-Caveat Lector-

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To: "isml" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:25:40 -0400


>From The Sunday Times,
October 17 1999 BRITAIN

Police to get power to tap e-mail

Michael Prescott, Political Editor

COMPUTER users who refuse to divulge their passwords to the authorities face
up to two years in jail under increased police powers to be unveiled in next
month's Queen's speech.
Other measures drawn up by the government will make it easier for companies
to monitor employees' phone calls and e-mails. A third part of the crackdown
will give the police new authority to tap mobile phone calls, pager messages
and e-mail.

The plans were already attracting criticism last night, with one Tory MP
warning that the government risked creating "a state surveillance system
like something out of Orwell's 1984".

Government ministers will justify the measures as necessary to trap
pornographers, drug traffickers and fraudsters who exploit new technology.
Police officers who gain a search warrant from the courts can already look
at computer files, but provisions in the forthcoming e-commerce bill will
allow them to demand passwords used to protect sensitive data. A suspect who
witholds them faces a jail term of up to two years.

"Paedophiles and drug barons tend to send material that can be unlocked only
if you know a code often extending to many digits," said a senior government
source last night. "The law has to catch up with this."

The bill will also legally oblige internet service providers (ISPs) to keep
records showing to and from whom material has been sent and received. In
spite of industry complaints about the cost, ministers want the ISPs to keep
detailed records on all customers for days at a time.

"The provision will prove invaluable in tracking down paedophile rings, for
example," said a source at the Department of Trade and Industry, which has
drawn up the measure in co-operation with the Home Office.

Many companies monitor employees' phone calls and e-mails to ensure
customers and clients are being dealt with according to required standards.
This is a grey area legally, but the Home Office is to give firms a legal
right to monitor their workers, so long as they warn them that this is
company practice.

The proposed new Interception of Communication Act will also deal with
criminals who frequently change their mobile phone numbers and e-mail
addresses, to exploit the fact that warrants are issued for a particular
number or address. New catch-all warrants will cover all of a named
individual's communications devices and will last for three months instead
of two.

Dan S

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