In a message dated 10/07/1999 12:49:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The Bulletin for Environmental Activists

 October 7, 1999
 ==Please note that the alerts in this edition of the bulletin require
 IMMEDIATE action.




 a)ALASKA'S TONGASS RAINFOREST: Send a fax online to protect the Tongass
 National Forest

 b)NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Call and urge your senators to ratify the
 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

 2)About Our Bulletins


 The information in this bulletin is available on NRDC's website at The web version links to background




 Send a fax online to protect the Tongass National Forest

 The Tongass rainforest in Alaska -- the heart of the last great
 temperate rainforest in the world -- critically needs a minute or two of
 your time.  The Tongass is likely to be excluded from a Clinton
 administration initiative to protect roadless wildlands in U.S. national
 forests.  If this happens, millions of acres of unprotected Tongass
 wildlands will be left open to exploitative development.  The decision
 on whether to exclude the Tongass could come almost immediately.

 == What to do ==
 Using the quick, free service offered by the Alaska Rainforest Campaign
 (a joint effort among a number of environmental organizations, including
 NRDC), send an urgent fax to President Clinton's chief of staff, John
 Podesta, telling him the White House must not leave America's largest,
 wildest, and most magnificent national forest out of this important
 initiative. Just fill in your name, email address, and zip code, and the
 campaign will send the fax, including any individual comments you want
 to add.  Please take action TODAY, as a decision is imminent.

 == Who to contact ==
 Alaska Rainforest Campaign's Help Protect Tongass Wildlands Alert at


 Urge your senators to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

 After two years of inaction, Senate majority leaders have suddenly
 called a vote on ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, an
 international treaty to ban nuclear weapons test explosions, for next
 Tuesday, October 12th. The last-minute scheduling of this vote, without
 the expected hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is a
 clear attempt to defeat the treaty, which President Clinton submitted to
 the Senate for ratification in 1997.

 To date, 152 countries have signed the treaty, including Russia, China,
 Great Britain, and France. Without Senate ratification the treaty cannot
 enter into force, as all of the 44 nuclear-capable countries must adopt
 the treaty before it becomes effective. United States leadership is also
 key in gaining treaty approval from other countries, such as India.

 The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty would protect human health and the
 environment, curb nuclear weapons proliferation, and strengthen the
 existing Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The CTBT is the
 longest-sought initiative to reduce nuclear weapons, pursued by American
 presidents since the Eisenhower administration. Furthermore, 82 percent
 of the American public, across all political divides, supports
 ratification of the treaty, which is also supported by the Department of
 Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and NATO.

 == What to do ==
 Call your senators immediately and urge them to vote YES on ratification
 of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

 == Who to contact ==
 Capitol Switchboard
 (202) 224-3121

 If you don't know the names of your senators, ask the switchboard
 operator. Then ask to be connected to one of your senators. When you've
 spoken to that senator's office, ask to be transferred to your other


 2)About Our Bulletins

 The Natural Resources Defense Council distributes two biweekly bulletins
 by mailing list: EARTH ACTION, which calls out urgent environmental
 issues requiring grassroots action, and LEGISLATIVE WATCH, which tracks
 bills moving through Congress.

 To subscribe to EARTH ACTION, send a blank email message from the email
 address at which you wish to receive the bulletin to
 message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To unsubscribe to EARTH ACTION, send a blank email message to
 WATCH, send your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 The Natural Resources Defense Council is a non-profit environmental
 organization with 400,000 members nationwide and a staff of scientists,
 lawyers and environmental experts. Our mission is to protect the world's
 natural resources and improve the quality of the human environment.

 For more information about NRDC or how to become a member of NRDC,
 please contact us at:

 Natural Resources Defense Council
 40 West 20th Street
 NY, NY 10011
 212-727-4511 (voice) / 212-727-1773 (fax)

Natural Resources Defense Council's

The Bulletin for Environmental Activists

October 7, 1999
==Please note that the alerts in this edition of the bulletin require




a)ALASKA'S TONGASS RAINFOREST: Send a fax online to protect the Tongass
National Forest

b)NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Call and urge your senators to ratify the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

2)About Our Bulletins


The information in this bulletin is available on NRDC's website at The web version links to background




Send a fax online to protect the Tongass National Forest

The Tongass rainforest in Alaska -- the heart of the last great
temperate rainforest in the world -- critically needs a minute or two of
your time.  The Tongass is likely to be excluded from a Clinton
administration initiative to protect roadless wildlands in U.S. national
forests.  If this happens, millions of acres of unprotected Tongass
wildlands will be left open to exploitative development.  The decision
on whether to exclude the Tongass could come almost immediately.

== What to do ==
Using the quick, free service offered by the Alaska Rainforest Campaign
(a joint effort among a number of environmental organizations, including
NRDC), send an urgent fax to President Clinton's chief of staff, John
Podesta, telling him the White House must not leave America's largest,
wildest, and most magnificent national forest out of this important
initiative. Just fill in your name, email address, and zip code, and the
campaign will send the fax, including any individual comments you want
to add.  Please take action TODAY, as a decision is imminent.

== Who to contact ==
Alaska Rainforest Campaign's Help Protect Tongass Wildlands Alert at


Urge your senators to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

After two years of inaction, Senate majority leaders have suddenly
called a vote on ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, an
international treaty to ban nuclear weapons test explosions, for next
Tuesday, October 12th. The last-minute scheduling of this vote, without
the expected hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is a
clear attempt to defeat the treaty, which President Clinton submitted to
the Senate for ratification in 1997.

To date, 152 countries have signed the treaty, including Russia, China,
Great Britain, and France. Without Senate ratification the treaty cannot
enter into force, as all of the 44 nuclear-capable countries must adopt
the treaty before it becomes effective. United States leadership is also
key in gaining treaty approval from other countries, such as India.

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty would protect human health and the
environment, curb nuclear weapons proliferation, and strengthen the
existing Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The CTBT is the
longest-sought initiative to reduce nuclear weapons, pursued by American
presidents since the Eisenhower administration. Furthermore, 82 percent
of the American public, across all political divides, supports
ratification of the treaty, which is also supported by the Department of
Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and NATO.

== What to do ==
Call your senators immediately and urge them to vote YES on ratification
of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

== Who to contact ==
Capitol Switchboard
(202) 224-3121

If you don't know the names of your senators, ask the switchboard
operator. Then ask to be connected to one of your senators. When you've
spoken to that senator's office, ask to be transferred to your other


2)About Our Bulletins

The Natural Resources Defense Council distributes two biweekly bulletins
by mailing list: EARTH ACTION, which calls out urgent environmental
issues requiring grassroots action, and LEGISLATIVE WATCH, which tracks
bills moving through Congress.

To subscribe to EARTH ACTION, send a blank email message from the email
address at which you wish to receive the bulletin to
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe to EARTH ACTION, send a blank email message to
WATCH, send your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Natural Resources Defense Council is a non-profit environmental
organization with 400,000 members nationwide and a staff of scientists,
lawyers and environmental experts. Our mission is to protect the world's
natural resources and improve the quality of the human environment.

For more information about NRDC or how to become a member of NRDC,
please contact us at:

Natural Resources Defense Council
40 West 20th Street
NY, NY 10011
212-727-4511 (voice) / 212-727-1773 (fax)

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