Sacred Lands Under Seige ::: Support Sovereign Dineh Nation
From: Lendra Ceinwyn
To weave for the Dine'h is a prayer of thanksgiving , "the
People" whom some call Navajo. Without their sheep
they cannot pray.
As of Feb1., 2000 this proud independent matriachal culture will be
forced once again to move to a "New Land", to be relocated, which they
have no word for in their language.
In 1998, President Clinton signed the Relocation Act during a golf game,
condemning the Dine'h to be moved again against their will, to "New
Land" which is filled with radioactive uranium tailings at 100 times the
maximum safety level.
7 grandmothers have refused to sign over their land, and will
refuse because Big Mountain is sacred to them, the Earth their Mother,
this is their lives they refuse to hand over to the BIA, and Peabody
Coal. These 7 grandmothers are the elders of the Dine'h and represent
14,000 people.
The Dine'h people are afraid that there will be another Ruby Ridge or
Waco or Wounded Knee on or before Feb. 1
Please sign the Petition to end the genocide of the Dine'h People, and
let them continue to weave and breathe.
This is surely one of the darkest episodes in our history.
Sign Online Petition in Support of Navajo Elders
Ya'a' te & Aloha All...
The Altar-Land at Black Mesa is one of the sacred
power-centers of our planet, and the balance of all life is being
jeopardized by the ruthless and brutal rape of this mineral-rich area
adjacent to the Grand Canyon.
My Aunty, Roberta Blackgoat, is one of the "resistors", or
traditional elders, who is holding out till the last, faced with guns,
bulldozers, barbed wire, helicopters, and constant harrassment... in
order to protect the medicine ways and family ties to this sacred place,
now referred to simply as "Big Mountain."
The extent of the conflict, the war of attrition carried out
by U.S. & multinational corporate terrorists, and the total ecocide of
the North section of Black Mesa (literally turned into a "hell on
Earth"!) by United Energy & Peabody Coal through stripmining, is
difficult to convey in words, or even pictures.
Please take a short time out of your lives and visit the
links below, watch ::: "Vanishing Prayer" (RealPlayer)
Sign the online petition at SENAA, and after you've reviewed the
situation, please send your letters of protest to the people below.
Having lived out there with the elders, and walked in the
footsteps of the ancients, having listened to the Hopi Prophecies, and
the wisdom of the medicine carriers, I can testify to the importance of
this struggle for sovereignty and self-determination, both culturally
and ecologically. Walk the Altar-Land yourself, and feel the Spirit move
in and around you...
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, Emilio Zapata, and
Lili'uokalani BZ Bonoboy
Hilo, Kingdom of Hawai'i
Protests & Support for Elders to:::
Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt
BIA Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior ::: BIA West
National Academy of Public Administration
(Panel Urges Major Reforms at the Bureau of Indian Affairs)
by Al Swilling
Kosovo is not the only place in the world conducting human rights abuses
and ethnic cleansing. What the U.S. government doesn't want the American
public to know is that the same crimes that NATO forces were so
determined to stop in Kosovo are happening right now within United
States borders. The following video outlines the story of the Dine'h
(Navajo) who live at Big Mountain, on the Black Mesa, in northeastern
For the past 25 years, the Dine'h have been the victims of greed
and government oppression in the extreme. Abandoned by their own tribal
council by orders of the federal government, the Dine'h have been
stripped of virtually every human, civil, and constitutional right
because they refuse to leave their ancestral homeland and relocate into
the only alternative provided by the U.S. government, which is known as
the "New Land," land that is contaminated with uranium tailings that
have rendered the land useless, with radiation levels 100 times maximum
safe levels.
Now the Dine'h face a deadline of February 1, 2000, to relocate. The
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has sworn that it will execute its "Final
Solution" before the deadline. The Dine'h at Big Mountain fear that the
BIA's "Final Solution" will be similar to the solutions executed at
Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Wounded Knee; with only the BIA remaining to tell
the American public whatever it wants the public to believe and no one
surviving to say otherwise.
This video presentation conveys as no words can the story of the Dine'h
of Black Mesa and the reasons for their suffering.
If you would like a copy of the videotape, VANISHING PRAYER Genocide of
the Dineh, it is available by contacting Steve Sugarman at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,or from Sol Communications at
VIEW "Vanishing Prayer" (RealPlayer)
We hope that you will join our battle to help the Dine'h remain on their
ancestral homeland and to stop the ethnic cleansing and human rights
violations being perpetrated by the federal government.
The Dine'h now survive almost totally on charitable contributions.
We hope that you will join SENAA and others across the nation in helping
to fight for these proud and peaceful people. For more photos and
in-depth articles, etc., about the plight of the Dine'h people, visit
SENAA's web site NEWSLETTER at:
<> .
If you want to get involved and make a difference for the Dine'h and for
your children and grandchildren's future, contact Al Swilling at:
Contributions to help the Dine'h, can be mailed to: SEE 20110 Rockport
Way Malibu, CA 90265
Audio File (RealAudio)
"Resource Extraction and the Genocide of the Navajo People" by Jackie A.
Giuliano Ph.D


There be a fly in my soup.

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