-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-17 03:56:23 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Thanks Das, I know you copped all the flak, but just look at what it has
>brought out.. The closest most of us have cone to the Sumerian tabs is
>Sitchen so you have now opened our eyes a little wider..

There's a ton of good stuff out there, if one doesn't mind taking the time to
absorb a lot of (at first) seemingly unconnected details until (finally) one
begins to get the hang of a foreign-to-our-way-of-thinking worldview, which
of course includes the "mythological."
If one survives to THAT point, next there's the adventure of CROSS-REFERENCING
such stuff in the meta-context composed of what's believed in MULTIPLE
cultures --
for example, even Sitchin hasn't tried to cross-reference the oldest
Mesopotamian and Egyptian "mythologies" with the earliest GREEK myths, those
described by Hesiod,
but <a small accomplishment> I HAVE, and there are insights aplenty in that
view ...
The "mythologies" of the Teutons, the Mayans, and the post- and pre-Vedic
Hindus are
still awaiting THEIR "Sitchins," who'll need to immerse themselves totally in
an "alien" mindset conditioned by a totally different language and "gloss"
(as Castaneda calls it) in order to recognize and value the "strange" (to our
minds) as much as the "expected" and the same-old-same-old "familiar"
(avoiding the urge to MAKE everything "uniform").

Better to approach unfamiliar territory with an attitude of WONDER, because
someone who's too committed to a hypothesis or building up an argument to
"prove" a theory will predictably fall into the most common of academic
errors: ignoring the incongruous and whatever might CONTRADICT one's pet
"system," shoving aside what doesn't "fit" even though those oddities might
in fact be the clues to a totally different but more accurate
understanding.  We Westerners have a strong subconscious drive to "discover"
the Same Old Thing in everything foreign and ancient, by projecting our
culture's primary assumptions onto just about everything we look at, seeing
(again) only OUR "reality."  An example is Sigmund Freud, who peered into the
"psyche" and found there only a microcosmic image of 19th Century
Imperialism, a Social Darwinism of the soul -- in contrast to OTHERS like
Jung.  In my opinion, Sitchin is promoting a kind of "cosmic" imperialism and
colonialism, along with (from his own background) reformulating Old Testament
Judaism as a kind of interplanetary Theocracy, with a space-based "Jehovah
and his angels" at the helm, playing the same baboon-politics Master/Slave
game that Oriental tyrants living in Biblical times exemplified.  His mind
simply freezes up at the SUBTLETIES of the very facts which from which his
system is built up -- for example, what are we to make of the DUALISM (for
the Sumerians, two RIVAL gods --Enki and Enlil-- existed, one hostile to
mankind, the other benevolent) that made the earth a battlefield for a "war
in HEAVEN"?  What should we infer from accounts of the KING of the Gods'
(Marduk, in later times) selfish USURPATION of power from the Elder Gods, who
had earlier ruled more harmoniously over Nature?  (Also, underlining the
unusual circumstances which were responsible for the Elder Gods DELEGATING
power to the "King" of Gods as a "general" during a time of CRISIS -- namely
the "threat" provided by the natural forces who were Tiamat's progeny-- WHAT
EXACTLY was accomplished by the younger generation of gods' "subduing" and
"carving up" Nature writ large, and does this not speak of an IMPRISONMENT of
Nature under "divine" (read HUMAN) rule, in which the divinity of Nature is
still immanent, "trapped" within the artificial structure of human society?)
What do we make of the "Savior" of mankind being an ENEMY of the new God(s)
in both the Hebrew religion (archangel Satan, fallen from Heaven with the
"Nefilim") and Greek mythology (Prometheus, creator of mankind, founder of
culture), with Hebrews "demonizing" him vis-a-vis their INIMICAL God and the
Greeks instead REVERING  him while scoffing at the petty tyranny of the
Olympians and eventually becoming more realistic, rationalistic "atheists"?
How do we deal with the fact that both the Egyptians and Mesopotamians
honored a dying-and-resurrected god of COMMON people (Osiris, Dumuzi/Tammuz)
as an analogy of our "Christ," but blamed the "Devil" Sky-God (analogous to
Jehovah) of the Ruling Class, HOSTILE to anything giving hope to
slave-humanity, for his death?  Why is Gilgamesh, a warlord sovereign
half-divine in parentage, portrayed as seeking immortality among the gods and
NOT FINDING IT, in the end learning that instead of hoping to TRANSCEND the
natural (mortality), he should WELCOME it, like Enkindu?  Why is the Sumerian
Adapa/Etana, who ascended to Heaven like Enoch, PUNISHED for his hubris
instead of being "rewarded" for it (with an implied immortality) like the
Hebrew Enoch?  In short, there are a great number of DISCREPANCIES in the
ur-mythology which Sitchin has presented to readers as an all too PAT picture
of "extraterrestrial imperialism, love it or leave it" -- a great disservice
to us as a species, if there's any truth to his argument whatsoever ...
Let's not make of Sitchin a "prophet" and put him up on an undeserved
pedestal for his hypothesis, which is in fact not his ALONE and certainly not
even the ONLY hypothesis derivable from the same data -- just read, for
example, Brinsley LePoer Trench's books from the '70s, and  speculative works
like "Genius of a Few" by Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien, "The Kabbalah
Decoded" etc by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, "The Sirius Mystery" by
Robert Temple, and "Gods of the Cataclysm" by Hugh Fox, re-read Velikovsky,
read everything you can on Egyptian and Mesopotamian myths PER SE, and then
it the light of what's only implied in "Hamlet's Mill" by Giorgio de
Santillana and made more explicit in Nicholas Campion's "The Great Year,"
just for starters ...  Most of all, don't let yourself get caught up in ONE
hypothesis too uncritically, no longer able to analyze it and TEST its
validity from within, unable to consider OTHER hypotheses.
If you do, you're just buying into somebody else's belief system, your mind

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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