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Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Mark Weisbrot.

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Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


Budget Baloney
By Mark Weisbrot

How much falsehood and stupidity should the media allow to go unchallenged
in public debate? At what point do journalists and the press have an
obligation to step in and supply the necessary facts and explanations, so
that the public can have a chance to understand what is being

I couldn't help thinking about this after appearing on a TV talk show last
week, in which a representative of the Republican National Committee
asserted that the typical, middle-income family would receive about $7400
dollars over the next ten years from the Republicans' proposed tax cut. I
pointed out that this was false, that economists had estimated the number
at about $160 a year, or $1600 for the 10-year period.

No, she insisted, it was $7400, as if this were common knowledge. Curious
to learn where she got this number, I asked her after the show where I
could find some documentation of this claim. She handed me a print out
from the web site of a group called the Tax Foundation. They had divided
the total tax cut over 10 years ($792 billion) by the number of households
in the country, to get $7400.

I tried to explain to her that this average did not represent what a
typical or middle income household would receive-- because the richest 10
percent of households will get sixty percent of the tax cut, with the
average household in the top 1 percent hauling down $460,000. Of course
her average would still be $7400 even if the whole $792 billion went to
one person and everyone else got nothing. But it was clear that this was
entirely irrelevant to her-- it reminded me of Winston Churchill's remark
about people stumbling over the truth, only to pick themselves up and
hurry off as if nothing had happened.

Unfortunately this is no isolated incident: it has become the norm in
debates on budgetary and economic issues. Politicians assume that the
level of numerical literacy is so low that they can get away with
anything. Last week Congressional Republicans gathered under a large
banner that said, "Stop Robbing Social Security." Now, where are the
limits here? If they held up a banner that said, "Stop the Invasion of
Murderous Space Aliens," would this be reported as though the invasion
were actually taking place? Or as though it were a matter of debate among
scientists and law enforcement officials?

Nobody is robbing Social Security of anything. Social Security is running
a surplus, projected at $150 billion over the next year. In other words,
the Social Security Trust Fund is taking in more money from payroll taxes
than it is obligated to pay out in benefits. By law, the Trustees are
required to invest this money in US Treasury obligations-- which means
they are loaning money to the federal government.

The same thing happens when anyone else buys a bond (or a note or bill)
issued by the US Treasury. The bondholder gets interest, and the principal
when it is due. If that is robbery, someone should immediately alert the
millions of investors holding US Treasury obligations, throughout America
and the world, that they are being robbed!

The politicians insist that the Social Security surplus must be used only
to pay down the national debt-- that is, pay off other bondholders. But
this would leave the Social Security Trust Fund in exactly the same
position as if the money were spent on anything from education to health
care to tax cuts. The Trust Fund would still be holding US Treasury
obligations for the amount that it lends to the Federal government.

Unfortunately most Democrats have decided to play along with this game of
liar's poker, in order to beat back the proposed Republican tax cut. This
has led to a whole slew of additional tricks and subterfuges-- including
programs labeled as "emergency" spending, pushing expenditures into the
next fiscal year, etc.-- all to avoid "dipping into the Social Security
surplus." One of the gimmicks proposed by House Republicans-- postponing
the earned income tax credit for low-wage workers-- blew up in their faces
last week when George W. Bush accused them of trying to "balance the
budget on the backs of the poor."

No wonder so few people are paying attention to the debate over the
budget. How much would they learn about it if they did?

Mark Weisbrot is research director at the Preamble Center in Washington,

Name: Mark Weisbrot E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Preamble Center
1737 21st Street NW
Washington DC 20009

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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