-Caveat Lector-


On September 23rd, 1999 at 9:06 AM UTC, JPL lost contact with the $125
Million Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) as it passed behind Mars on it's final
orbit insertion burn. The spacecraft was carrying the Mars Color Imager
(MARCI) camera under the control Michael Malin of Malin Space Science
Systems. JPL scientists were unable to reestablish contact with the
spacecraft when it should have re-emerged from behind the Martian disk and
immediately began a series of emergency measures to communicate with the
spacecraft. As with the previous JPL/MSSS $1 billion mission Mars Observer
in 1993, these efforts went for naught when it was discovered that a
"navigation error" had likely plunged the spacecraft into a terminal crash
dive into the Martian atmosphere.

According to a tersely worded press release, the spacecraft was thrown off
course when one navigational team in Colorado and the other at JPL used two
separate measurement systems (Metric and Imperial) to perform key
navigational calculations. The Lockheed/Martin team transmitted acceleration
data in the English system, and controllers at JPL assumed that it was
Metric. According to press reports, this process had been ongoing since the
launch of the spacecraft in December, 1998.

This highly implausible and bizarre set of circumstances caused some minor
upset on Capitol Hill ("I'm speechless." said one Congressman) but otherwise
created nowhere near the fire storm that surrounded the loss of Mars
Observer. Still, as we will show, this very suspicious and convenient
"error" had all the usual earmarks of another NASA ritual killing.

 To begin with, the notion that this error could have been induced from the
beginning of the mission and gone unnoticed is ridiculous. All
interplanetary spacecraft take an incredible amount of effort to get from
"A" to "B". The considerations of such an undertaking, the relative
positions of the two planets (Mars and Earth) at launch, their relative
speeds as they orbit the sun, their rotational speeds, the gravitational
effects of not only the two major bodies but also of most of the other
objects in the solar system -- all must be accounted for in this elegant
dance called "Celestial Mechanics." While exceedingly complex, these factors
are also exceedingly well defined and predictable.
This is why all missions are set up on the concept of waypoints. As the
spacecraft travels the hundreds of millions of miles from one world to the
next, it passes a series of check points at which its position, speed, and
trajectory are checked against the predictions. Any deviation is immediately
noted  and a course correction burn is initiated as necessary.

And, the farther away and faster it goes, the more pronounced an error would
become. According to AP:

" The bad numbers had been used ever since the spacecraft's launch last
December, but the effect was so small that it went unnoticed. The difference
added up over the months as the spacecraft journeyed toward Mars."

To anyone with the slightest understanding of measurement systems and
orbital mechanics, this statement, apparently sourced from inside NASA, is
ludicrous. The conversion factor from pounds of thrust (Imperial) to
Newton's (Metric) is 4.44 Newton's to the pound. This means that from the
beginning of the mission, the velocity calculations should have been off by
some 75%! And nobody noticed this "minute" error?!

 In fact, by the time of the MOI burn, the spacecraft should not have been
anywhere near Mars! That is why NASA's explanation (excuse) is so
unbelievable. If there were any error introduced and not noticed by the
"honest folks" at JPL, it would almost certainly have had to come at the MOI
burn itself.

Even Dr. Tom Van Flandern, former head of the celestial mechanics (the
science of interplanetary navigation and celestial motions) branch of the
U.S. Naval Observatory, a staunch anti-consipirasist and defender of the
system, has been forced to admit the obvious:

"I wouldn't take the cover story literally -- It's just an excuse the public
might be able to understand and sympathize with, but with little connection
to reality. We'll find out the truth when the outside investigation releases
its report."

This explanation is in fact so bad, so obviously contrived and untenable, so
in violation of the first rule of academia -- "Thou shalt not look foolish
to ones peers" -- that it begs the question of whether some inside NASA/JPL
actually want to get caught! Are the "Roosters" trying to out the "Owls" by
floating an excuse that will actually demand an investigation?

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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