-Caveat Lector-

Hello Mike:

Your information below is very interesting and is similar to my own
conclusions regarding ETs visiting earth. I know that Darwinian
macroevolution is complete nonsense having read a number of books about it.
Anyhoo, I also think that ETs have been manipulating our genes. I have a few
questions. Who, in your opinion controls the ET technology, and what are they
using it for? ( I would assume the same oligarchy that herds humankind) What
kind of communication is there between the people controlling it and ETs? How
many different Alien's are visiting earth? Are some abductions carried out by
ETs as part of a hybrid experiment? If so, why?
Thanks. Gavin.

PS. By the way, Lloyd Pye wrote a very good book, "Everything You Know Is
Wrong". Concise 72 page evisceration of Darwinism, amongst other things.

In a message dated 10/18/99 1:56:51 AM Central Daylight Time,

<< OK, let's first lay some "perspective" here, K?

 Since I highly respect The Goat's erudite and extremely eloquent,
 albeit many times condescending, perspectives, I wish to bring a
 counter point to his contentions regarding Sitchin, as well as my
 personal views, many derived from much of Sitchin's work.

 Firstly, I ain't no New Ager.  I follow no single or multiple
 doctrine as EDICT, EVER!

 As a reader of Cylinder Seals from Sumeria and other Mesopotamian
 Cities of the period of Ancient Flower, I can tell you that
 Sitchin's translations *are* ACCURATE.

 And, as what The Goat might wrongly assume me to be, namely some
 New Age cult worshiper of Sitchin's, I assure you all that I am

 Although I find it odd that The Goat, and many other seemingly
 EXTREMELY educated persons (in regards to Sitchin, and other
 TRANSLATORS), confuse the fact that Translators TRANSLATE. They
 Do Not Postulate, Embellish, or add ideas. If you don't like the
 results, DO NOT shoot the messenger.

 Granted, and unlike what The Goat seems to suggest regarding
 Sitchin's early work of some TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO, he has gotten
 MUCH MORE "scholarly" and "objective" in the last few of his

 [My above contention, however, is, of course, _NOT_ to include
 his last book, because that, IMO, is just an old man wishing to
 voice, FINALLY AND ON THE RECORD, his PERSONAL views of his
 life's findings.  And how can we blame the dude for that, i.e.,
 attempting to once and finally be heard regarding his personal,
 subjective views (he has always attempted to be "objective" prior
 to this last book, yet he, as any human in recorded history has
 possibly unwillingly actually been, was unsuccessful in achieving
 such...i.e., he, as all "scientists" of all times TRIED to be
 "objective," such is IMPOSSIBLE!).

 In other words, at this point in Zecharia Sitchin's life, when he
 truly has doubts as to whether he will be alive long enough to
 publish again, he, if any human ever has, deserves to have his
 personal opinions heard UNIMPEDEDLY and AS SUCH!  This last book
 of his, I believe, is such an effort, and should be viewed as

 Now, granted that, unlike what The Goat claimed regarding
 Sitchin's early work of 20+ years ago as being his best or most
 "objective," I personally believe that those early works were his
 worst, i.e., that they represented a time when he was only
 "compiling...bla bla bla," as The Goat wrongly assessed of his

 I feel (and I realize all too well that "scientists," of which I
 AM, should not cloud issues with their personal 'feelings'...BUT
 LETS GET *_REAL_*, OKAY?!?!?!), that Sitchin is lately ONLY
 objectively reporting what the ancient Sumers truly *believed* as

 I happen to NOT BELIEVE THEIR "TRUTHS" TO BE SUCH, i.e., I do not
 believe, NOR DOES SITCHIN, that what these ancient HIGHLY
 INTELLIGENT Human Beings --just as intelligent as The Goat or I,
 I might add-- or any other ancient Humans recorded FACT However,
 as I hope to be apparent to all that take the time to read this,
 writings (see all of the below for further clarification of this
 and definitions of terms as _I_ have, and will, use them).

 NOW...since it is obvious that The Goat is very learned,
 articulate, and knowledgeable, to say nothing of highly
 intelligent, I WISH PPL TO SEE HERE AND NOW that OTHER highly
 learned individuals can hold "other" VALID, yet completely
 counter, beliefs...beliefs that quite strikingly contrast to The
 Goat's seemingly very objective views of Sitchin and/or his work,
 and what it reveals as to THE REAL DEAL!

 Well then, "let's get it on," shall we?

 On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, earthman wrote:

 > LOL, so come on guys... where do we all stand on the creation thing..


 First, I WISH that I was as eloquent a writer as is The Goat,
 but alas, REAL scientists often lack these same tuned skills!

 The following is intended, again, to simply show that "other"
 intelligent and educated opinions can greatly differ with those
 such as The Goat's. Btw, I would never claim that ANYTHING from a
 particular source's own words are MORE THAN SUBJECTIVE...as a
 "REAL scientist," I _KNOW_ that as much as one may try, THIS, no



 Since you ask...here goes nothin'

 I personally believe that there is no doubt that the Sumerians,
 et al, believed the things they claimed to to be "The Truth."
 Whether the veracity of these *very* ancient holy writings should
 be challenged or not, IN REALITY, *must* be viewed as relatively
 unimportant as far as our gleaning truly useful knowledge from
 them as to our *real* origins (i.e., as great as it would be to
 be able to assume that ancient writings were indeed true, this is
 just NOT REALISTICALLY possible for any number of reasons, so
 lets proceed from THIS VANTAGE POINT).

 The important thing is that these ancient authors almost
 certainly *believed* that the things they recorded on rock for
 future readers were indeed the truth to the best of their ability
 to discern such, and that the basis for their beliefs were IN
 FACT either one or more of the following:

  * what they were told by beings claiming to be gods,

  * what they overheard such beings/"gods"/Anunnaki, etc., talking
    or arguing among themselves,

  * and/or what these ancient, most intelligent of their kind's,
    *human* authors *reasoned* "The Truth" to be from any or all
    of these three possible sources.

 I believe that *IF* one views *very* ancient translations as such
 *and no more* (i.e., writings of ancient humans as being what
 they truly believed as The TRUTH; and that by "ancient" I mean
 any and all writings *prior to* the lies-with-intent that first
 seemed to appear and become common in "holy" writings early into
 the common era; and "holy" being those texts regarding our
 purpose for existing, our origins, our "contract" with, or our
 "course syllabus" as provided by God/s, etc.), then many valuable
 insights --no, CHECK that-- many *profound revelations* as to our
 *real* origins are able to be gleaned from perusing such very
 ancient holy texts.

 As such, and as a grad with 3 degrees with High Honors in the
 hard sciences from Big Ten Schools who has, via the sales of
 exotic mega-buck scientific instrumentation to the less-than 100
 institutions in the world that can afford such "non-essential"
 shit..., as one who has had the ULTIMATE privilege of interacted
 *professionally, personally, and intimately* with the top basic
 and applied researchers in the world of most disciplines, and
 because of these personal and professional relationships, having
 had *factual* knowledge as to the existence of an *extremely*
 advanced biological ET presence on this planet (the "ET"
 technology that I have had INTIMATE experience with, i.e., via
 extensive military and private laboratory efforts to analyze and
 recreate it, and that through such, it has been determined to be
 *at least* hundreds of years beyond terrestrial --and I was
 *told* by those "experts" that I TRUST that SOME of the
 technologies we have HARD PROOF OF were thousands of years ahead
 of ours, possibly BILLIONS, i.e., we can't even guess!), ....with
 all of the above foremost in my mind, I personally believe that
 in reality there are two types of entities that are superior to
 human beings (how's that for a sentence? ...sorry).

 It is *fact* (not that I can offer proof of such...you'll just
 have to take my word for what it's worth, or not worth) that
 there are highly technologically superior EBEs (i.e., still
 biological), and then there are types of beings of which I only
 speculate to exist, i.e., that I personally am not certain of the
 existence of, as I've had no personal experience with such, and
 these latter "hypothetical" entities that I refer to, from this
 point in this discussion hence, as "real" gods (i.e., whereas the
 former, to me, ARE *fact*, the latter must be deemed
 *hypothetical* beings that are so advanced as to no longer
 require a biology, beings that can travel to and fro in space,
 time, and dimension *without* a craft or vehicle).

 In addition, I believe that there truly is a universal war (with
 our eternal souls ascending *or not* being the booty) between all
 types of the above alluded to EBEs *and* "real gods."

 Of these hypothetical "real gods," I believe that they are either
 Loving, or "fallen," and all EBEs, including Humans, are either
 knowingly or unknowingly aligned with the agendas of either of
 the two former types of "real gods," i.e., either "LOVING," i.e.,
 aligned with the doctrine of "FREE WILL" (i.e., the loving gods
 of The higher heavens), or those of "The Dark."

 What's more, I believe there is one highest god, i.e., The One
 God, or TZEVAOT, which is an *elected* post, The highest of all
 "real gods," Of The Light, or of "The Fallen."

 I believe that the loving gods reside primarily in "The Higher
 Heavens" (i.e., the 6 dimensional complimentary realm to our 4-D
 space-time "Lower Heavens," and that together they make up the 11
 dimensional Multiverse, i.e., 11 dimensions are required in order
 to describe how the two compliments behave in relation to each

 I believe that there is only one "Creation" (Lower
 Heavens/hell/school/4-D space-time realm) at a time.  I believe
 that TZEVAOT, the highest of all gods, CHANGES with each massive
 cropping-off of those biological entities that are qualified via
 learning of the prerequisites that the gods of The Higher Heavens
 have defined as necessary in order for "them" to be relatively
 certain that we can be trusted with the awesome powers that
 incumbents are *allowed* to possess.  When we learn of love as
 "they" have defined it for us, and when we make our humble
 "petition for karmic release," then we receive an invitation to
 which we can accept or not.  If our petitions are entertained,
 then we too become incumbents as one of three types of real gods
 of The Loving Higher Heavens....we have our petitions for
 "entrance home" granted, and then we too become gods, and are
 able to walk hand-in-hand with our loving "creators" in their
 realm, our true home.

 As an incumbent, we supposedly have choice as to remain there
 ever rising through an exact and specific ranks or hierarchal
 order unique to each god until we too are among the many that are
 all qualified to be the next TZEVAOT, or, at any time we may
 chose to "fall."  If we "fall" we still remain "real gods" but we
 give up, by definition, three privileges that gods of The Higher
 Heavens reserve exclusively for themselves.  As a "fallen"
 god/angel, performing any of these three will result in an
 instant and permanent end to our existence/consciousness.  These
 three privileges are:

  * entering The Higher Heavens without repenting;

  * the use of the language of the Loving Higher Heavens, i.e.,
 classic, poetic, biblical Hebrew, verbally or telepathically;

  * and finally, and most relevant to our existence and creation,
 "fallen gods" are not permitted to create eternal (i.e.,
 spirited) life forms, hence the apparent preoccupation by "fallen
 gods" with genetic manipulations serving any of their specific
 agendas...like the Anunaki, IF they are "real fallen gods" (IMO,
 Anunaki, etc, are probably only advanced EBEs) needing biological
 slave labor, or "real fallen gods" wishing to have us remain
 biological subjects in their Lower Heavens," etc.

 I believe that there is only one type/image of *eternal* or
 "spirited" biological entities per "Creation," and this is what
 ever the biology was that the current TZEVAOT (Host of Hosts)
 hailed from (i.e., currently, and for a short time longer,

 I believe there is only one TZEVAOT (Host of Hosts) at a time.
 This TZEVAOT is a title only, and that the entity occupying this
 exclusive rank, currently YHVH (or if YHVH is really evil, then
 His/Her MOMMA), is no more a part of "The FORCE"/The beginning of
 all/The TOTAL CREATION/"Tao," etc., than we or any other being is
 (some entities/beings have just been around longer!).

 I believe TZEVAOT (THE Host of Hosts) changes when some threshold
 of qualified bio-entities is reached.  In other words, when a
 mass cropping (Rapture) of all qualified bio-entities are
 admitted en masse into The Higher Heavens, there is a total
 destruction of the current 4-D "Creation," allowing the current
 TZEVAOT to abdicate The Throne so as to spend the rest of
 eternity with His/Her "children," and thus making way for a new
 TZEVAOT to assume The Throne for the next Aeon, and hence a new
 Creation in in The Lower Heavens in His/Her image.  This new
 "Creation," i.e., the new Lower Heavens/Hell/School, will be
 inhabited, as *was* THIS ONE, with all eternal EBEs of the image
 of the former TZEVAOT that *were not* qualified incumbents (not
 yet qualified to ascend, or refused invitation) being incarnated
 into a new biological form in the image of the new Host of Hosts,
 along with all the newly created biological members of this new
 Creation (eg., Adamus), all then entering the new Creation as
 biological entities in the image of what ever the biology that
 the new TZEVAOT was before He/She (no sexes "upstairs") became an
 incumbent "real god."

 OK.  I think that about *very basically* covers it!

 And, listen...I just laid out MY GUTS, shit that IF my
 professional contemporaries ever got wind of, it'd be MY ASS!

 Take it or leave it.

 QUITE DIFFERENTLY THAN MY MAIN MAN, The Goat, i.e., toeing of the
 somewhat "left," yet still conservative, line.


 I, if I were all of you, would be asking about now if a real "non
 crazoid" "real scientist" could POSSIBLY believe all this shit.

 Do I really believe all this stuff??  Do I believe all these
 things that I have found to be for the most part common to *all*
 very ancient holy writings regardless of circa or culture,
 whether 20 Kiloyear old glyphs, Arcadian or Sumerian, Babylonian,
 Egyptian, ancient far-Eastern Dynastic, etc.??  Do I believe
 these things that are seemingly most concisely and completely
 summarized in ancient written and oral Hebrew tradition, i.e.,
 described in-toto in ancient Hebrew Mysticism, i.e., Qabbalah??
 Do I personally really go all this, this (as The Goat would
 phrase it), "mythological" crap??

 Well, I'll tell ya what!  Thanks to my HEAVY preoccupation
 (obsession?) with state-of-the-art instrumental
 geo-paleo-archaeology, theoretical and experimental particle
 physics and cosmology, my academic training in chemistry,
 ecology, and biochemistry, and of course, most new findings via
 digs and ancient text translations that seem to be reported DAILY
 in recent times (i.e., "MY WORD WILL BE EVERY WHERE IN THE FINAL
 DAYS," and sure as shit, IT SEEMS AS SO IT IS!), well....

 ...Let's just say that I go this stuff more WITH EACH AND EVERY

 been examined and eliminated!

 After all, in light of how common life [DNA based "life as we
 know it", alone] seems to be in our universe, I don't think many
 experts these days would/could sincerely argue in favor of
 Evolution with a capital "E" occurring anymore, i.e., from basic
 life up through advanced sentient civilizations, unimpeded, and
 WITHOUT interruption!

 I think it's pretty well believed by most experts these days that
 life is just so stinking common that the chances of life evolving
 *anymore* from bottom up without some type of intervention and/or
 interference are infinitesimal, at best!

 Maybe YHVH, et al, and His/Her crowd did undergo Evolution (from
 bottom up unimpeded in any way) in the first quarter or half of
 the age of the universe, BUT THIS SCENARIO *TODAY* SEEMS

 In other words, the most popular school of thought these days
 among "the experts" in most related fields is that life from
 simple single cellular life forms evolving without
 interruption/interference, through to a Class 0 or higher
 civilization (i.e. The Drake and/or Sir Hoyle model of
 "Evolution," with a cap E) hasn't probably occurred in 5-10


 Whether we are a direct result of a "Creation" or not, i.e., the
 creating of eternal, spirited sentience from scratch, a la "real
 gods" (i.e., "eternal" biological life requiring the necessity of
 reincarnation, bla bla bla), and/or already existing eternal
 sentient life forms being genetically altered or manipulated by
 more advanced EBEs, or rather, a Panspermia scenario (i.e.,
 intended versus random or non-intentional seeding, etc.),
 ....well??? ...  let me just say that I used to be as all "good"
 little academically "produced" scientists should be by the time
 we are granted advanced degrees, i.e., brainwashed, thoroughly
 indoctrinated, agnostic (heavily tending atheism), and firm
 believers in Darwinian _E_volution, BUT I AIN'T THAT WAY

 NOW, based on my lifes analytically acquired experiences (and
 I've had no NDE, OBE, dramatic spiritual revelation, yadda yadda
 yadda!), just a life time of "seeing" that there are some
 serious, serious problems with science the way it is taught in
 all main stream academia, well...a life time of "seeing" things
 that JUST DON'T FIT with what I was taught in my 11 years as a
 student of "the sciences" in major universities, and then
 especially the things I've "seen" since I left the "hallowed
 halls of education," the things I've seen and learned in the
 orders-of-magnitude more equipped and advanced, LIGHT YEARS more
 so, "real labs" of our planet, i.e., the prestigious PRIVATE
 sector research and development facilities that quite literally
 dwarf ANY university facilities, i.e., the shit you ain't never
 gonna read in any public domain publication, the stuff you ain't
 gonna "see" in any university in a million years..., well...

 ...well NOW, I prefer to go with what all pre-common era ancient
 texts seem to go with, i.e., the things that they all seem to
 have in common even though many of these various cultures
 supposedly had no intersection or link in time or geography in
 which to share these "truths," i.e., the names of the major
 players are different depending on culture/language, but "da
 claims is da sames, brother mans."


 In view of all the above, I'm jus'gonna have to go some kind of
 "God/s thing," like I allude to above, *at least* until I have
 some decent reason to believe otherwise!

 In short, based on my "a-spiritual" (until recently, anyway)
 life's experiential totality, I think that "The God/s thing" is a
 much better hedge as to "The TRUTH" ... BY FAR!

 Thanks for asking, and listening to "The Multiverse According to

 And remember, you DID ask:)

 My best to you, Peter, and all,


 > Peter
 > We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

 PS:  I really like the above quote.  Is it original?
 It reminds me of the Moody Blues for some reason, or:

 "Hold on to your hats, folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride."
                                            --Betty Davis

 Oh, and Andrew, regarding the below, isn't it sad, yet almost
 invariably the case, that just when good researchers (as Icke, et
 al., once were) seem to be on the verge of real revelations
 regarding "The Evilarchy" (i.e., both the "real fallen gods" that
 rule these Lower Heavens, and their subordinate human and EBE
 "patriarchal ruling class" that fear only two things, namely,
 losing control of their respective planetary/physical domains,
 and/or pissing off these quite real evil gods to which they
 supplicate), just when these "proven" researchers seem to get too
 "close," they always seem to go from being tenacious, well
 grounded, and logical to the absurd in like the snap of a finger.

 They just seem to completely and utterly unexplainably (other
 than by plain-and-simple "insanity") self-destruct their own
 credibility and professional reputation that it took them so long
 to build.  Either this, or they get "dispatched," usually by way
 of being "suicided," or acquiring some untimely and/or seemingly
 way out-of-character disease, etc.)??

 Not so strange, though...not really, huh?

 Evil *IS* a worthy adversary!


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