-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"The other charge against the book is that Mr. Buchanan denounces the
"Israeli lobby" as controlling U.S. Middle Eastern policy and thereby reveals
his own hatred of Jews.  In fact, he does criticize the Israeli lobby --
with the China lobby, East European lobbies, the Cuban, Greek and
Armenian lobbies.  "While the Israeli lobby is the most powerful of ethnic
lobbies," he writes, "it is not alone." ... Probably the ethnic lobby Mr.
Buchanan criticizes the most is the Irish in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries.   Since Mr. Buchanan is himself of Irish descent, criticizing an
ethnic lobby for the special interest foreign policy it supports doesn't mean
you hate the ethnic group behind it...."

Well Brigade, I guess all that noise the Establishment has been making over
PJB's book woke some Americans out of their slumber.  I don't think
boosting the book onto the New York Times best-seller was what the
Internationalists had in mind.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!
PS - Here are two excellent columns by Sam Francis - !


Pat Buchanan's new book is target of smear campaign
FOR RELEASE Tuesday, September 28, 1999

    Having exhausted almost every possible smear about Pat   Buchanan,
his political adversaries are now concentrating their fire on his new book
about American foreign policy as further proof of Mr. Buchanan's "extremism"
and general wickedness.  Last week, the news about the book managed to
seep into the heads of several of Mr. Buchanan's rivals for the presidency,
and they promptly denounced him, the book and the book's argument.
Some of them might even have aides who actually read the book.

    Mr. Buchanan's book, "A Republic, Not an Empire," is both a history of
American foreign policy from the days of George Washington down to those
of George Bush and an exposition of Mr. Buchanan's own views on foreign
policy in the post-Cold War era.  Whether you agree with those views or not,
any fair reading of it will show he has steeped himself in the historical
literature and pondered long and hard about his subject.  But to see that you
have to read the book -- not listen to the lies his enemies spread about it.

    What's really excited Mr. Buchanan's enemies is his argument that in
the 1930s Adolf Hitler had no aggressive designs against the United States.
Hitler's ambitions, Mr. Buchanan argues, lay in Eastern Europe, against
Russia and communism, not against the West.  It was because France and
Great Britain guaranteed the security of Poland that Hitler made war on them
and occupied the former.  Once they were no longer a threat to his rear, he
turned his armies against Stalin.

    That's a controversial view, of course, but Mr. Buchanan cites a number
of scholarly sources in support of it.  One way to refute it would be to cite
actual evidence that Hitler really was a threat to the United States at that
time or had aggressive designs against us in the future.  So far, not one of
the critics blasting the book has offered any such evidence.

    The other charge against the book is that Mr. Buchanan denounces the
"Israeli lobby" as controlling U.S. Middle Eastern policy and thereby reveals
his own hatred of Jews.  In fact, he does criticize the Israeli lobby --
with the China lobby, East European lobbies, the Cuban, Greek and
Armenian lobbies.  "While the Israeli lobby is the most powerful of ethnic
lobbies," he writes, "it is not alone."

    Probably the ethnic lobby Mr. Buchanan criticizes the most is the Irish
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.   Since Mr. Buchanan is himself of
Irish descent, criticizing an ethnic lobby for the special interest foreign
it supports doesn't mean you hate the ethnic group behind it.

    Moreover, he explicitly endorses "a permanent commitment to Israel of
access to U.S. weapons to enable it to maintain a security edge."  Nowhere
does he express any support for Hitler, any hatred of Jews or any desire to
abandon Israel.  Those are simply lies spread by enemies who don't want
Americans to hear his real message, a dodge to avoid talking about his
vision of American foreign policy today.

    Mr. Buchanan's main target in his book is "globalism" -- the idea that
United States should not only intervene throughout the planet but also should
meddle in other people's nations and problems to impose our own
preferences, even by force if necessary.  Globalism is based on the illusion
that we as Americans have a responsibility to "mankind" as an abstraction.
But we don't, he writes.

    "The fatal flaw in the globalist vision is that it is utopian.  It
envisions a
world that has never existed and can never exist, because it is contrary to
fallen human nature.  History has shown again and again that men do not
give loyalty, love, and allegiance to entities greater than the nation.  No
community' can ever replace the patria.  Ultimately, men fight and die for
'ashes of their fathers and the temples of their gods,' not some New World
Order.  Who would give his life -- for the United Nations?"

    "In crises, men invariably take care of their own wives and children
so patriots will always put their country first."  What Mr. Buchanan is
advocating is not some sinister revival of the Third Reich but a new policy
that will pull America out of the Cold War commitments that still threaten to
drag us into global war.

    It's precisely because what he advocates threatens the careers, interests
and agendas of the global elites that they're yelling for his political blood
trying to hammer him into the same pigeonhole with Hitler.  But once
Americans learn the real message of "A Republic, Not an Empire," the blood
that flows won't be Mr. Buchanan's but that of the elites who have lied the
nation into unnecessary wars throughout this century.


How (not) to refute Pat Buchanan

Friday, October 1, 1999

    Wouldn't you think it would be an easy matter to show how Pat
Buchanan is wrong in his argument in his new book that Adolf Hitler was not
a threat to the United States in the 1930s?  After all, U.S. participation in
World War II was arguably the most far-reaching event in American history in
this century, and demonstrating the need to be involved in it ought to be as
elementary as anything Sherlock Holmes ever proved to Dr. Watson.

    Yet for the last three weeks, we have heard nothing but a great deal of
yelling and screaming that anyone would make the argument at all and a lot
of bitter denunciations of Mr. Buchanan and his book for actually making it.
Two other Republican presidential candidates want to pitch Mr. Buchanan
out of the party right now because of it, and the Sunday talk shows regularly
huff and puff with fulminations about Mr. Buchanan's "fascism" and "anti-
Semitism." But if you listen carefully and think, it may occur to you that
nowhere and from no one do we hear a single word showing how Mr.
Buchanan's argument is factually wrong.

    If he were wrong about Hitler and his designs, it should be easy to prove
it.  Why not produce quotations from Mein Kampf that reveal Hitler's plans to
conquer Europe first and then the United States?  Why not quote speeches
by Hitler or other Nazi leaders about their ambitions to conquer us?  Why not
cite Nazi government documents discussing the deployment of military
forces against this country?  Why not talk about how the Nazis were trying
to take over Cuba or Central America and thereby get the strategic drop on
the United States?  Why not discuss the details of Nazi espionage and
subversion that came to light after the war?

    The reason this information is not forthcoming is that it simply doesn't
exist, and the reason it doesn't exist is that Mr. Buchanan is largely
Hitler had no aggressive designs against the United States.

    Yet that sort of information is exactly what conservatives and anti-
communists produced and still produce to show that the Soviet Union had
aggressive designs against the United States in the Cold War.  Not a few of
the people denouncing Mr. Buchanan for his book in the last few weeks were
prominent in denying or ignoring this kind of evidence when it pertained to
communists.  Any expostulation or denunciation of them is always dubbed

    In an effort to scuttle the Buchanan thesis, the New York Times even
went so far as trot out that eminent scholar and diplomatic historian (and
possible rival to Mr. Buchanan for the Reform Party nomination), Donald J.
Trump, who unbosoms his learning in the following gem: "Pat says Hitler had
no malicious intent toward the United States.  Well, Hitler killed six
Jews and millions of others.  Don't you think it was only a matter of time
before he got to us?  He tackled Europe first, and we were next.  Pat's

    What's amazing, of course, is that Mr. Trump knows when World War II
took place at all.  As for his incisive refutation of Mr. Buchanan's
(a) it doesn't follow from Hitler's murder of millions of people in Europe
that he
therefore intended to attack the United States; the two are entirely
unconnected, and (b) Mr. Buchanan is not arguing about what Hitler might
have done "in a matter of time" but what he wanted to do in the 1930s.

    But Mr. Trump's insistence on making a fool of himself on a subject he
knows nothing about and has no reason to know anything about is not
distinctively different from what others have to contribute.  Michael Kelly
the National Journal devoted an entire column in The Washington Post to
refuting the Buchanan thesis and succeeded in producing not one single fact
that contradicted anything Mr. Buchanan argued.  The closest Mr. Kelly
came to an argument was to expostulate, "My God," after quoting a long
passage from Mr. Buchanan's book.  Speaking of facts, Mr. Kelly even
misquotes the passage.  Mr. Trump, at least, is an honest fool.

    What we have been listening to for the last few weeks in the concerted
demonization of Mr. Buchanan and his argument about Hitler is not serious
historical scholarship or even serious political journalism, but the
sound the ideological guardians of a regime make when their legitimizing
myths are exposed as lies.  In rejecting the rationale for American
involvement in World War II, Mr. Buchanan is also rejecting the legitimizing
myth of the liberalism that dragged us into the war and won it.  If that myth
collapses, it won't be long before the liberalism that has fed on it for
years will collapse behind it.

Samuel Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist.

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