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Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 00:45:59 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HISSSS

RABIN'S LAST DOCTOR by Barry Chamish

    We now enter the realm of the truly bizarre as we look at the
doctor who last examined Yitzhak Rabin, the State Pathologist,
Dr. Yehuda Hiss. Israelis know too well that their government's
coroner is corrupt. In September 1999, Judge Ruth Orr overturned
a conviction against a Jewish resident of Judea and Samaria for
the shooting murder of an Arab boy because she accused Dr. Hiss
of forging the forensic evidence against him. It was the second
time in a year that a murder conviction was overturned because
Hiss had falsified an autopsy for political purposes. He had
earlier been caught doctoring the facts to secure a wrongful rap
against the parents of a murdered child.

    His biggest fabrication of all occurred after the country's
most ghastly scandal was proven. In the first decade of Israel's
existence, the Labor government kidnapped over 4500 babies,
mostly of new Yemenite immigrant parents, and sold them off for
adoption and medical experiments, mostly abroad. Through the
efforts of Yemenite groups fighting to expose this crime, three
years ago one mother, Margalit Omeisse was reunited with her
daughter Celia Levine, given up for adoption to a California
couple almost half a century before. Besides looking like twins,
the Hebrew University genetics laboratory proved they were mother
and daughter by DNA testing. Dr. Hiss retested the two for the
government and lo and behold, found that Hebrew University was

    And that's why his nickname in certain circles is Dr.

    People started calling him that about a year after the Rabin
assassination. He conducted a partial autopsy of Rabin and
concluded he was shot twice in the back from medium range. In
1996, Rabin's hospital records were uncovered and over ten
doctors and nurses signed very different accounts of Rabin's
demise. He was actually shot three times, twice from point blank
range and once frontally in the upper chest. On top of that,
Rabin's spine was shattered and Hiss categorically reported that
it wasn't. Because the patsy Yigal Amir never shot from point
blank range or from the front, and because the assassination film
proved Rabin's spine could not have been broken since he kept
right on walking after the shot to his back, somebody must have
asked Hiss to alter the medical facts. So he did and then the
government's commission of inquiry into the murder adopted Hiss's
lies as the official version of Rabin's death.

    So we knew that Hiss was corrupt and that he molded his
reports to fit government orders. What we didn't know was that he
is also genuinely ghoulish. Avi and Nitzana (Darshan) Leitner are
Yigal Amir's attorneys. They also represent another victim of Dr.
Hiss, the family of Alisdair Sinclair.

    On April 14, 1998, 47 year old Alisdair Sinclair, was stopped
by customs officials at Ben Gurion Airport on his way out of the
country after a six day stay. They found 9000 Deutsche marks in a
false bottom of his handbag and he was arrested without charge.
The police thought the false bottom suggested something illegal
though hiding a large amount of money is a legitimate means of
thwarting theft.

    At the airport police station, Sinclair was found strangling
on his shoelaces. He was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead.
>From there his body was transferred to the Abu Kabir Institute
For Forensic Medicine and straight into the paws of Dr. Yehuda
Hiss, who conducted an autopsy which concluded that Sinclair had
killed himself.

    After that, there was a problem with the body. Sinclair was
unmarried, his parents weren't alive and he had been living a
rather rootless life in Amsterdam dealing in vintage guitars and
strumming them at local pubs. It took three days to track down
his family in Scotland and the police offered to bury him in
Israel. The family refused and paid about $5000 to fly the corpse

    On May 13, another autopsy was conducted, at the University
of Glasgow and guess what? The hyoid bone at the base of the
tongue was missing and so was the heart. Both were removed by Dr.
Hiss. But why? No problem guessing why the hyoid bone was gone.
It would reveal that Sinclair did not hang himself but was
strangled by other means.

    But the heart..? Avi Leitner can only say, "Our best guess is
that Hiss is involved the the black market trade in human organs.
We can't prove that yet, but it seems the most likely motive for
removing a healthy heart." Leitner's supposition is supported by
the fact that for the past four months, Hiss's employers, Israel
Police, have been investigating charges that he removed the
organs of fallen soldiers without notifying their parents.

    Incredibly, a most unlikely source provides an even spookier
motive. But let's get on with the story first. The Sinclair
family started investigating Alisdair's recent life and none of
his friends thought him remotely suicidal. Nor did they
understand why he was arrested for carrying perfectly legal
currency in the first place. Israel police explained that they
suspected he was a drug dealer and under interrogation he
admitted to have smuggled in thousands of Ecstasy pills the week
before, though he did not know who bought them. Alisdair's
brother James, of Selkirk, Scotland mocked the police version,
noting accurately, that since he wasn't caught with drugs, he had
no reason whatsoever to confess to the supposed crime.

    Enter the British government. Tel Aviv embassy official Suad
Andraus was furious, stating, "People don't just die in lockup."
The British authorities demanded that Dr. Hiss explain what he
did with the heart and then return it immediately.

    Hiss explained that as a drug smuggling suspect, the heart
would have shown "signs of longterm drug abuse." Fine, so why
didn't he return the heart with the rest of the body? According
to Hiss: "It's true we didn't inform the family in Scotland that
the heart was missing. Frankly, we didn't want to upset them."

    How thoughtful, and returning the body without the heart
wasn't in the least bit upsetting???? Hiss complied to the second
demand and turned over the heart to the Sinclair family, or at
least a heart. A not very convincing heart, at that. The Sinclair
Family demanded DNA proof that this was Alisdair's heart but Dr.
Hiss refused, citing the $6000 cost of the test. The Sinclairs
found the cost prohibitive as well but this time, the British
authorities did not press the issue or conduct their own tests.

    A frustrated James Sinclair expressed his disgust with the
inconsistencies of his brother's strange demise. Alisdair never
had a police record and it is unlikely that he would turn to drug
smuggling. And he repeats,"Why would he admit to anything if his
bloody suitcase was empty? My brother was an intelligent, well
read man. He wasn't daft."

    Currently, the Israeli Police are conducting DNA tests and
James is awaiting the results, clearly unaware that if Dr. Yehuda
"Coverup" Hiss has his hands in the testing, the findings will be
as honest as those of the Rabin assassination.

    And now a most unexpected motive for the whole affair. It was
published in the Jerusalem Report, a staid, establishment
newsmagazine which is used as a fount of disinformation on behalf
of the country's Labor Party. This peculiar passage may be of
interest to those questioning Britain's early and deep interest
in Zionism, their reverance for Chaim Weizmann, the Balfour
Declaration, The British-Israel Society, the Round Table policies
of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner and the like.

"According to Alisdair's brother James, family lore has it that
the Sinclairs are descended from the crusading Knights Templars,
who journeyed to Jerusalem in the mid-1300s in search of holy
artifacts from Herod's Temple to bring back to Scottish hero
Robert the Bruce. Alisdair himself, says James, was particularly
proud of his middle name, Roslyn, the name of a chapel in
Scotland whose floor plan is said to be based on Herod's Temple.
James mentions these details in attempting to reconstruct his
brother's motive for travelling to Israel."

How does this Medieval history explain Alisdair Sinclair's
missing heart? On the surface there's little to go on, except
Robert the Bruce's heart is buried in the Scottish Church of
Jerusalem. Whether, Hiss took Sinclair's heart for strange
historic reasons, to sell for transplants or to cover fatal blows
to the organ, one thing is certain: the doctor who last examined
Yitzhak Rabin is one very, weird sicko.


To acquire the author's three most recent books, including Who Murdered
Yitzhak Rabin, write:


Please visit:


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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