-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Enoch Shemna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 17 October 1999 3:51

Two days ago a friend of mine received information from an inside source
that HAARP would soon cause an earthquake in California and that they had
caused the earthquakes in Turkey recently and soon they will start striking
other major cities around the world.  My wife woke me up this morning to
tell me that California was just hit by a 7.0- my source was right, prepare
people, things are going to get very shaky soon.


Below is an email that was sent out yesterday before this earthquake hit.


Portions of this article regarding artificial control of weather
mysteriously vanished from the version which reached our recipients

Trying again.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Feds--Major S.F. Quake Due
HAARP "Acting Up?"

(c) NewsHawk® Inc.

Should we take this "warning" just delivered by the U.S. Geological
Survey--doubtless with all good intentions on their part--to mean that
HAARP and other electromagnetic systems with capabilities of inducing
seismic activity, [covert] government/military ELF/ULF transmission
systems, will in upcoming times be cranked up to 11 on a scale of 10;
then focused in on the San Francisco Bay area?

It does seem a bit odd that a warning of such "detail" should issued, in
light of a number of devastating quakes in a number of regions of late;
and, would that indicate some of those were "triggered", as well? The
questions really start to pile on when one considers the genuinely
awesome, PATENTED (no less!), DOCUMENTED, scientifically-VALIDATED
capabilities of HAARP's applied, Tesla-based
electromagnetic/radio-frequency transmissions in regard to such
"earthshaking" events.

Maybe the bio/chem warfare scenarios aren't going as well as planned for
NWO mass murderers and "genocidal" maniacs, so attempts will be made to
whip the physical, global environment into some kind a frenzy; using
HAARP and related technologies.

In fact, we discussed this very possibility in our reports "HAARP's
Covert Agendas" and "PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero

We don't feel this is simply paranoid musing--HAARP technology and
operational systems are almost totally under the control of the U.S.
Navy--described by a number of sources as the one branch of the military
most strongly and predominantly supportive of what could be called the
New World Order.

In addition, the potential for HAARP, and other ELF/ULF systems as noted
above, to induce "severe" (and often intentionally destructive,
catastrophic) effects upon weather is well-known AND officially
well-documented. Operations designed to implement this exact kind of
"weather control"--sometimes with chemical assistance from those
contrail-spraying military jets--are constant and ongoing.

Forget about what the Air Force said about "owning the weather by the
year 2025." Either they or the NWO in some guise or other "owns" it
already; at least to some degree.

We feel it's a safe assumption to say that many of the bead NWO honchos
don't like "people" in general, all that much.

This earthquake warning delivered by the U.S.G.S. could be one official
heads-up worth tuning in to.

(c) 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


WIRE:10/15/1999 00:18:00 ET
Odds Raised For Major San Francisco

OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - The San Francisco area has a 70 percent
chance of being hit by a major earthquake over the next 30 years, an
almost inevitable disaster that will nevertheless catch millions of
people unprepared, federal scientists said Thursday.
"We have earthquake probability distributed throughout the Bay Area,"
said USGS geologist David Schwartz, lead author of the new report.
"There really is no escape."
With more precise scientific tools at their disposal, researchers have
now raised their assessment of the risk. With a 10 percent margin of
error, the San Francisco area could be looking at as much as an 80
percent likelihood of earthquake disaster within three decades.


The new, higher probability released at a special earthquake
preparedness conference Thursday, reflected fresh understanding of the
network of fault lines crisscrossing
the area...
Scientists say a more frightening comparison is the 1995 temblor that
hit Kobe, Japan. Although that quake was somewhat stronger, measuring
magnitude 6.9, it is seen as a model for a future San Francisco quake
because the two areas are amazingly similar in both seismic stress and
urban development.

The Kobe quake killed more than 6,000 people and caused $100 billion in

Schwartz said that even if San Francisco continues to escape the
inevitable "Big One" measuring 6.7 or higher, there is an 80 percent
chance the Bay Area will be hit by one or more earthquakes measuring
more than 6 during the next three decades.

"While magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakes can cause serious damage
throughout the Bay region, these smaller quakes, centered in urbanized
areas, could also cause serious damage." Jim Davis, California's state
geologist, said the current assessment of "acceptable risk" was putting
people and buildings in danger.

Scientists say the most dangerous fault is the Hayward, which has a 32
percent probability of a major rupture over the next 30 years.

The Hayward fault is not only especially overdue for a major earthquake,
but also holds the potential for causing the most damage because many of
the East Bay communities it threatens are built on loose landfill, which
can magnify the effects of earthquake shaking.

Jeanne Perkins, manager of earthquake preparedness for the Association
of Bay Area Governments, said that a major quake on the Hayward fault
could lead to a housing crisis, displacing more than 350,000 people, and
putting more than 100,000 into tent camps and other temporary shelters.

"There will be no place to put these people. We have no temporary
housing," Perkins said. "The bottom line is that we have to act now."

Other fault lines are also risky, however. The USGS says the San Andreas
fault, which caused the legendary 1906 San Francisco earthquake, has a
21 percent chance of experiencing a major earthquake by 2030. The
Calaveras fault, which underlies many newly developed bedroom
communities, has an 18 percent chance of a major shake-up during that
period, the USGS said.

Copyright 1999 ABC News Internet Ventures.

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