-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Brigade,

"Immigration and Naturalization Service managers notified lawmakers last
week that, because of a computer system miscommunication, they had
exceeded the congressionally imposed cap of 115,000 H-1B visas for the
year ended Sept. 30 by 10,000 to 20,000...A spokesman for Sen. Slade
Gorton, R-Wash., said Gorton hoped the agency's mistake would not be used
to penalize high-technology companies and their workers... The cap was
lifted from 65,000 workers last year...Revocation would be "unfair and
inhumane," said Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, who has introduced legislation
to increase the high-tech visa allotment to 200,000 annually over the next
three years..."You can't cut off that pipeline," said ITAA Vice President
Renee Winsky, citing Labor Department projections that the industry will
need 140,000 new workers a year over the next decade..."  - AP column

That is right Brigade, they want to raise the cap to 200,000 NEW visas
EACH year and some want to remove the cap altogether.

Here's what Pat has to say:

"Who is the American economy for, if not the American people? And which
comes first -- our countrymen or the Global Economy? The H-1B program
should be phased out, which would force Silicon Valley to do what it ought
to have been doing for a decade -- hiring, training and promoting
Americans." -- Pat Buchanan - August 18, 1998

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!


INS mistakenly issues high-tech visas to thousands of foreigners
Wednesday, October 13, 1999


WASHINGTON -- The federal immigration service mistakenly doled out as many
as 20,000 visas to foreigners with high-tech skills during the just-ended
fiscal year, prompting angry complaints from Congress.

Immigration and Naturalization Service managers notified lawmakers last
week that, because of a computer system miscommunication, they had
exceeded the congressionally imposed cap of 115,000 H-1B visas for the
year ended Sept. 30 by 10,000 to 20,000.

The mistake is the "latest self-inflicted wound by the agency's inept
management," Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee's immigration panel, said yesterday.

Smith is pushing a plan to replace INS with separate service and
immigration enforcement agencies.

INS is contracting with an independent auditor to determine exactly how
many extra visas were issued, agency spokeswoman Maria Cardona said
yesterday. The error occurred when visa approval numbers from the four INS
service centers that process H-1B applications didn't get into the
agency's main computer system in Washington that tracks totals, she said.

"They can blame system errors or the computer. They can blame anything
they want, but ultimately this is an agency that cannot count," Smith
spokesman Allen Kay said.

INS officials declined to discuss options for dealing with the problem.
But agency spokeswoman Elaine Komis said, "We're trying to find a
resolution that first of all is permissible by law and second of all that
will cause the least possible inconvenience to both current and future
H-1B employers and beneficiaries."

Congressional aides said INS managers have floated several ideas,
including reducing this year's allotment by the amount of the 1999
overage or revoking visas issued after the 115,000 cap was reached.

A spokesman for Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., said Gorton hoped the
agency's mistake would not be used to penalize high-technology companies
and their workers. Microsoft Corp. was among the major proponents of
easing visa limitations on high-tech workers. The cap was lifted from
65,000 workers last year.

Revocation would be "unfair and inhumane," said Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas,
who has introduced legislation to increase the high-tech visa allotment to
200,000 annually over the next three years.

"There has to be a better way," he said.

The Information Technology Association of America, a Virginia-based
industry group that is pressing to increase the H-1B cap, agreed.

"You can't cut off that pipeline," said ITAA Vice President Renee
Winsky, citing Labor Department projections that the industry will need
140,000 new workers a year over the next decade.

Sen. Spencer Abraham, R-Mich., chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee's immigration panel, suggested to INS Commissioner Doris
Meissner that the overage be applied to previous years in which the
entire visa allotment was not used.

Reducing this year's allocation "would cause me grave concerns," Abraham
wrote to Meissner. "I do not believe the INS possesses the statutory
authority to shift visas from one year to the next."

© 1999 The Associated Press.

---------------  end  ------------------

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