-Caveat Lector-


by Jim Keith

The following document was anonymously sent to me during this book's
preparation. It purports to be a secret history of Western civilization
gleaned from secret documents in the Vatican library by a member of the
Franciscan order. The inked imprint of a Vatican library entrance chit
affixed to the original document and duplicated at the end of the article is
a strong indication that the author does have access to Vatican sources,
although his conclusions are indicative of a highly right-wing slant that
pegs the piece as possible disinformation - from what quarter, I cannot
speculate. This document is included herein because of its unusual origin,
and as an example of one very suspect sidepath in the tangle of competing
conspiracy worldviews.

JMJ file nos benedicat qui sine fine vivit et regnat.

Dear Mr. Keith, I have been made aware that you seek information regarding
what you suppose to be the takeover of the Vatican by Royal Arch Masons;
would that such, a small thing, really, were the case. May it please you and
inform you, somewhat, I shall endeavor to lay before you such facts as are
known to me. I must first offer this disclaimer: while the facts of which I
shall give report are in large part verifiable, there remains the
possibility that, in certain instances where more than one possible
interpretation thereof exists, I may well have chosen an incorrect one. Be
that as it may, interpretation is not an issue, the facts do speak, most
loquaciously, on their own behalf.

To begin; I believe that the establishment of my credentials would be in
order. I cannot, and do not, claim to be of high rank in the Church of Rome;
a common Lector am I, formerly a student of Heresiology attached for a time
to the American School at the Vatican, and possessed as such of an
entry-chit, permitting me access to those sub-basements and annexac of the
Vatican Library Complex as were deemed fruitful to my ongoing research. It
was in this capacity, and under these circumstances, that I first became
aware, from various documents, of the general tone of the information I
here present. After having ascertained that indeed something was awry, and
after having been transferred back to the United States (where I was until
not too long ago employed as secretary under a succession of priests, of
various orders), I appointed unto myself the task of collecting such
information as I might, with a mind to either confirm or deny that which I
had learned; among other things, I discovered that I am hardly alone in this
knowledge - I thank Almighty God that such pillars of determination and
strength, such - yes, I shall say it - such saints, are still in evidence
even in these most trying, most frightening of times.

We all of us owe to them a debt which can only be repaid by assimilating the
information which they have bequeathed to me, and now I to you, and in using
this information wisely. I reveal this information as my duty both to God
and to my fellow-pilgrims on this Earth, in submission to His command; Hoc
est praeceptum meum ut diligatus invicem sicut dilexi vos.

I value not position within the Church, nor status in the eyes of men; I
seek only to oppose a most foul circumstance, a confederacy of tyrants, who
pervert the use of the Ecclesiastical Authority to their own most ignoble
ends; my most fervent desire is to once and for all time set straight the
record, help to clew away the mountain of debris - I believe you term it
disinformation - that all might clearly see the menace before us, naked and
unadorned, revealed in the Light of Truth. With your kind permission, I

It must first be understood that the present troubles we the fault, not of
some bepaunched oligarchy seated by the fire at their Men's Club -though
said troubles are most certainly perpetuated under much this very scenario -
but are rather the result of protracted struggle between several "elite"
factions, "cliques" if you will, who have battled under various guises for
supremacy from the days following the fall of the Roman Empire to the

In order to fully understand the present times, one must rightly understand
the past; hence I shall offer the sum total of my knowledge of the full
course of this struggle, from the earlier years of the seventh century of
the common era, as well as the identity and makeup of each of the factions
thereby engaged. We live, truly, in the Dark Ages; since the collapse of the
old Roman Empire and the subsequent rise of the Church as the real power in
the West, various factions - the European tribal confederacies, for the most
part - have fought among themselves for control of the territoty of the
Chair of St. Peter, and indeed for control of the Vatican itself. Realizing,
as they did, that the Church could not be vanquished by fire or by the
sword - a lesson learnt, and learnt right hard, by the decaying Empire,
Pretiosa in conspectu Domini mors sanctorum Eius - the pagan tribes of
Europe split into several factions, some accepting the Church as at least
their titular head (that is, submitting to the disciplines of Christianity
and incorporating the Faith into the Mythos of their tribes), some choosing
to oppose the church under any means fair and foul, and some vacillating
between the two poles, though even these did ultimately choose one tack or
the other.

To simplify, the southern tribes formed a generally pro-Church clique, which
expanded to include the Franks (though this primarily due to rivalry with
their fellow Germanics to the north, who led the opposing camp); and those
who opposed, whether by outright force or subterfuge, the Church - and hoped
to either destroy or assimilate the power wielded by Rome. The tribes of
modern England were of the third type, but their neighbors the Gaels and
Celts of Fire were among the most steadfast supporters of the Church, even
after the forcible dissolution of their own unique and beautiful Celtic
Communion by the English, in AD 664, who imposed a more Roman variety, more
in accordance with the Rite as practiced in England. The message of the
Gospel - in its true rendition, one of love and tolerance - was well-suited
to the tribes of Fire and of Southern Europe, their characters being marked
by a practiced indolence bordering on Sloth, deep passions that flair
quickly and are just as quickly quelled, and an underlying affection that
finds expression in their every breath; it was these who took to the Church,
whatever their reasons to begin, and held fast to the Church to the present

The northern tribes, however - the Teutons, the Norse, the Saxons, et. al. -
these are typified by a seething cold, a hardness that is not in keeping
with their physical beauty, an autocratic indifference to others. While
each, north and south, are capable of horrible cruelty, the southern peoples
could be as quick to forgive as to blame, and though emotional can be swayed
by logic to withdraw their anger; the northerners seem to delight in
atrocity, and their lack of apparent passion hides an outlook best typified
by the old Arab adage, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." So long as the
Church remained in southern hands, all continued reasonably close to the
original plan of the Apostles - as late as AD 692, Sergius I, Bishop of
Rome, joined in the proclamation of the Patriarch of Constantinople that
their respective Patriarchates, their Episcopal Sees, were of equal rank
before our Lord. It pains me to say that never again did the Bishop of Rome
behave in so Apostolic a manner, besieged from that time on by worldly
concerns which ultimately redirected the Church from Spiritual paths. Due to
the apportionment of power in those times, the various northern tribes found
it expedient to accept a veneer of Faith, and to nurture their plots under
cover of obedience.

The first overt action taken by the northern clique was alignment with
certain Muslims expelled from Omayyid Spain, in AD 826; these were settled
at Crete, where they established a pirate base, from which they would hector
the southern coastal countries. The Roman/Etruscan clique, in reaction to
this, used their influence with the Church to establish the Venetian Order
of St. Marc, which received full Papal recognition just five years after the
establishment of the base at Crete. Skirmishes at sea would continue through
the Crusades, to the early sixteenth century. Around the year 850, a
new1group of players entered the picture: Jews began settling in Germany,
under the direction of a very secretive Zionist Elite, who forged ties with
the Germanic clique, especially the Prussians and Bavarians. While racially
they had in common a form of
religion; the Zionists and the north Germans both practiced ritual sacrifice
of humans. It must be understood that the Jewish Elite never expressed the
actual practices or beliefs of the Jewish commoners under them; they were an
Elite, who considered their own people far beneath them, and fit only for
use as fodder, which autocratic mode appealed to the north Germans, being
but a minor variation of their own most ancient practices.

In league with the Zionists, with the odd band of Muslim adventurers to use
as shock troops, and the rank-and-file masses of commoner Jews to use for
sacrificial purposes, the northern cliques began to upscale their
opposition, still mostly covert, to southerntkoman authority. Seeing these
developments, it fell to the secular Roman aristocracy - the Old Nobles
- to do something, and that quickly. Being as the Bishop of Rome - at that
time, John VIII - was disinclined to secularize the Church to the extent
proposed by the Roman Nobles, the clique had him murdered in AD 882,
beginning the first takeover of the Vatican authority. Subsequent Popes were
made well aware of their vicarious position, and only a rare few dared
oppose the Roman clique, who now were pre-eminent among the southern tribal
clique. Even at that, the complete secular takeover of the Papal authority
was not complete until Otto I, as Holy Roman Emperor, forcibly replaced an
unaccomodating John XII with a more compliant Leo VIII, in AD 963. From that
time on, Papal elections and the College of Cardinals have been a pawn of
the ruling faction of the southern clique.

The northern clique, of course, made certain to have their own people in
place in Rome, attached in whatever fashion to the Papal retinue. It was by
the efforts of one of these agents that the northern clique acquired
knowledge of the continents to the west, the Americas, which had been known
to the upper echelons of the Church hierarchy since the last quarter of the
First Century of the common era, that knowledge delivered, to the best of my
knowledge, to blessed St. John the Divine in a vision, and recorded in an
Epistle to the Corinthian Church by his holiness Clement, by grace of God
the Bishop of Rome, in AD 96. With this information in hand, the northern
clique entreated one Leif Ericsson, son of Eric the Red (a trusted Norse
associate of the north European clique), to sail westward along a northern
route, to ascertain the feasibility of taking these lands for themselves and
using their wealth in an outright battle against the south-em hegemony. It
is fortunate that the natives - called "Skraelings" by Leif and his crew -
proved to be displeased by the presence of the Norsemen, and had expelled
them, lock, stock, and barrel, by AD 1006. When news of this expedition had
filtered back to the southern clique, it caused more than a little

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