-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
 The Real Thing - A review by Jim Keith
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 21:05:28 +1300
From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Real Thing
A review by Jim Keith

    Cybernetic brain control, achieved by innocent-seeming
increments of technology:  A popular product provides the capital
for saturation advertising, saturation provides the continual
reinforcement via electronic brain massage so that a culture
takes on a hypnotic mode of acceptance, and the advertising
offers the carrier wave for really sinking the subconscious,
glandular meathooks in.

    The ruthlessness, the cynicism of control makes it certain
that the puppet strings will continue to be implanted as deeply
in the flesh as the state of technology permits.

    Take the image of Coca Cola as being "the real thing", the
all-American fun beverage, consumed by (if we are to believe the
ads) middle-American, horsing-around-on-the-beach, hot
dog-grilling, "soft" drink-swilling, fresh-faced teenagers (who
no doubt have as little idea of the techniques of Pavlovian
advertising as the rest of the world).  And then observe the
techniques by which Coke is actually sold.

    I just watched a Coke ad on television and noted (as I have
noted in most of the ads for companies with the kind of cash
necessary to buy top flight Madison Avenue brain and gland
rinsing) a number of interesting things.

    First, the jerking breasts of the teenage girl in a sack

    Coke, presumably, expects us to believe that is was a candid
shot taken in a slap-happy moment of abandon, but anyone with any
familiarity with film knows that it isn't.  The image is precise,
focused, choreographed.  The shot was chosen precisely for the
image of jerking breasts (virtually every Coke ad has one or more
images of jerking tits and fluxing buns, as do Pepsi commercials,

    Another image shows the uplifted Coke bottle with guzzling
teenager.  Let's not rule out that Coke executives, choosing the
imagery of the ad, may just possibly have considered the
fellation equation.

    Another shot shows a toddler's diaper falling down, people
laughing uproariously at this no-doubt hilarious occurrance.
But the following cut is the telling one, where all of the
elements cum together.

    A young woman, sitting on the lap of a fellow in a rocking
chair, falls backward onto him as the chair tips over.  Everyone
is still laughing (their asses off), but that precise posture of
anal penetration is shown in slow, loving motion.

    Compare the strategy of this ad, its techniques for obtaining
and holding attention (what more fascinating image than analism,
the Coca Cola Company thinks) while the "Coke" message is drilled
in. Compare it with the above ground image of the company.

    Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful Wholesome, American, Fun,
Youthful Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful  Wholesome, American,
Fun, Youthful  Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful  Wholesome,
American, Fun, Youthful,  Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful,
Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful,  Wholesome, American, Fun,
Youthful  Wholesome, American, Fun, Youthful,  Wholesome,
American, Fun, Youthful.

Jim Keith is the author of Casebook on Alternative 3: UFOs,
Secret Societies and World Control, available for $12.95 from
IllumiNet Press, POB 2808, Lilburn, GA 30226.  1-800-680-INET.

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->  Posted by: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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