continuing thoughts...
Consider this,  which the author of this article below is not considering...
Perhaps these monolithic buildings, statues, and so called "myths", pre-existed the common era called the "Ice Age"...  ???
Could there have been a catastrophic event related to that civilization,  which brought on this 'Ice Age',  with remnants now embedded in stone in various places of the earth...  ??? Perhaps it was actually that time noted in Genesis 1:2...  when the earth became "void and without form" (hebrew states: "became a waste and a desolation"; also noted in the Bible as the 'katabole'; a time when the rule of the mighty men of old, came to an end because of one who extorted himself to power... i.e. one mentioned in Isaiah 14:12).
... and then,  consider that there was most likely an "aeon" of civilization that existed at that time prior to the "Ice Age",  which would constitute another "world age"...  which would also explain why we find remains of so called "human" predessessors that are anywhere from 14,000 to 25,000+ years old,  according to the current carbon dating system.
This sort of throws the old Bishop's theory that the earth is only 6,000 years old out the window,  doesn't it?   It, however,  at the same time,  does not reinforce evolution;  nor does it validate reincarnation.  It merely shows scientific possibilities,  theories if you will, as most probable,  that man or intelligent beings did exist on the face of the earth over 25,000+ years ago, that is the only scientific fact that can be concluded.
Here are a couple of links that will whet your whistle,  if you are interested in such information as was discussed in this article by Andrew Collins.
and for books on various related subjects:
There is also a webpage out there,  but the link escapes me at this time,  regarding a find in Hatch, NM,  that is believed to be the footprint / imprint, in stone, of one of these ''giants'' of the past,  dated at over 25,000 years old. 
eagle 1
----- Original Message -----

                       The Forbidden Legacy of
                       a Fallen Race -- Part 1
                          by Andrew Collins

     Extracted from New Dawn No.40 (January-February, 1997)

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