-Caveat Lector-

Friday October 15 4:15 PM ET
U.S. Army Looted Holocaust Treasures - Report
By Mark Egan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - High ranking U.S. military officers decorated their
homes with treasures belonging to Jewish Holocaust victims and American
troops stole suitcases of Jewish gold, according to a new report on the fate
of World War II assets.

The report, published this week by the Presidential Advisory Commission on
Holocaust Assets, paints a picture of seedy greed among the American
military. It reveals that Americans profited from the silver, gold,
diamonds, paintings, and even the furs and wedding bands of Hungarian Jews
despite calls to return the treasures to their rightful owners.

The preliminary report details ``The Mystery of the Hungarian 'Gold

In May 1945, during the last weeks of the war, U.S. troops seized a
24-railcar train in Werfen, Austria. The train was laden with a dizzying
array of treasures, worth more than $200 million in 1945 dollars, which had
been confiscated by Adolf Eichmann's Nazi forces from 800,000 Hungarian

The report found evidence that Americans ``misappropriated'' some assets
from the train and refused to allow the Hungarian government and Jewish
community the opportunity to identify the property which the United States
deemed ``unidentifiable.''

One letter from the Central Board of Jews in Hungary, sent to the U.S.
Legation in Budapest, wrote that ``Hungarian Jewry suffered immeasurable
losses in human life and property owing to Fascistic inhumanity.''

``600,000 Hungarian Jews lost their lives in Nazi concentration camps,'' it
said. ``The remaining valuables of the 200,000 Hungarian Jews, who survived,
are on the 'Train of Gold' and we think the greatest injustice would befall
these people if they could not get back even the remaining few valuables
after what they have been through.''

U.S. policy stated that identifiable art and cultural material should be
returned to the country it was taken from, even if like Hungary, the country
was an Axis state. But despite pleas from the Jewish community, and
assurances the property could be identified, the property was not returned
and the chance to identify ownership never given, the report said.

American Jewish Congress Executive Director Phil Baum said reports that
wedding rings and other valuables of Nazi victims were stolen were
``shocking and disheartening.''

``The U.S. Army valiantly fought to the death against Adolf Hitler to
destroy evil, not to permit some of those who fought to enrich themselves at
the expense of Hitler's victims,'' Baum said, adding that ``those of all
ranks who did these vile acts'' should be disciplined.

Furthermore, the report said more than 1,100 paintings were given to the
Austrian government, in breach of U.S. policy, and many of the cultural
valuables aboard the train, from silver platters to loose diamonds, were
sold at auction in New York to benefit non-repatriable refugees.

The decision to decree the assets ``unidentifiable'' was the key reason
cited by the United States for not returning the assets to Hungarian Jews.

That was highlighted by a 1948 cable from then Secretary of State George
Marshall which stated that, ``U.S. Commander (Gen. Mark Clark) determined
that the contents ... were unidentifiable as to owners and, in view of the
territorial changes in Hungary ... restitution to Hungary (is) therefore not

But perhaps the most shocking aspect of the report was the behavior of some
U.S. military leaders who bedecked their homes with furnishings fit for a
king from the train.

The report made particular note of Gen. Harry Collins, commander of U.S.
forces in the region, who adorned his home with a cornucopia of finery from
the train.

The report showed the general requisitioned items of ``the very best quality
and workmanship available in the land.'' Among other things, Collins sought
formal banquet chinaware and silverware for 45 people, glassware for 90
people as well as a mountain of fine table and bed linens.

The report notes Collins was not alone. ``Numerous high ranking officers of
the American forces in Austria appropriated Hungarian Jewish treasures found
on the Gold Train for the decoration of their residences.''

The commission found no record of what happened to goods requisitioned by
senior military personnel.

In addition, other treasures such as watches were sold through the Army
exchange and other items were stolen, the report said. One document revealed
that among the thefts were ``two small suitcases of gold dust.''

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