-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.notforpublication.com/serial.html

Serial Killer of Collective Security
First NATO, then the U.N., now the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
By John L. Perry
Posted October 10, 1999

Bill Clinton is reputedly eaten up with angst over having no legacy to leave.
He should lean back, light up a virgin cigar and relax.

He'll go down in history all right, not so much as the president who gave oral
sex a bad name but as the serial killer of collective security.

Perhaps some future biographer will invent a fictional character to explain
that this, too, is all the fault of someone's grandmother.

Even if Clinton hadn't gone on to make a name for himself in foreign policy by
throwing decades of costly lessons down the outhouse, he'd have left behind
enough — God knows, it was enough — to be remembered for.

How many other American presidents have soiled both the Oval Office and a White
House intern's dress?
And lied about it to his wife and daughter and Cabinet members and personal
staff and the entire American people, eyeball to eyeball and finger to nose?
And, under oath, lied to a grand jury as well?
And been found guilty of contempt for lying to a federal judge?
And violated his oath of office to take care that the laws be faithfully
And gotten himself impeached by the House of Representatives?
And then held a Rose Garden pep rally to celebrate as if it were an honor?
And, unforgivably, in the process sullied the fair escutcheon of sex, itself,
which has always been held in such high esteem by the masses?

Disgusting as all that is, what's even worse is Congress, the press and the
American people let Clinton get away with it.

What lesson did Bill Clinton learn from these cumulative disgraces, which would
have sent most normal men gibbering into oblivion?

The only lesson possible, an adult download of all the lessons he learned
growing up in Arkansas: There's no limit to what little Billy can get away with
if he just bites his lip, drags his toe, does a 'possum grin and goes, "Aw

Not content with his accomplishments domestically, this president then felt
free to set about systematically sabotaging the cardinal concepts of
international collective security consistent with the United States
Constitution. Thumbing his nose at that Constitution worked at home, so why not
away from home?

He must have known all along where he was going, and how to get there. The man
is nothing if not calculating.

Follow now his steps, which only appear those of a sailor uncharacteristically
taken drunk during shore leave:

Step One: Expanding NATO Eastward
Clinton's first step was to manipulate the expansion of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization to include Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Why? What was the need?

For 50 years, NATO had served successfully as the classic example of collective
security — a defensive bulwark against any possible westward military assault
from the old Soviet Union. NATO was created as a mutual defense pact that would
use military force only "to restore and maintain the security and interests of
the North Atlantic area" by repelling an armed attack on a sovereign NATO
member nation.

With collapse of the Soviet Union and nullification of the Red Army as an
imminent threat to the North Atlantic area, there was no longer a demonstrable
need for a defensive NATO. Whom was it supposed to defend Western Europe
against now? China?

Those three Eastern European states were once forcibly subsumed into the now-
defunct Warsaw Pact by the Soviet Union as part of its own protection against
any historical repetition of Hitler's Drang Nach Osten, the thrust eastward
across Poland into the Russian heartland.

That may not loom as a specter to inhabitants of the U.S. It is dead-serious
stuff to Russians who have over and over and over again throughout history been
invaded from across the inviting plains of Poland.

Now along comes this ex-governor of Arkansas with his grand scheme for a "New
World Order" — why did he have to pick a phrase Hitler used and the Russians
could never forget? — and all of a sudden where is Russia's traditional cordon
sanitaire of Eastern European states? Transferred into the NATO orbit, that's

If Clinton accomplished nothing else, he gave America's enemies within Russia
all the propaganda ammo they'll ever need. They are real and they are mean as

Russians know there's not a blessed thing Poland, the Czech Republic and
Hungary could contribute to the defense of the North Atlantic area.

There were only two conceivable purposes in expanding NATO eastward toward
Russia — to serve as an implied aggressive threat against Russia or to become
an implement of extended U.S. hegemony over the economies in Eastern Europe.
Give Clinton credit for just enough sense not to opt for threatening Russia
militarily. Instead, he chose economic dominion in league with his "Third Way"
sidekick, Tony Blair, the British prime minister.

Step Two: Co-opting NATO
Clinton was now ready to put his new NATO to work. What's the good of receiving
a gun for Christmas if you don't get to chance to shoot it?
Together, Clinton and Blair jiggered the expanded NATO as a front for bringing
Yugoslavia into the U.S.-United Kingdom sphere of economic dominance.
But it still required a military invasion of Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic
provided the excuse they were looking for to take this next step with NATO.
Without seeking advance permission from Congress, as required by law — not to
mention failing to obtain a declaration of war, as required by the Constitution
— and under the pretense of a NATO military exercise, Clinton then initiated
and carried out the war against Yugoslavia, a sovereign nation that had invaded
no other.

Step Three: Reversing NATO's Role
It wasn't until he was well into that war that Clinton acknowledged it had been
conducted in violation of NATO's own charter when he persuaded his allies to
rewrite it so as to turn NATO, after the fact, from a defensive into an
offensive instrument.

In doing so, Clinton paid a terrible price. He turned on its head the entire
framework of collective security, within a carefully weighted balance of power,
that had maintained the peace for half a century on the European land mass.

Step Four: Globalizing NATO
Next, Clinton, echoed by Blair, advised the world that NATO was now free to
roam the map, using its military power wherever it felt the need to insert
itself in the domestic affairs of smaller states such as Yugoslavia.

Forget which of the Balkan devils is the most evil. They've all done enough
dastardly deeds to last several lifetimes.

All that notwithstanding, NATO forces in Yugoslavia are now bogged down in a
hopeless tangle of overlapping, conflicting, contesting rivalries and
jurisdictions as they try vainly to keep a peace that never existed to be kept.
But for Clinton's purposes, so what? The precedent of NATO as an aggressive
military entity that could intervene in sovereign states anywhere it wished —
and get away with it — was established.

Step Five: Co-opting the U.N.
What then to do about the United Nations with its veto power held by the five
permanent members of the Security Council — Communist China, France, the
Russian Federation and the United Kingdom, in addition to the U.S.?
Knowing he faced certain veto in the Security Council by Russia or China or
both if he sought U.N. approval for his adventure in Yugoslavia, Clinton was in
the market for a way to co-opt the U.N. in the event of future foreign
An idiotic, despotic, collapsing government of Indonesia gave him the
opportunity. When the East Timorese voted overwhelmingly for independence from
Jakarta, pro-Indonesian militias — trained, incidentally, by the U.S. — pounced
upon them like ducks on june bugs.

There's no question it was terrible — and just what Clinton was looking for.
Moving around the edges and behind the scenes, he inveigled the U.N. to
sanction a military expedition headed by convenient Australia to "keep the
peace" in East Timor.

Despite the trappings, it was a U.S. maneuver from the get-go. Clinton had
turned the U.N. into his latest cat's-paw.

Step Six: Erasing National Boundaries
Enter U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to introduce Clinton's ultimate aim:
the eventual atrophy of all national sovereignty.

The hardest-working, best-informed foreign correspondent today is Georgie Anne
Geyer, whose rational, reliable columns are distributed by Universal Press

She reported that when Annan "unveiled his new world-shaking doctrine at the
opening session of the United Nations this fall — that international troops
should now ignore national borders and intervene in sovereign countries when
citizens are being oppressed by their own governments . . . his words broke the
sacred taboo of 50 years, that the United Nations would authorize the use of
force within a country only when that country's government authorized such

This is exactly the reversal of the concept of collective security among like-
minded sovereign states to which the Clinton administration has been edging
closer and closer.

Not even an attack of laryngitis could dissuade Clinton from rushing to the
U.N. General Assembly to croak his endorsement of Annan's proclamation of the
new role for the U.N.
Gone was the original concept of the U.N. envisioned by Franklin D. Roosevelt
and Winston S. Churchill — a form of collective security based on a hoped-for
continuation of the World War II "Big Three " unity of the U.S., England and
the Soviet Union.
Annan's speech foreshadowed a possible withering, if not elimination, of the
Security Council, where the power to take action has resided, and its
replacement by a General Assembly as a global unicameral legislature in which
all nations are equally represented — and unaccountable.
It would institutionalize a world situation in which any dissident group could
raise enough hell — and attract enough CNN coverage — to be rescued by an
international posse. National sovereignty would become untenable in Hillary
Clinton's wispy global village.

Gee Gee Geyer made these pertinent points about the Annan-Clinton concepts of
an interventionist U.N.:
"The unfortunate first reality is that these ideas simply will not work, not on
any sustained basis, because the United Nations does not have the system,
organization, will, power, authority, unity of intention and of command, and
moral coherence to exercise such grand theories on any realistic scale. It is
too torn apart by Third World ineffectiveness and confusions and by the
ideological conflicts within the Security Council. . . .
"Second, such new and expansive utopian concepts would soon have their own
unwanted but inevitable effects. They would raise impossible hopes on the part
of victims that would only end in still graver disillusionment, while past
history would only serve to reassure the killers that nothing serious would
ever happen to them."

That's precisely what's happened in Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo under the aegis
of NATO intervenion in Yugoslavia.

Even so, Clinton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, has been pushing the
idea of international military forces intervening in the domestic disputes of
sovereign nations.

But she's not really the driving intellectual force behind the Clinton foreign
policy. That's Strobe Talbott, the deputy secretary of state.

Before he was in the Clinton administration, Talbott was predicting delightedly
in TIME magazine that within the next century "nationhood as we know it will
recognize a single global authority."

For a peek at how the Clintonites view the world, take these words by Talbott:
"All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing
circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one
time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary."

Is there any wonder Clinton had no trouble blowing off the oath of allegiance
he swore when he became president of this "artificial and temporary social
arrangement" that dares call itself the United States of America?

Step Seven: Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament
It was not by accident the Department of Energy of Clinton and his vice
president, Al Gore, took the attitude that there are no such things — and there
should be no such things — as American nuclear secrets. Their "it's one world,
so let's share everything we know with everyone we know" attitude fits hand in
glove with the notion that national boundaries no longer have a place.

With this kind of world view, why shouldn't Clinton and Gore have solicited and
accepted campaign contributions from Communist China at the same time it was
stealing U.S. nuclear secrets wholesale? Just because it's against the law? How
valid can a law be in their eyes if enacted by a nation so laughably obsolete
it still considers itself sovereign?
The current uproar over Clinton's proposed Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty is part of the same cockeyed view of the world. All that treaty would do
is deprive the U.S. of its nuclear deterrent that has kept this nation and its
allies safe from nuclear war for half a century.
In perhaps his most arrogant moment since attaining the presidency, Clinton has
brazenly informed the Senate that even if it fails to ratify his treaty he will
continue to act as if the treaty is the law of the land. When it suits his
propaganda purposes, Clinton can find a use for law.
And now Matt Drudge is reporting the Clinton administration plans to share the
latest U.S. missile defense technology with Russia, China and Israel.

Step Eight: Opening Up Fort Knox to the World
It's scary enough visualizing a nuclear-disarmed America in a world ever more
hostile. How about a pocket-picked America in a world ever more improvident?
It made no big splash in the press when Clinton announced recently — almost an
"oh by the way" — that he is ready to cancel all debts owed to the U.S. by the
world's poorest countries — around $6 billion.

And he commended the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for
agreeing to forgive some $70 billion of the $241 billion they have loaned the
40 poorest countries. Ten guesses where most of that funding comes from

Granted it does sound Scrooge-like to object if the wealthiest of nations helps
the less fortunate. Perhaps the U.S. should hand them even more money — grants,
not even loans. If individuals are their brother's keeper, why not nations?

But don't do it by a permissive wave of an unclean hand in the Oval Office.
Involve the whole of the American people in debate. Advocate it and defend it
in Congress and then, if that is the national will, appropriate the funds in
the manner provided by the Constitution.

Don't just let it be tossed away in some global share-the-wealth spasm of
Clintonian self-abnegation of American nationhood.

Similarly, is it Neanderthal isolationism to object to the dismantling of one
arrangement of collective security after another?

No, not until there are no longer in this world other nations and bands of
terrorists hell-bent on destroying not only this nation but also its people and
their most sacred institutions.

Is it a return to 19th-century mentality to stick up for sovereignty of

No, for as badly as many sovereign nations and their sovereigns have behaved
throughout history, nationhood is still the surest guarantee of individual
freedom and survival.

Does anyone seriously think Strobe Talbott's single global authority would be
able to produce anything even remotely akin to the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution?

The nations that survive and endure are the ones that make the most logical
sense. You don't form a nation state by stuffing it with as many incompatible,
incongruent, irreconcilable entities as you can lay your hands on. Just look
what a mess the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was, with its
numberless ethnic groups and nationalities. It finally flew apart like a watch
with a broken mainspring.

What holds a nation together is the same thing that brings about its formation
in the first place: Like-minded interest groups discovering they can join hands
across artificial boundaries and make common cause more effectively within a
single jurisdiction than in separate governmental entities.

The Clintonites just don't get that. They don't want to get it.
Where the Soviet experiment in contravention of that simple, self-evident maxim
failed, how on Earth do Clinton, Blair and Talbott think they can cobble
together a single global authority that will work? There's not that much ship's
wax and bailing wire.
This is one outrage Billy Clinton cannot get away with.
Even naughty little boys who grow up to become serial killers can eventually
come a cropper.
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