-Caveat Lector-

Welcome the Whole Pagan Camel into the Tent

Here's more on UN trying to make all the world's religions uniform so we
all believe in what they do which makes world communism much
easier.After all wars are fought over religion and we can't have any
divisions for one world govt. They still have to worry about race but
one out of two ain't bad. They are just imitating the drama of
evangalism to get them out of it a into brotherhood of man philosophy.
Next thing its global responsibility. Like lambs to the slaughter.

 Enter the United Religions initiative. The same year Promise
Keepers handed out The Masculine Journey in Boulder, over
 six thousand religious leaders from around the world gathered
at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago where
Swiss theologian Hans Küng presented his "Declaration of a
Global Ethic." This "ethic" describes itself as "an irrevocable,
unconditional norm for all areas of life, for families and
 communities, for nations and religion" and all who will be
 considered "authentically human" must accept its tenets. The document
makes no mention of man's duties to
God, and the word "God" doesn't even appear in it. It does, however,
spell out one's "global responsibility",
that is, "responsibility for fellow humans and for the planet earth."
(Source: Wm. Grigg, The New American ,
         August 18, 1997).

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