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Today's Lesson from The Last Days of Mankind

by Karl Kraus

Patriot: Did you hear the latest? In France, they throw people in jail
because they're telling the truth. The other day a lady in Paris said Germany
was prepared for war and France was not--and she was locked up. Just because
she told the truth to their faces!
Biach: Yes, they can't take it, those French warmongers. Waging war--yes.
Attacking a peace-loving neighbor like Germany, yes. That's the way they are.
Patriot: Golden words. Germany is waging a defensive war. No one here
expected war. The defense industry was caught completely unprepared.
Biach: Right. And when a simple woman in France speaks the truth . . .
Patriot: No, you are mistaken. She was sentenced because she said Germany was
prepared for war.
Biach: But the truth is that Germany was not prepared.
Patriot: But she said it was prepared.
Biach: That's a lie.
Patriot: But she was sentenced because she told the truth.
Biach: Then what did she say?
Patriot: That Germany was prepared for war.
Biach: How can she be sentenced for that in France? For that she should have
been sentenced in Germany.
Patriot: How come? Now wait a minute--no--maybe--listen: the way I see it,
she told the truth, but in France--the way the country is run--she was
sentenced because she lied.
Biach: No, no, you're all mixed up. What happened was she lied, and she was
sentenced in France because they cannot accept the truth.
Patriot: Terrible, those conditions in France. What do you say about England?
Biach: Their potato prices skyrocketed.
Secrets of State

Saddam Executes Spy Chief

Who leaked info on the Russian arms deal?

SADDAM HUSSEIN last week had his intelligence chief executed for leaking
information about Iraq's secret arms deals with Russia, details of which have
been published exclusively in The Telegraph.
Rafa al-Tikriti, the Iraqi dictator's second cousin who had been head of
intelligence since 1996, was executed last Monday in Baghdad, having been
dismissed by Saddam the previous week. Initial reports in government-owned
newspapers said the intelligence chief had been killed in a car crash. It was
then reported that he had died of a heart attack in hospital.
But information received by Western diplomats has confirmed that al-Tikriti,
who was middle-aged and married with two children, was executed on Monday
after an investigation was conducted into how details of secret arms deals
between Russia and Iraq were published in the West.
The investigation, which was personally ordered by Saddam, found that a
senior official in the Iraqi intelligence service who worked for al-Tikriti
was responsible for leaking details of Iraq's arms deals with Russia. Both
men were arrested, and al-Tikriti was dismissed and executed. The fate of the
other official is unknown.
Al-Tikriti's execution is being taken as evidence of a new power struggle
between rival factions in Saddam's ruling family. The executed intelligence
chief was a close relation of Barzan al-Tikriti, Saddam's half-brother who
recently sought sanctuary in Abu Dhabi after becoming involved in a power
struggle with Uday Hussein, Saddam's eldest son.
The London Telegraph, October 17, 1999

Information Warfare

China Plans to Disrupt Western Financial Institutions?

In case of war, imitate George Soros.

AS PRESIDENT Jiang Zemin prepares for his state visit to Britain this week,
details have emerged of a bizarre Chinese plan to destroy the West's
financial institutions in the event of a major conflict breaking out.
Senior members of the People's Liberation Army are openly urging the Beijing
government to abandon conventional defence strategies and prepare a "dirty
war". They advocate terrorism, biochemical warfare, environmental damage and
computer viruses as a means to pitch the West into political and economic
The maverick officers maintain that China must use such tactics because it
cannot hope to match the West's military might. The plans are revealed in a
series of books and newspaper articles published recently in China. One book,
which was written by two PLA air force colonels, lists 24 types of dirty war
that could be used to bring America and its allies to their knees.
Col Qiao Liang, the author of one of the books, justified the eccentric
advice in a full-page newspaper article: "All strong countries make rules,
while all rising ones break them and exploit loopholes. Barbarians [a Chinese
term for foreigners] always rise by breaking the rules of civilised and
developed countries, which is what human history is all about." Although the
prospect of war between China and the West is a distant one, disclosure of
plans for a dirtywar will cause embarrassment for President Jiang, who begins
a four-day visit to Britain on Tuesday, as well as for his hosts, the Queen
and Prince Philip.
The 73-year-old president - the first Chinese head of state to visit Britain
- begins his tour with a ceremonial welcome at Horse Guards Parade on
Tuesday. He will also hold separate talks with Tony Blair, William Hague and
Charles Kennedy, as well as visiting cultural and tourist attractions.
The revelations will fuel the controversy surrounding President Jiang's
visit. Police are already planning one of the biggest security operations
ever mounted for a visiting politician in an attempt to keep pro-Tibet and
pro-democracy protesters away from the president, who is highly sensitive to
political protests.
Officers are preparing for demonstrations at all points on the president's
itinerary, including: the Millennium Dome; the Royal Observatory at
Greenwich; the British Museum, where he will open a China exhibition; the
Globe theatre, where he will attend a rehearsal of Shakespeare's Julius
Caesar; and Cambridge University, where he will visit the university library
and music school.
The blueprints for the dirty war say the Chinese army should infiltrate and
sabotage key pillars of Western society, including banks and the public
sector, in response to a direct threat of war.The officers argue that
Beijing's attempts to upgrade its nuclear and conventional arsenal to catch
up with America are insufficient to prepare the world's most populous country
for conflict.
The increasingly global world economy is pinpointed as a weak point which
could be exploited. The PLA officers write admiringly of George Soros, whose
attack on the pound in 1992 is suggested as a template for disrupting an
unsuspecting rival's economic system. One recent article proposed that
Beijing should set aside $100 billion to pitch its enemies into financial
The books analyse the tactics that Beijing could adopt to bridge the gulf
with America and its allies. The authors of a book entitled Unrestricted War
say such a war "surpasses all boundaries and restrictions. It takes
non-military forms and military forms, and creates a war on many fronts. It
is the war of the future".
One passage criticises Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic for failing to
exploit fully the use of hostages as human shields to deter missile attacks
by the United States. The new thinking has been echoed in the state-run
media, which in recent months has increasingly focused on the ways in which
China can prepare for war against a technologically superior enemy. The China
Youth Daily newspaper said: "Westerners enjoy a high level of civilisation
and will think the measures indecent. However, no one will be merciful when
war breaks out."
The tactics were employed for the first time as Beijing flexed its muscles
recently in response to Taiwanese attempts to redefine their island's
relationship with the mainland. According to Taipei authorities, Chinese
government computer hackers tried to destroy websites maintained by the
Taiwanese National Assembly on the Internet. Although the hackers caused
enough damage to close the site for three days, they failed to destroy data
held on the central computer running the site.
But limitations were exposed when Taiwanese hackers struck back, forcing
Beijing to disconnect computers from the World Wide Web until a new
protective "wall" was ready. The PLA planners argue that China should limit
its weapons build-up. Beijing should not, for example, attempt to match a
joint programme recently launched by America and Japan to develop
missile-based defence systems.
The authors of Unrestricted War said China should not fall into the trap of
spending beyond its means as it attempted to develop new weapons systems and
military hardware.
The London Telegraph, October 17, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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