-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:562627">GODS BANKER - THE P2 SCANDAL -
The Rest of the Story</A>
Subject: GODS BANKER - THE P2 SCANDAL - The Rest of the Story
From: Anonymous <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
Date: Tue, 19 October 1999 01:30 PM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John Robinson on the P2 Lodge - From Born in Blood

And so we begin to see a typical source of the 94 manufactured mysteries" of
Freemasonry (and many other institutions), those that are concocted not for
analysis but for destruction, and The Brotherhood by no means stops with
Masonic devil worship. In
another chapter entitled "The Italian Crisis," Mr. Knight writes about the
involvement of the pope's own bank in the greatest financial fraud of this
century, a catastrophic papal scandal that still isn't over. Yet in Mr.
Knight's book the matter escapes
any hint of church scandal, being described as a "Masonic conspiracy".

The basis for his characterization of the conspiracy as "Masonic" is a former
Masonic lodge known as Propaganda Due, or P2, a lodge originally formed by
the Italian Grand Orient as a lodge of research. In 1975 an Italian fascist
named Licio Gelli was made
the Venerable Grand Master of P2, and the following year that lodge was
disavowed and suspended by the Grand Orient of Italy, so whatever it was, P2
ceased to be an official Masonic organization. Gelli converted the shell of
P2 to his own purposes and
those of his associates, eventually using it to build a network of secret
cells of powerful politicians, bankers, and publishers throughout Italy. It
was all done in complete secrecy, and with no authorized Masonic connections

Soon after P2 was thrown out of official Italian Masonry Celli brought in
Michele Sindona, the leading financial advisor to the Vatican. Then, in 1977,
Sindona brought in Roberto Calvi head of the Banco Ambrosiano in Milan, which
was closely associated
with the papal bank, one of its major shareholders. Until the fan of
Mussolini's government, it had been necessary for any borrower, or even
depositor, to prove that he or she was a Roman Catholic before being able to
do business with the Banco
Ambrosiano. Calvi brought to the table his most valued contact, the Instituto
per lo Opere di Religione, the Institute for Religious Works (the "IOR"), a
financial institution often erroneously referred to as the "Vatican bank."
The IOR belongs not to the
Vatican city?state, but to the pope alone. As its name indicates, the
Institute's function is to receive deposits from Catholic organizations and
individuals, then loan the money out at nominal rates on favorable terms to
finance the construction of
Catholic schools, churches, and orphanages around the world. At the time of
the scandals, and until 1989, the IOR was run by Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, a
native of Cicero, Illinois, and a long?time friend and former bodyguard of
Pope John Paul II.

After Calvi was in with Gelli and Sindona, the Banco Ambrosiano helped to set
up foreign shell companies, including ten in Panama, which were controlled by
the papal bank. Then the Banco Ambrosiano loaned these shells up to one and a
third billion
dollars. The papal bank also put in funds of its own, but no one in Rome will
even hint at the amount or purpose of these extensive secret fundings. All
that is known is that some of the money was used to buy and prop up the share
value of Banco

 When the Italian banking officials grew suspicious, Calvi and  the
archbishop exchanged letters. Marcinkus gave the banker comfort letters"
asserting that the foreign shell companies were  indeed under the direct or
indirect control of the papal bank,
and Calvi responded with letters asserting the IOR did not really owe the one
and a third billion dollars. Both men knew that the loans were uncollectable
and the exchange of letters of little value. As the government closed in,
Calvi's ultimate solution
was to hanghimself from Blackfriars Bridge in London, his pocket, full of
cash and rocks, although suspicions of murder still surface. Calvi's death
triggered an exhaustive investigation and the Banco Ambrosiano collapsed. The
papal bank is said to have
lost over 450 million dollars in the debacle.

In spite of the huge losses, its controlling interest in the offshore
companies, and its total involvement in the biggest financial fraud of this
and perhaps any other century, the Holy See would answer no questions, nor
would it provide any documentation
as to the participation of the papal bank or of Vatican officials. Early in
1987, Archbishop Marcinkus was indicted by the Italian government for
fraudulent bankruptcy. The Holy See would not produce Marcinkus to answer the
charges, and he could not be
extradited, for a very interesting reason.

Back in 1929, the year in which Licio Gelli had joined Mussolini's Black
Shirts, the Italian dictator effected the Lateran agreements with the Holy
See, an arrangement known as the Italian Concordat. In exchange for Vatican
support, Mussolini agreed that
Italy would have no laws that were not in keeping with church teachings,
which is why Italian law did not permit divorce and why the Vatican had
censorship control over all books, magazines, and newspapers in Italy.
Mussolini gave in to the Vatican demand
that cardinals of the church be accorded all of the rank, respect, and
privileges of princes of royal blood. He founded the Vatican fortune by
agreeing to pay 92 million dollars as compensation for the loss of the Papal
States, so that the church had a
substantial pot of cash with which to buy when the rest of the world was
pressured to sell at the very start of the Great Depression. Il Duce also
agreed that the Vatican would be recognized as a completely separate
sovereign state, totally independent
from Italy or anyone else, and leaving Italy with no right of extradition.
This proved useful to many during World War II, as Hitler also recognized the
Concordat between his ally Mussolini and the Vatican, so that many
aristocrats and others with the
right connections were able to gain asylum from the Nazis in the Vatican,
although they had to live out the war by carefully staying within the
boundaries of the 108?acre Vatican state.

That's exactly what Archbishop Marcinkus did when he learned that he had been
indicted by the Italian government. The Italian process servers and arresting
officers were not allowed in, and the archbishop did not set foot outside the
Vatican for the five
months that the issue of authority over him was being argued up to the
Italian Supreme Court. Finally, in July 1987, that court decided that the
Italian government had no authority to issue an indictment concerning acts
performed inside another sovereign
state, a conclusion that was universally expected. (The Observer of London
met the news with the facetious comment, "Surprise, surprise.")

The really big shock was that the papal bank agreed to pay and paid over to
the Banco Ambrosiano the incredible sum of 244 million dollars, while denying
any guilt, or even any material involvement, in the great fraud. Together
with the reputed loss of
450 million dollars, this means that the affairs between the papal bank and
the Banco Ambrosiano cost the Catholic church almost 700 million dollars,
over ten times the 1987 operating loss that Catholics all over the world were
asked to make up with extra
donations, and with no explanations given the faithful for the gross
mismanagement of the funds they had given or deposited in the past. The
padlocks of total secrecy have been vigorously clamped on every aspect of the
scandal by the Holy See, leaving
little doubt as to the one "secret society" involved in this disgrace.
That is what happened, but as described in Mr. Knight's The Brotherhood it is
not a Vatican scandal at all, but a Masonic scandal. His allegation is based
on nothing more than the fact that, on the secular side of the affair, a
clandestine group was
involved that called itself a Masonic lodge, but was not. His chapter "The
Italian Crisis" begins with the sentence, "A Masonic conspiracy of gigantic
proportions rocked Italy to its foundations in the summer of 1981." He
reports that Gelli extracted
government and personal secrets from members to be used for blackmail and
calls the production of those secrets "Masonic dues." He refers to "the
corrupt Freemasons in Italy's armed forces."

As to the hanging of Calvi from London's Blackfriars Bridge, Mr. Knight
reported that the death was found to be a suicide, but added a rumor that he
had heard (or embellished), that Calvi "had been ritually done to death by
Freemasons, a Masonic
'cable?tow' around?his neck and his pockets filled, symbolically, with chunks
of masonry, the location of the murder being chosen for its name?in Italy the
logo of the Brotherhood is the figure of a Blackfriar." I suggest the
embellishment of this rumor
(if such a rumor exists) because I have not been able to find that the figure
of a Blackfriar is the logo of Italian Masonry, although, in keeping with the
custom of Masonic lodges having names, there is one lodge in Italy called by
the plural form of
that name, Frati Nere (Black Brothers). Another point of all this that didn't
seem to bother Mr. Knight was the matter of motive. Why would Freemasons
bother to run the risk of murdering the Italian banker? Others may have had
motive: officers of the
Banco Ambrosiano; those involved in the Vatican?controlled companies that got
the loan proceeds; anyone who received any of that money; anyone with a
strong need to cover up; but none of the possible motives points to
Freemasonic involvement. As to the
Vatican itself, Mr. Knight not only perceived the affair as a Masonic
scandal, rather than a Vatican one, but he further considered that the
Vatican was a possible victim of further Masonic wrongdoing, citing
"Freemasonry's penetration not only of the
Roman Catholic church, but the Vatican itself." His conclusions, however,
were not accompanied by a single shred of proof.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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