that he DID lie to the Grand Jury and he DID harass
 Paula Jones. Clinton's refusal to release his medical records, which were
 loudly demanded of all Republican candidates, was never strongly challenged
 by the pro-Clinton media. And, his sexual harassment was adjudicated and a
 fine levied.

 That leaves Ventura's outspoken honesty which appears to have caught the
 entire nation off-guard. Apparently there are some who would like to cut
 use of the First Amendment's Freedom of Speech off at the pass. Modern
 politicians are not supposed to be outspoken characters who simply TELL the
 public what their views are. The public appears to prefer hypocrites who
 one thing and then do the opposite.

 That, apparently, is why they love Bill Clinton. It's OK if one's governor
 president is a woman chaser and harasser, a liar, a drug user and a lewd
 fellow totally devoid of moral character, as long as he PRETENDS to be
 something else. What is inexcusable and what caused a 17 point drop in
 Ventura's popularity was telling the truth about drug use, harassing women,
 etc. For a politician to tell the public the truth is considered downright
 un-American these days.

 To comment: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Posted with permission of author by Mike Leslie of Louisiana

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