Thanks, Pat for helping
to correct what you thought were
an errors.
First: I deliberately did not mention
the specific name of the hospital
in the L.A. where Brice's daughter
is staying.  I did not think it
prudent.  Do you think namely the
hospital would have been a good idea?
Prior to the lecture - Brice and
I had a telephone conversation.  From
the context of that conversation, I
exactly know the name of the hospital.
Second: I specifically remember her stating
that she took some classes at the
USC Dental School, along with her
husband.  That is the way I remember it.
Maybe, I heard something that you didn't.
Brice is quite sure she was involved
with testing at USC, and, as a cover, I
believe she stated she was taking classes.
Third: We were never told where Brice met
Uncle Charlie, only that she met
Uncle Charlie for the purposes of
programming.  Yes, Brice stated it
was through her father/relatives, but the
connection is very vague.  It is anecdotal
testimony, and far from evidentiary material.
Fourth:  Also, there was never a clear
connection - in my mind - between USC and UCLA.
These two institutions are rivals, even in the
academic sense.  Why would they be cooperating
with a single person's programming?  So far,
I have no other testimony supporting cross
training between these two institutions.
Fifth: Additionally, Brice never presented a
clear timeline of events.  Unlike most of
the targeted individuals I hear from.
However, that maybe a condition of how her
own personal memory retrieval system works.
Sixth: It was never my intention to go into each
and every one of the points Brice made,
nor do a rehash all the people she thanked.
Yes, Brice mentioned Katherine Gould several
times.  I have no idea who the women is, only
that she was important to Brice.  I have no
idea who Clair is either.  I guess I have worked
on my own "facts of the matter" without making
contact with people claiming to be working with
people like me.
Seventh: I was writing from own response to the
information presented.
Suggestion:  Maybe, you should write up a
report on what you thought Brice stated, and
make sure that people understand a representative
from ACHRES was there.  (Lyn Sharman already knows
how I felt about her granting me a "press
pass" so that I could attend.  That is between
Lynn and me.  Frankly, I think it is interesting
that Lynn never mentioned to me during our
telephone call that you would be at the lecture.)
Lastly: I will not do a formal write-up until
Brice/Susan makes a visit to UCLA for the purpose
of identifying the rooms she was taken to - just
like everybody else who claims NPI programming.
I told Annie about this condition.  Until that
happens, I don't feel I can do justice to Brice's
Me?  I only represented myself, and no organization.
BTW: please post this response to your
e-mail wherever you posted this attached
e-mail.  Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: P Rehn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 10:54 AM
To: Kris Millegan
Cc: Kasten, Kathy
Subject: [CTRL][MC] Ted Gunderson/Brice Taylor Lecture/Oct. 17th - Part

Included below are several corrections  and additons to Ms. Kasten's report
from Brice Taylor's talk.  I was also in the audience.  I will also forward
comments to Ms. Kasten along with my thanks for her posting, her work in
exposing mind control and human experimentation and my sympathy and respect
for her personal losses.
Patty Rehn
US Contact
The Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors.

>From: "Kasten, Kathy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MC] Ted Gunderson/Brice Taylor Lecture/Oct. 17th - Part 2
>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 14:08:18 -0700
>Date: October 16, 1999
>Time: Approximately 4:30 PM
>Place: Double Tree Hotel, Los Robles Street, Pasadena, CA
>Event: Ted Gunderson/Brice Taylor Lecture
>After a short break, the lecture/conference resumed
>at approximately 5:30 P.M. This time it was Brice
>Taylor's turn. She first thanked Annie Basile for her
>support and courage for having a conference such as
>the one we were all attending. Brice then thanked Ted
>Gunderson for all of his support, and especially for
>his tips on "staying safe" while she worked through
>the memories of her past. Also thanked, were the
>L.A. Women's Task Force/Satanic Ritual Abuse
>and ISSD's Claire Reeves.

**Claire Reeves is the founder of MASA-Mothers against Sexual Abuse
but she may also be a member of the the International Society for the
Study of Dissociation.
 Brice also thanked Lynne Moss-Sharman, founder of ACHES-MC
The Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors-Mind Control**

 >Most of all, Brice thanked
>the people who never made it. Her lecture was dedicated
>to her daughter Kelly - who now resides on the
>Psychiatric floor of a Los Angeles County Hospital.

**the facility is not an County Hospital but it's the thought that

>Brice's real name is Susan Ford. Along with that
>statement, she claimed that "safety lies in telling
>the truth."
>She claimed that she thinks the name of her programming
>is Monarch, but offer no proof other than her statement.
>Brice mentioned a number of books she had written about
>her experiences - one of them was called "Starshine."
>I found that book title interesting as it is very similar
>to Brad Steiger's "Star Child."
>There was a warning that some of the material Brice was
>going to discuss might be triggering. (I was triggered, and
>will go into that later at the appropriate point in this report.)
>Brice stated that she "woke up" just after her first
>accident in 1985 after suffering head trauma.
>This reawakening prompted her to do course work
>at Pepperdine University - which is known for its very
>right wing emphasis and board of directors.

**Brice stated that while attending Pepperdine in 1985, while still
under mind control, she attended a lecture by Catherine Gould as
well as joining the LA Woman's Task Force on RA but had no personal
reaction and was reporting on the Task Force.
The two programmed accidents which prompted her recall were
on April 12, 1985 and 1987. She recognized programming
number on a dollar bill in 1991 on April 10 and chose to move to
Kauai, in attempt to establish safety for herself and children.**

>She had a second accident - on the exact same date,
>only 1 or 2 years later. This accident Brice believes
>was triggered by the numbers on a dollar bill she was
>carrying in her wallet; she had looked at the dollar bill
>just before the crash. It was after this accident, that she
>decided that there was a "suicide program" operating
>on some subconscious level in her own mind.
>And, was having difficulty understanding what that
>happening, as she was the wife of a handsome man,
>mother of beautiful children. Yet, something was wrong
>in her life.
>As part of her recall program during the following years
>after the two accidents, she focused on the fact there
>was someone she in her life she called "Uncle Charlie"
>whom she claimed worked for Federal Cartridge
>Company at the lecture. However, there is nothing in her
>book identifying what Fed. Cart. is or why it is important
>to know about this company. Except the fact that
>Brice claims Uncle Charlie worked for this company.

**Her real Uncle Charlie worked for Federal Cartridge and
Olin.  see the Federal Cartridge history site:

interesting parts include:
1941- Federal earns $87 million contract from the U.S. government to build
              and operate the $30 million Twin City Ordinance Plant (TCOP),
now called the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) in New Brighton,
Minnesota. The plant is an integral part of military shell production.
1954-Charles Horn (Uncle Charlie) announces that Federal will pay for the
construction of the new Anoka City Hall. **

>Brice/Susan was trained mainly as a "mind file" and
>"sex slave." With other minor programs involving
>remote viewing and telepathic communication.
>Brice/Susan mentioned her attendance at USC's Dental
>School and alluded to possible mind control programs
>at that institution.

**Brice did not attend USC dental school-her ex-husband was
the student. IMHO these comments were to point out that
other members of her family were possibly involved in mind
control, perhaps including work/education on technologies being
developed at USC.

>In Brice's book, Thanks for the
>Memories", there are several xeroxed pages of USC's
>curriculum for the Department of Engineering showing
>possible developing electronic technology that could be
>utilized for electronic tracking/harassing.
>However, in her lecture, Brice/Susan made no allegations
>of being a targeted individual of electronic harassment.
>Some of the names of famous people she claims to
>have been "loaned out to" include - in the main -
>Kissinger, Bob Hope, along with Elvis Presley,
>Neil Diamond, Michael Jackson, Alan Greenspan,
>and a couple of different presidents. Two of the triggers
>she mentioned were "Over the Rainbow" and "Alice Through
>the Looking Glass." There was not time enough to go into
>the details of how these meetings were set-up or
>transpired, except to say that some of the operations
>involved money laundering besides sex acts.
>The part of Brice's lecture I found hard to deal with were
>the photos of Kelly through different ages. Photos which
>showed the deterioration of Kelly's personality. There were
>photos of a beautiful blond haired, blue eyed little girl who
>looked so much like my own daughter. The recent
>photos of Kelly in a catatonic state reminded me of
>my own daughter's descent into a personal hell I
>wish for no one. I could barely look or listen to the
>lecture, as I was caught up in the facts of what is
>happening to the daughters of those of us who have
>been targeted by . . . whatever. Call it what you want,
>it still ends with abuse of our children and ourselves.

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