-Caveat Lector-

<<Needless to say, the Kosovarian Liberation Adventure '99 is not quite over,
except for the mediacrats.  A<>E<>R >>


THE POST-KOSOVO EUROPEAN REFUGEE CRISIS Real Refugees, the Abuse of Asylum and
Organised Crime

With the end of the 78 day war between NATO and Yugoslavia, hundreds of
thousands of Kosovar Albanians may have returned home, but a new refugee has
crisis followed. The flow of would-be asylum seekers claiming to be from Kosovo
and trying to enter EU states has not stopped. During the summer several
European countries reported an upsurge in the number of refugees arriving and
seeking asylum, notably Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. During the
summer, the British Helsinki Human Rights Group conducted several on-the-spot
observation missions in Dover, Calais and south-eastern Italy to analyse the
complex and controversial issues of political asylum, migration, and the role
of the mafia in people smuggling.

The summer of 1999 has seen a spate of incidents reported in the media without
adequate analysis.

In Dover, on the south coast of England, tensions flared between local youths
and asylum seekers that resulted in several people being wounded in knife

In Calais, on the other side of the English Channel, refugees claiming to be
from Kosovo, put up an ersatz camp in the city's main park to draw attention to
their plight. It was cleared by the French riot police, the CRS.

Along the coast of Puglia in southern Italy hundreds of asylum seekers arrive
every day, including gypsies from Kosovo. One boatload of would-refugees was
apparently drowned at sea off Montenegro after been thrown overboard by the
people smugglers. Added to which, hundreds of containers filled with
humanitarian aid for Kosovo which should have been delivered by the state-
sponsored charity Arcobaleno months ago have been discovered sitting at the
port of Bari and in Durres in Albania.

Reports in both national and local newspapers in these countries have
highlighted concerns that many refugees are not fleeing political persecution
per se but seeking work and more favourable economic circumstances in the more
affluent West. More alarmingly, police in Western Europe suspect that the
influx of refugees is part of a worldwide network involving not just the
smuggling of people but also the control of drug, prostitution and paedophile

The subject has become a difficult one to discuss calmly as anyone who sets out
to analyse the nature of the refugee problem tends to be labeled as 'racist'.
Refusal to question anyone's motives however tends to tarnish the genuine
asylum seekers and other honest would-be arrivals in Western Europe with the
criminal brush since ordinary people are made cynical about the whole asylum
issue by the refusal of self-appointed spokesmen for refugees to tackle the
hard questions about people smuggling, crime and dishonest claims for asylum.
This blanket denial of the grey side of the asylum issue ignores the reality
that many refugees are themselves pawns in the hands of international
criminals. The fact that most of them pay thousands of Deutsche Marks or
dollars to reach Western Europe is testimony to the fact that asylum is big
business for many unscrupulous people who have no concern for the fate of those
whose passage to freedom they faciltate.

Having already visited the key port of embarkation for Italy in Albania, Vlore,
in 1998, members of the BHHRG visited Dover, Calais and southern Italy in
August-September, 1999, to examine the nature and extent of the problems there.

Their report concludes that:
(1) The definition of asylum contained in Article 14 (1) of the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights - to offer protection to those suffering political
persecution - is now largely irrelevant. Apart from a handful of people (see
below) no one interviewed by the BHHRG claimed to have been persecuted
politically; they wanted to work and gain a decent standard of living, better
than they could hope for in the countries of origin. These are not
dishonourable motives, but to achieve asylum status applicants must dissemble
their true economic motives and invent political or religious reasons.

(2) Attempts to strengthen and refine domestic methods of applying asylum laws
will do little to curtail the flow. Despite much-vaunted cooperation between EU
member states and legislation like the Dublin Convention the understanding is
that 'the problem' can be shifted from one EU country to another.

(3) The rationale behind the existence of bodies like the Council of Europe is
blown open. For example, people from Romania and Poland are considered suitable
candidates for asylum despite those countries having met the human rights
criteria for membership in the Council of Europe.

(4) Many of the problems that now exist have resulted from ill-conceived
foreign policy decisions made by the Europeans and their more powerful American
allies in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, in particular. This has involved
promoting and supporting patently mafia regimes which, when once established,
are impossible to control. KFOR's hopeless attempts to stem Kosovar Albanian
violence in the past 3 months demonstrates this all too well.

BHHRG has long experience of studying mafia activities in the FRY republic of
Montenegro and in Albania. According to all the experts in Italy, Albania is
the outlet for most of the people smuggling that is now taking place. However,
when former president Berisha attempted to control smugglers in October, 1996,
his government was brought down in 1997 by an uprising led by a strange
alliance of mafia gangs and former Communists with, many believed, covert
American help, certainly with vocal support from EU and US capitals. Since then
Albania's role as exporter of people and organised crime to Italy and beyond
has exploded despite the Tirana government's signature on cooperation
agreements especially with Italy. Unlike Albania, the West's ally in
Yugoslavia, President Milo Djukanovic of Montenegro has refused even to sign
anti-mafia and anti-smuggling agreements with Italy.

It is a sad irony that NATO's humanitarian crusade in the Balkans has promoted
a refugee exodus and an explosion of organised crime. The human rights of
hundreds of millions inside and outside the EU are threatened by the failure to
control international organised crime and its political backers especially in
the Balkans.

>>>Internal links<<<


The sight of hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing their homeland was the
defining spectacle of the Kosovo crisis. However, like previous post-Cold War
crises such as the Kurdish exodus in 1991 following the end of the Gulf War,
Allied victory has not resolved the problem of displacement, just altered the
parameters. The return of so many refugees to Kosovo has not stemmed the flow
of would-be migrants, some from Kosovo others claiming to be from the province.
They have joined the existing tide from other places.

Despite the existence of dictatorships and persecuting regimes, few of the
arrivals in southern Italy, let alone those who make their way through safe
countries like France to Britain, have serious claims for asylum. Only the Roma
refugees from Kosovo formed a clearly persecuted group in the observers’
opinion. In practice it is those with the money to pay people-smugglers and
with the daring to take the risks involved _ primarily young men _ who make up
the bulk of asylum-seekers.

Away from immigration officials, these young men are perfectly willing to
explain their economic motivation for coming to Western Europe. Unfortunately,
Western European states do not recognise self-improvement as a legitimate
reason for admission. In order to gain admittance young men who might well have
the energy and initiative, and often the education, to find jobs and contribute
to society have to perjure themselves and pretend to be victims of persecution.
Since they are often already beholden to criminal organizations for their
clandestine transport to Britain, this incentive to lie can only encourage
contempt for the law of their adopted country.

Instead of continuing the increasingly farcical and dishonest asylum system, EU
and other affluent West European states should consider blanket rejections of
appeals for refugee status from a "white list" of states and by those clearly
passing from one EU state to another. At the same time, EU should consider
adopting a rational regulated immigration and work permit system. In the
absence of a coordinated policy by the EU and countries like Switzerland, Great
Britain should adopt clear new policies.

The preservation of the right to asylum for genuine refugees is an important
obligation for any civilized state. Public support for the duty to provide for
refugees can best be maintained by making clear distinctions between the
deserving and undeserving applicants.

Many of the problems found across Europe with absconding or unregistered asylum-
seekers and migrants could be reduced by a willingness to offer immigration and
working rights to candidates who meet clear criteria.

Much of the illegality and crime associated (not least in the public mind) with
the exponential growth in asylum applications combined with the Home Office’s
inability to process the results could be avoided if Britain and her partners
adopted policies which permitted immigration or periods of work which could be
readily regulated precisely because the migrants would have fewer incentives to
live illegally and on the fringes of society.
Such a system would of course require enforcement. At present, the authorities
across Western Europe often talk tough but in practice avoid dealing with the
issue of bogus asylum-seekers, treating genuine refugees on a par with illegal
immigrants, and hoping that the problem will move elsewhere.

The combination of Western Europe’s economic attractions with continued
upheaval from the Balkans to the Middle East suggest that the issue of a
growing number of asylum-seekers will continue to test Western politicians.
However, the failure to adopt transparently honest and effective policies to
distinguish real refugees from economic migrants, or to permit legal
immigration while cracking down on the organised crime associated with illegal
influxes, can only encourage the very racism which critics of any influx
control decry.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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