-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley


News Flash... Today!

Selected Legislative History of the Clinton Administration
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996
Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996
Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act of 1996
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996
Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996
Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act of 1996
We the People have the unalienable and natural right to self-determination.

We the People have the right to our true citizenship.

We the People have the right to life, liberty and the purusit of happiness.

Allow no law or power to usurp this right.

We the People have the right to a Constitutional government

that does not enslave its people by taxing them into economic slavery.

We the People have the right to a healthy environment.

We the People have the right to share the wealth of the earth.

No law or power shall deny another the right to be.

We the People hereby declare our sovereign rights as Citizens under the
Declaration of Independence,

the American law, the Constitution for the United States,

and shall accept no other law before thee.

We the People hereby declare our sovereign rights to govern ourselves

as a community of leaders, of men and women equal under a higher law.

We the People hereby declare our sovereign rights to privacy

from the invasion of government or bureaucracies,the rights of contract

under the Constitution and Common law,the rights of protection under Canon

for practicing our religions,the rights of association, of assembling, of
speaking freely,

the rights enjoyed by all free men and women of culture,whether aristocratic
or of humble means,

the rights of We the People forever guaranteed under Law.

--Johnny Liberty

[Editors's Note: The following article was written by Johnny Liberty and
soon to be published in the national magazine "Mondo 2000".]
Selected Legislative History of the Clinton Administration
The administration of Bill Clinton has waged a persistant attack against
individual liberties, the Constitution for the united states of America and
the Bill of Rights in the name of reinventing bigger (i.e., global) and more
efficient (i.e., tyrannical) government. This has resulted in more federal
and international control over state's rights, local initiatives and every
aspect of the constitutionally-protected sovereign rights of the American

In the wake of Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing and numerous
other domestic incursions, many of which could have been staged by agents
within the government itself, an "anti-terrorist" bill has been passed,
additional federal and local law enforcement has been funded to the tune of
$1,000,000,000, airport security has been tightened to the point of the
absurd, privacy and first amendment rights have been increasingly attacked,
censorship is on the rise, a national I.D. card institutioned, welfare
privatized, prisoner rights curtailed, and prisons have been constructed at
an alarming rate while social programs have had to bite the budget-cutting

The NSA is persistant in its efforts at cyberspying, tightening its grip on
the free expression of the Internet despite huge opposition. Undaunted by
the public outcry against its maligned Clipper Chip (i.e., NSA's bid for an
encryption standard that would allow it to snoop into high tech telephone
transmissions), the NSA is now developing the Fortezza Card. This technology
encrypts data under the cloak of privacy, but retains a "back door" to
government agents who feel they have a right and a need to snoop into
people's private affairs. Netscape Corporation, which virtually dominates
the market for Web browsers with an 80 percent market share, recently
contracted with NSA to produce browsers and servers compatible with the
Fortezza Card.

Joshua M.K Masur writes, "Consider how nicely Congress' netwide censorship
plan can be enforced with our nation's shiny new half-billion dollar
national wiretap system, for simultaneously wiretapping as many as 1 call
per 100 from anywhere"(as specified in the Federal Register Doc. 95-25562
Filed 10-13-95). The Federal Register Contained a lengthy, detailed "notice
of the maximum capacity required to accommodate all of the communication
interceptions, pen registers, and trap and trace devices that the Attorney
General estimates the government agencies authorized to conduct electronic
surveillance may conduct and use simultaneously by 11/98."

FBI Director, Louis Freeh reveals that "Each telecommunications carrier must
ensure that it can expeditiously increase its capacity to meet the
assistance capability requirements [for] interceptions equal to 1% of the
engineered capacity of the equipment, facilities or services that provide a
[wired or wireless telecommunications] customer or subscriber with the
ability to originate, terminate, or direct communications."

Although privacy & civil liberties advocates successfully stripped a
requirement for a new national ID database from the recent Immigration bill,
something just as bad was embraced by America's political whores when
inserted in the new Welfare "reform" bill.
New block grants to the states for welfare and the new people-tracking
national ID systems they entail will be administered by private
corporations. They'll make the decisions regarding eligibility, services,
and payments-who eats and who starves. Welfare has been privatized! Is this
a great country or what?

Top private-sector welfare contractors include Lockheed, IBM, and EDS.
Analysts are already speculating whether these corporations could boost
profits by laying off their employees, then administering welfare to them.

The military-industrial complex so prevalent during the Cold War and Vietnam
years has transformed into the prison-industrial-police-attorney complex
resharpening its focus from a war against the Soviets to a war against the
individual liberties of the American people. The Pentagon is involved in
electromagnetic warfare and mind control experiments on civilian
populations. Biochip implants are being prepared for human subjects with the
capability of tracking through the satellite-based Global Positioning

The Law Enforcement Satellite System (LESS) is being developed to cut the
communications costs incurred by law enforcement agencies around the nation
which currently maintain separate systems. An entirely new unified police
communications infrastructure will directly link all agencies and their
units to the National Crime Information Center which combines all law
enforcement data from various agencies.

Terrorism helps government by encouraging it to expand. If the terrorism
escalates in spite of tougher rules, then government power mushrooms some
more. "This dynamic continues to build until free institutions are
completely subverted and a new political order is created," says William
Norman Grigg, writing for The New American.

Whoops, I'd better bite my tongue! Under new anti-terrorist legislation the
above article could be construed as a veiled threat, anti-government
sentiment, even paper terrorism. The publisher could be blacklisted as a
terrorist organization and have it's office raided and property seized. I
could be disappeared from my family and friends without due process, a
formal accusation or a trial by jury. You say, it couldn't happen in
America. Look at the writing on the wall! It used to be an American pasttime
to criticize the government, to organize rallies in opposition to government
corruption, to lobby against draconian legislation. Today, it's a dangerous
proposition regardless of which side of the political spectrum you may

The Anti-Terrorism And Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Public Law
104-132 on April 24th, 1996 (S.735 introduced by Sen. Dole) was passed
despite opposition by a wide mixture of strange bedfellows across the
political spectrum. It has wide-reaching consequences that ought to chill
the spine of every decent American born into the luxury of freedom in this
increasingly unfree New World Order. Some of the features of this law are:

* establishes a five-member commission to study activities of federal law
enforcement agencies.
* removal of protections on interception of wireless messages.
* increased scope of BATF.
* prohibitions on providing material support of any kind to organizations
the Attorney General or Secretary of State have deemed as international
terrorist organizations.
* freezing of domestic groups bank accounts (with no measures for appeal) if
the government believes they are agents for foreign terrorists
* exception to rules of discovery in civil proceedings when the government
claims classified materials are involved.
* habeas corpus reform will curtail the ability to appeal previous court
decisions where evidence was destroyed or suppressed by prosecutors (like in
Waco and Oklahoma City).
* authorizes antiterrorism training programs


American Patriots: The New "Niggers"
Civil Rights Organizations Perpetuate Hate Crimes
Dehumanizing Language & "Paper Crimes"
Justice for All: Whether You Agree With Them or Not!
"We should not forget that our tradition is one of protest and revolt,

and it is stultifying to celebrate the rebels of the past

while we silence the rebels of the present."

-Henry Steele Commager

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,

make violent revolution inevitable."

-Robert F. Kennedy (US Senator, 1967)

[Editors Note: The following article was written in response to a scathing
report by the "Willamette Week (May 21, 1997)" a so-called alternative
newsweekly published in Portland, Oregon. It was written by Maureen O'Hagan
and Dan Richardson about the Common Law Court of Multnomah County titled
"Fringe Justice" and some of its members run in with the local, Portland
Police Department who made a pre-emptive raid on the Court Clerks house for
a so-called paper crime. If this is any indication of the kinds of
hysterical reporting and justification we can expect from the alternative
press, it's time to cancel your subscriptions and buy the corporate daily
news instead. The language in the title was not intended to reap any insult,
but to point out how reactive language manipulates the reader into the
political prejudices of the authors.]

American Patriots: The New "Niggers"
 There was a time long ago when a patriot was beloved by their countryman -
after the first American Revolution. Before that victory, patriots were
scorned by their apathetic and cowardly countrymen and persecuted by the
British. Have we grown so lazy, stupid and forgetful of the price paid for
revolutionizing freedom and justice in this country, and more importantly
still, to preserve and maintain it? America may not have been a perfect
experiment or as inclusive as it could be, but it was better than their
counterparts in Europe.

 When will we stop blaming the founding fathers, those damned patriots and
white men both, for the political and economic nightmare we're presently
living in? When will We the People stop lying to ourselves, and denying our
responsibility for the destruction of everything sacred in America. Making
scapegoats in the media of a handful of mostly poor white men (including
several who are disabled) for their radical views isn't going to solve the
deeper problem, now is it? The worse possible scenario for the writers of
this overtly sensationalized and factless smeer article is that maybe these
guys are right. Something is deeply wrong in America and we'd better get off
our duff and do something about it!

 Perhaps the government is too big, unwieldy and corrupt and is marching
steadfast into a police state. Perhaps the court system delivers too little
justice for the sake of revenue. Perhaps the IRS is the American gestapo How
can we continue to look ourselves in the mirror when we dehumanize the very
people who are fighting to preserve and maintain the American system of

 So now, it has become popular and vogue to persecute the modern American
patriot in the media, particularly those who are anti-government (what good
American isn't?), then prosecute them in the courts and jails. It has also
become politically popular to single out white men, even poor disabled white
men, Christians, patriots, sovereign Citizens, constitutionalists, militias
and other "niggers" and project all of society's fear and disgust upon them.

 Has the journalistic profession become mere intellectual prostitutes
selling lies and newspapers, disregarding the facts and the truth,
destroying the reputations of a few white men who have been victimized and
attacked by their own government. The patriot is simply the new "nigger
(pardon my French)," dehumanized and justified as a symbol of our abuse.
Such inflamatory rhethoric as exemplified in your article fuels the fires of
our discontent and is the breeding ground for rebellion. Scapegoats have
always been popular amongst the fundamentally closed minded, politically
correct social planners vying for power.

Civil Rights Organizations Perpetuate Hate Crimes
 Civil rights organizations such as Jonathan Mozzachi's Coalition for Human
Dignity, Bill Wassmouth's Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, Morris
Dee's Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League has made
lucrative careers out of "patriot-bashing." How they get away with these
mind-numbing, libelous disinformation campaigns against anybody they deem as
"politically incorrect", with no research and little basis in fact, and then
are considered "experts" by court officials and law enforcement is
incredulous! They are working overtime to keep the American people asleep to
the real issues behind the patriot movement- the demise of the American
institution of freedom and justice, and the bankruptcy of the American way
of life.

 What the CHD, NWCAMH, SPLC and ADL fear most is that these white men are
really innocent of any crimes (they are the victims not the perpetrators),
as it would shed a poor light upon their own obsessions with rascism,
anti-semitism and the "hate crimes" they ironically perpetuate through
massive disinformation campaigns against patriotic Americans.

 There is no greater "hate crime" than to dehumanize another human being, as
it is the premise of all holocausts (and there are dozens happening all the
time in this insane world). Whether you are native American, black, Jewish
or a white man, being persecuted, prosecuted, incarcerated, burned, gassed
or annihilated is the same horrible feeling.

 White men are still human beings. I am a white man and so are many of my
friends. Being poor is not a crime. Disagreeing with the government is not a
crime. Disagreeing with the above-named civil rights organizations is also
not a crime. Being perceived as "dangerous" is not ample justification for a
preemptive police raid for an alleged "paper crime." Admittedly, your
article is nothing more than a shallow justification for the abuse of police
power against those the authors might politically disagree with.

Dehumanizing Language & "Paper Crimes"
 The colorful and dehumanizing language (i.e., fringe, posse, misfits, bash,
blasted, rag-tag, wannabe, yokels, complain, toothless, paper bullets,
legalist branch, Revenge of the Nerds, egghead-types, obsessed, toolshed
into an arsenal, dangerous) of your yellow (i.e., cowardly) journalism on
the Multnomah Common Law Court do not inform your readers about the real
stories or issues of the men involved. Having been born and bred on the left
of the political spectrum and independent of any corporate funded viewpoint,
I've been a thorough researcher and educator in the patriot movement for
over seven years. I must laugh at the desultory tone and lack of factual
basis for the article.

 There is no intelligent debate about facts or the law anywhere in the
article as there is no mention of either. The authors assume the men are
"dangerous," thus the police are justified to raid them in a preemptive
strike. After all they could be plotting another American Revolution on an
empty cookie jar and conspiring to bring justice into the courtrooms of
America. They might actually be better versed in the law than the district
attorney charged to prosecute them. What a horrible thought!

 What is a "property criminal" anyway? Your writers are as busy creating
crimes with a mere pen stroke as the legislature (e.g., simulating legal
process). "Simulating legal process" is what the lawyers, district attorneys
and judges do everyday and have been doing for decades. Yet the legislature
wants to pass law to stiffen the penalties for doing so. How ironic! There
hasn't been a lawful justice system in this country for over half a century.
What passes off as "legal" is merely what is politically expedient at the
time. You cannot get justice or victory in the courts unless you can afford
the dream team (e.g., O.J. Simpson). Willamette Week - Why not report the
real news for a change instead of this corporate manufactured propaganda and
public relations crap of the social planners? Willamette Week - you're
selling your country down the river to sell a few newspapers.

Justice for All: Whether You Agree With Them or Not!
 In America, justice is guaranteed for all and the constitutional
limitations on the abuse of government power is not only for those we agree
with, but for all the people regardless of race, creed, class or color. That
includes poor white men also. They are poor because each one has been
victimized by their own government, robbed by the IRS or prosecuted
maliciously by the legal establishment for their political views. These men
are nothing more than the new "niggers" in the eyes of the press, both
mainstream and alternative. "The Oregonian" is just as much off-point on the
real issues as the "Willamette Week."

 Where will you stand on their rights? If you deny these white men their
rights to have views different from your own and permit them to be
persecuted, enslaved or imprisoned, then you are the new "enslaver." If you
permit or tolerate the rights of any man or woman regardless of race, creed,
class or color to be violated for a political purpose, then you have
committed an act of treason against the ideals America was founded. These
laws are still the law of the land and the government must uphold these
rights as must the people, unless and until you are willing to publically
admit that the constitution is dead and a foreign power is occupying
America. Look around. Check it out. You decide. Wake-up fellow Americans.

 Since when are the so-called "progressive" forces in society apologists for
the abuse of police power and the encroachment of socialistic government
into every aspect of our lives. Haven't the tables been turned the other way
in times past? Aren't the union organizers, civil rights organizers,
environmentalists and women's movements sympathetic to the plight of the
oppressed? When the police make pre-emptive strikes over paper "crimes,"
raid your home and offices at the point of a gun for not having the proper
proof of insurance, isn't something wrong here? When the IRS invades your
home and privacy and confiscates your property without due process, isn't
something wrong here? Isn't everyone being violated?

 Because these men might be dangerous in your fearful opinion, can we
justify taking their rights away, stealing their property and putting them
in chains? This is an attitude surrounding the persecution and prosecution
of patriots everywhere in America today. For the authors to attack the
Multnomah Common Law Court on the so-called Right is nothing more than an
immature temper tantrum and identity crisis for the so-called Left which has
today become irrelevant as a force for social justice and change. You cannot
supplant form for substance and get away with it, for long. For a newspaper
to permit the publishing of such a slanderous and inflamed article without a
factual basis, is a perjury of the public trust.

 Can you imagine a country where the police can target any politically
incorrect group, take away their guns, their paper, their law books, and
then convince the media to do the dirty work and prosecute them in the
public mind? Yes, it's called fascism, gestapo-style communism. And
ironically it's the very thing these so-called civil rights groups are
poised to fight. This is disinformation and your newspaper ought to be
ashamed for printing such inflamatory and baseless reporting.

-Johnny Liberty


Respectfully yours,

John David Van Hove,
Managing Editor

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