-Caveat Lector-

Debunking the Federal Reserve
Conspiracy Theories (and other financial myths)

<A HREF="http://www.cofc.edu/~flaherty/own.html">Myth #5: The Federal Reserve
is owned and controlled by foreigners.</A>


Myth #5. The Federal Reserve is owned and controlled by foreigners.

Do foreigners own or control the Federal Reserve?  Conspiracy theorists Gary
Kah (1991) and Eustace Mullins (1983) certainly think so, as do many of their
readers.  Kah and Mullins each authored books alleging that the U.S. central
bank – the Federal Reserve – is under the direction of an international
banking community and that this financial elite, primarily British, uses its
control to manipulate the U.S. economy and its financial markets for their
personal gain.  This is a very serious charge.  The Federal Reserve sets the
government’s monetary and interest rate policies.  Any change in them has
significant repercussions for just about everyone.  An increase in interest
rates that benefits savers could also price a new home just out of a family’s
reach or make a manufacturing firm’s modernization plan too expensive to
undertake.  The Fed is supposed to choose a policy that benefits the whole of
the U.S. economy, not an overseas banking cabal.  The  ultimate aim of this
international banking elite, the conspiracy theory declares, is to establish
a one-world government – the infamous New World Order.  The Fed’s alleged
role in this is simple according to Kah: At the appointed time, the New World
Order schemers will instruct the Fed to sabotage the U.S. economy, causing
financial and social chaos that will make it much easier for them to gain
real political and military control over the United States.  In the meantime
they simply reap the Fed’s huge annual profits and manipulate the financial
markets for further gain.
Kah specifically claims that foreigners directly own the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, the largest and most important of the twelve regional Federal
Reserve Banks.  Through the N.Y. Federal Reserve the international
conspirators control the entire Federal Reserve System and gain its profits.
In his book En Route to Global Occupation Kah also plays up the Fed’s alleged
role in the New World Order plot.  Mullins agrees on the importance of the
N.Y. Fed, but claims that while domestic commercial banks own it, in reality
a secret European banking club actually controls its policies from a
How much of these conspiracy theories, if any, is true?  In this article I
investigate the remarkable claims of Kah and Mullins.  Specifically, I
examine whether foreigners own the New York Federal Reserve Bank either
directly or indirectly, whether the N.Y. Fed controls the whole of the
Federal Reserve System, and whether foreigners receive the System’s large
annual profits.  As it turns out, very little of these conspiracy tales are

Who Owns the New York Federal Reserve Bank?

Each of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks is organized as a corporation in
much the same way as many other firms.  However, Gary Kah in 1991 claimed
foreigners intent on global economic and political domination own a
controlling interest in the shares of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
“Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts,” according to Kah (p. 13), identified the
top eight shareholders as

                                 Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
                                 Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris
                                 Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
                                 Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
                                 Lehman Brothers of New York
                                 Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York
                                 Chase Manhatten Bank
                                 Goldman, Sachs of New York.

Kah describes these as the Fed’s “Class A shareholders” (p. 14).  This is
curious because Federal Reserve stock is not classified in this manner.  It
can be either “member stock” or “public stock.”  However, the directors of a
Federal Reserve Bank are separated into Classes A, B, and C depending on how
they are appointed (12 USCA §302).

Fellow conspiracy theorist Eustace Mullins presents a different list in his
1983 book Secrets of the Federal Reserve.  He reports the top eight
stockholders of the New York Fed in 1982 were

                                 Chase Manhatten Bank
                                 Morgan Guaranty Trust
                                 Chemical Bank
                                 Manufacturers Hanover Trust
                                 Bankers Trust Company
                                 National Bank of North America
                                 Bank of New York.

He notes that together these banks own about 63 percent of the New York Fed’s
outstanding stock.  European banking organizations, most notably the
Rothschild banking dynasty, he then claims, own many of these banks.  Mullins
also contends that through their American agents, the European bankers – who
he calls the London Connection – select the board of directors for the N.Y.
Fed.  Since the N.Y. Fed supposedly controls the whole Federal Reserve
System, this allows the London Connection to direct U.S. monetary policy.  He

... The most powerful men in the United States were themselves  answerable to
another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly
seeking to extend its control over the young republic since its very
inception. The power was the financial power of England, centered in the
London Branch of the House of Rothschild.  The fact was that in 1910, the
United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so
it is today (Mullins, p. 47-48).
Clearly, there is a discrepancy between the two lists.  According to Kah,
foreigners own shares of the N.Y. Fed directly.  On the other hand, Mullins
does not report any such direct foreign ownership.  Instead, Europeans
allegedly own the U.S. banks which, in turn, own the N.Y. Fed – an indirect
So who is right?  Mullins claimed the source of his information was the
Federal Reserve Bulletin, however, that publication has never reported the
shareholder list of any Federal Reserve Bank.  It is not clear where he
obtained his list.  Kah’s source was supposedly an unnamed group of Swiss and
Saudi Arabian contacts and so it is impossible even to verify his list.  On
the other hand, the two authors published their lists eight years apart.
Since Mullins’ was the earlier of the two, it may be possible that sometime
between 1983 and 1991 foreigners acquired a substantial amount of stock in
the N.Y. Fed.  It is also possible that both lists are wrong.

To clarify this mystery, let’s first look at the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
itself.  The law requires that all nationally chartered commercial banks and
savings & loans buy stock in their regional Federal Reserve Bank, thereby
becoming “member banks” (12 USCA §282).1  The amount of stock a bank must
buy, called “member stock,” is proportional to the bank’s size.  So, we would
expect that by law the largest shareholders of the N.Y. Fed to be the largest
banks operating in its district.  This is consistent with Mullins since all
of the banks on his list were, at the time, the largest banks in the N.Y. Fed

Further examination of the law and the facts makes Kah’s list suspect.  The
law does not permit the stock of a Federal Reserve Bank to be traded publicly
like the stock of a typical corporation.  The original Federal Reserve Act
called for each regional Bank to sell stock to raise at least $4 million to
begin operations (12 USCA §281).  The stock was to be sold to banks, not to
the public.  Only in the event that sales to member banks did not raise the
necessary $4 million would the regional Fed Banks be permitted to sell shares
to the public, called “public stock.”  However, this did not happen and no
stock in any Federal Reserve Bank has ever been sold to the public, to
foreigners, or to any non-bank U.S. firm (Woodward, 1996).  Note that foreign
interests comprise half of the alleged owners on Kah’s list.  Moreover, three
of the hypothesized American owners are not even banks.  The law permits
neither foreigners nor non-bank firms from owning shares in any Federal
Reserve Bank.  Chase Manhatten is the only entity on Kah’s list that could
possibly own shares of the N.Y. Fed.

We can simply look at the most recent list of shareholders to test the claim
that foreigners own the New York Federal Reserve Bank.  According to the N.Y.
Fed itself, as of June 30, 1997 the top eight shareholders were

Chase Manhatten Bank
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Fleet Bank
Bankers Trust
Bank of New York
Marine Midland Bank
Summit Bank.
All of the major shareholders seen here and all of the banks on the complete
list are either nationally- or state-chartered banks.  All of them are
U.S.-owned.  Kah’s claim that foreigners directly own the N.Y. Fed is
completely wrong.  This list is consistent, however, with Mullins in that all
the owners are domestic banks functioning within the N.Y. Federal Reserve
district.  The discrepancies are likely due to mergers, new entries into the
banking market, or other significant changes in the size of district banks
since the publication of Mullins’ list.  One point is clear: foreigners do
not own the New York Federal Reserve directly.
Global Domination Through the Back Door?

Although foreigners do not own the New York Federal Reserve Bank directly,
perhaps, Mullins argues, they own and control it indirectly via ownership of
domestic banks.  He claims that since the money-center banks of New York own
the largest portion of stock in the New York Fed, they hand-pick its board of
directors and president.  This would give them, and hence the London
Connection, control over Fed operations and U.S. monetary policy.

The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that firms whose stock is
traded publicly report their major stockholders each year.  The reports
identify all institutional shareholders (primarily, firms owning stock in
other companies), all company officials who own shares in their firm, and any
individual or institution owning more than 5% of the firm’s stock.  These
reports show that only one of the N.Y. Fed’s current largest shareholders,
Citicorp, has any major foreign stockholders.  As of January 1996, Price
Alwaleed Bin Talad of Saudi Arabia owned 8.9% of Citicorp stock.2   None of
the member banks on the above list have any significant portion of shares
held by any foreign individual or institution.  Mullins' claim that
foreigners own the N.Y. Federal Reserve indirectly is also wrong.

Moreover, the ownership rights of Federal Reserve Bank stock are different
than the common stock of typical corporations.  Usually, the number of votes
a shareholder has is proportional to the number of shares he owns.  However,
ownership of Federal Reserve Bank stock entitles the shareholder to one vote
when voting for its regional Federal Reserve Bank officials regardless of how
many total shares the member bank may own.  A group of international
conspirators would need to purchase a controlling interest in a majority of
the banks operating in the N.Y. district to guarantee the election of their
desired minions to the N.Y. Fed’s board of directors.  Buying that much stock
in so many U.S. banks would require an outlay of hundreds of billions of
dollars. Surely there must be a cheaper path to global domination.

Mullins’ premise here is that the member banks control the policies of the
N.Y. Fed.  In the next section I detail why this is wrong, but an historical
example also illustrates the fault of this assumption.  Galbraith (1990)
recounts that in the spring of 1929 the New York Stock Exchange was booming.
Prices there had been rising considerably, extending the bull market that
began in 1924.  The Federal Reserve Board decided to take steps to arrest the
speculative bubble that appeared to be forming: It raised the cost banks had
to pay to borrow from the Federal Reserve and it increased speculators’
margin requirements. Charles Mitchell, then the head of National City Bank
(now Citicorp, one of the largest shareholders of the N.Y. Fed at the time),
was so irritated by this decision that in a bank statement he wrote, “We feel
that we have an obligation which is paramount to any Federal Reserve warning,
or anything else, to avert any dangerous crisis in the money market”
(Galbraith, p. 57).  National City Bank promised to increase lending to
offset any restrictive policies of the Federal Reserve.  Wrote Galbraith,
“The effect was more than satisfactory: the market took off again.  In the
three summer months, the increase in prices outran all of the quite
impressive increase that had occurred during the entire previous year”
(Ibid).  If the Fed and its policies were really under the control of its
major stockholders, then why did the Federal Reserve Board clearly defy the
intent of its single largest shareholder?

Does the New York Fed Call the Shots?

Mullins and Kah both argue that by controlling the New York Federal Reserve
Bank, the international banking elite command the entire Federal Reserve
System and thus direct U.S. monetary policy for their own profit.  “For all
practical purposes,” Kah writes, “the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the
Federal Reserve” (Kah, p.13; emphasis his).  This is the linchpin of their
conspiracy theory because it provides the mechanism by which the
international bankers can execute their plans.  A brief look at how the Fed’s
powers are actually distributed shows that this key assumption in the
conspiracy theory is wrong.

The Federal Reserve System is controlled not by the New York Federal Reserve
Bank, but by the Board of Governors (the Board) and the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC).  The Board is a seven-member panel appointed by the
President and approved by the Senate.  It determines the interest rate for
loans to commercial banks and thrifts, selects the required reserve ratio
which determines how much of customer deposits a bank must keep on hand (a
factor that significantly affects a bank’s ability create new credit), and
also decides how much new currency Federal Reserve Banks may issue each year
(12 USCA §248).  The FOMC consists of the members of the Board, the president
of the New York Fed, and four presidents from other regional Federal Reserve
Banks.  It formulates open market policy which determines how much in
government bonds the Fed Banks may buy or sell – the major tool of monetary
policy (12 USCA §263).

The key point is that a Federal Reserve Bank cannot change its discount rate
or required reserve ratio, issue additional currency, or purchase government
bonds without the explicit approval of either the Board or the FOMC.  The New
York Federal Reserve Bank, through its direct and permanent representation on
the FOMC, has more say on monetary policy than any other Federal Reserve
Bank, but it still only has one vote of twelve on the FOMC and no say at all
in setting the discount rate or the required reserve ratio.  If it wanted
monetary policy to go in one direction, while the Board and the rest of the
FOMC wanted policy to go another, then the New York Fed would be out-voted.
The powers over U.S. monetary policy rest firmly with the publicly-appointed
Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee, not with the New
York Federal Reserve Bank or a group of international conspirators.

Mullins also made a great to-do about the Federal Advisory Council.  This is
a panel of twelve representatives appointed by the board of directors of each
Fed Bank.  The Council meets at least four times each year with the members
of the Board to give them their advice and to discuss general economic
conditions (12 USCA §261).  Many of the members have been bankers, a point
not at all missed by Mullins. He speculates that this Council of bankers is
able to force its will on the Board of Governors:

The claim that the “advice” of the council members is not binding on the
Governors or that it carries no weight is to claim that four times a year,
twelve of the most influential bankers in the United States take time from
their work to travel to Washington to meet with the Federal Reserve Board
merely to drink coffee and exchange pleasantries (Mullins, p. 45).

A point Mullins neglects entirely is that the Council has no voting power in
Board meetings, and thus has no direct input into monetary policy.  In
support of his hypothesis Mullins offers no evidence, not even an anecdote.
Moreover, his Council theory is inconsistent with his general thesis that the
London Connection runs the Federal Reserve System via their imagined control
of the N.Y. Fed.  If this were true, then why would they also need the

Who Gets the Fed’s Profits?

Gary Kah and Thomas Schauf (1992) also maintain that the huge profits of the
Federal Reserve System are diverted to its foreign owners through the
dividends paid to its stockholders.  Kah reports “Each year billions of
dollars are ‘earned’ by Class A stockholders of the Federal Reserve” (Kah, p.
20).  Schauf further laments by asking, “When are the profits of the Fed
going to start flowing into the Treasury so that average Americans are no
longer burdened with excessive, unnecessary taxes?”

The Federal Reserve System certainly makes large profits.  According to the
Board’s 1995 Annual Report, the System had net income totaling $23.9 billion,
which, if it were a single firm, would qualify it as one of the most
profitable companies in the world.  How were these profits distributed?  By
an agreement between the Board and the Treasury, nearly all of the Fed’s
annual profits are paid to the federal government.  Accordingly, a lion’s
share of $23.4 billion, which represented 97.9 percent of the Federal
Reserve’s net income, was paid to the Treasury.  The Federal Reserve Banks
kept $283 million, and the remaining $231 million was paid to the Fed’s
stockholders as dividends.  Regarding Schauf’s lamentation, the Federal
Reserve System has been paying its profits to the Treasury since 1947.


The allegation that an international banking cartel controls the Federal
Reserve is wrong.  Contrary to Kah’s claim, foreigners do not own any stock
in the New York Federal Reserve Bank.  Neither do they currently own any
significant shares of the domestic banks that actually do own shares in the
N.Y.    Fed.  Moreover, the central assumption that control of the New York
Federal Reserve is the same as control of the whole System is badly mistaken.
 Also, the profits of the Federal Reserve System, again contrary to the
conspiracy theorists, are funneled almost entirely back to the federal
government, not to an international banking elite.  If the U.S. central bank
is in the grip of an international conspiracy, then Mullins and Kah have
certainly not uncovered it.

1.  State chartered banks have the option of becoming member banks of the
Federal Reserve System.  Interestingly, only 10% of have done so.

2. Compact Disclosure CD-ROM, v3.0


82nd Annual Report, 1995,  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
U.S. Government  Printing Office.
Galbraith, John K. (1990),  A Short History of Financial Euphoria.  New York:
Whittle Direct Books.

Kah, Gary (1991),  En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, La.: Huntington

Mullins, Eustace (1983),  Secrets of the Federal Reserve.  Staunton, Va.:
Bankers Research Institute.

Schauf, Thomas (1992),  The Federal Reserve, Streamwood, IL: FED-UP, Inc.

Woodward, G. Thomas (1996), “Money and the Federal Reserve System: Myth and
Reality.”  Congressional Research Service.

United States Code Annotated, 1994.  U.S. Government Printing Office.


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