-Caveat Lector-

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Lecture of Dr. William Donald Kelley's Research
Nutritional Diet for Cancer

For Dr. Kelley cancer began with eye problems.  He was riding down the road
and noticed that he was having trouble reading street signs.  At 35 years old
he had always had 20/20 vision.  Over the subsequent months his eyesight got
progressively worse and he called his opthamologist.  The opthamologist told
him that at 35 he was just getting older and prescribed glasses for Dr.
Kelley.  A few months later while he was with his patients (Dr. Kelley was an
orthodontist) he noticed that he was having trouble seeing the patient's
teeth clearly.  He went back to his opthamologist who said "this is
interesting, you need bifocals".  That didn't sit well on Kelley's soul
because he was only 35 years old he thought that was much too young to wear
bifocals, but he wore the glasses anyway and they seemed to help.

After three months, he noticed that he could see far distances pretty well
and he could read and work on his patients but the intermediate distances
were getting fuzzy.  This was unusual and he went back to his opthamologist
who discovered that Kelley needed trifocals.  The opthamologist was amazed,
he had never had a patient who needed trifocals before.  It was around this
time that Kelley began having muscle cramps in his arms.  Initially, it
wasn't too bad and he figured that it was because he was spending so much
time working, some days up to 12 hours.  The cramps progressed to where they
were like severe charlie horses and moved to his legs as well.  Shortly
afterwards he developed chest pains.  These pains became so severe that he
was taken to the hospital a total of three times thinking it was a heart
attack but the EKGs were normal.  He went to his local doctor who told him
that he was just working too hard and needed to take some time off.  Kelley
did take some time off, but the pains didn't get any better.

Just about the time he began having problems with the muscle pains he also
noticed that his hair was falling out.  He had a thick head of hair and
thinning hair didn't run in his family.  At 35, he considered this pretty
serious.  He went to his doctor again and his doctor said that it was just a
symptom of stress and aging and there was nothing he could do about it.
About the time his hair started falling out, he developed crippling
depression.  Dr. Kelley had never been depressed a day in his life.  He
worked 12 to 14 hours a day - loved his job, had 4 beautiful children (all
adopted) that he adored, had a good wife who was active in community affairs
that he loved.  Suddenly he was waking up with crying spells, was losing
interest in his family, losing
interest in his work and thinking of leaving it all and moving to the
mountains of Colorado.  He went to his doctor and begged for some
anti-depressant drugs, but his doctor refused and told him to just take some
more time off.

Kelley took more time off but the depression got worst.  Just when he was
getting suicidal, his stomach expanded suddenly overnight.  His doctor put
him in the hospital immediately.  Being a well known orthodontist in the
Texas community where he lived, all the local surgeons and gastrointestinal
doctors were called in.  The surgeon took one look at him said "this man has
terminal cancer".  This was in 1964 and they didn't have CT scans or
sophisticated ultra-sound equipment.  They just had x-ray machines and simple
ultra-sound machines.  They did a series of x-rays that showed that he had
lesions in his lungs, a huge tumor in his right hip, his liver was swollen to
three times it's normal size and it appeared that he had a pancreatic tumor
that had matasticized very quickly.  The surgeon said Kelley was too sick to
operate and told Mrs. Kelley that he had 4 to 8 weeks to live.  The news got
worse.  His wife handled this sudden occurrence by leaving Dr. Kelley with 4
young children to raise and dying of cancer.

Kelley did what any normal man would do in this situation, he called his
mother.  Kelley's mother was an unusual character.  You have to meet her to
fully appreciate her.  She raised three sons on a dirt poor Kansas farm, 80
acres, during the Depression.  Her husband had died of a heart attack.  She
got all three sons through college and graduate school.  Kelley talked to his
mother, told her that he was dying of cancer, his wife left him and he had 4
young children to raise and asked her what he should do.  His mother got very
angry with him and told him that he was just going to have to get over his
cancer.  He told her that was impossible, the finest doctors in Texas had
examined him and told him that there was no hope.  Mrs. Kelley said
"nonsense" and flew down to Texas to help him get better.  The first thing
she did was to walk into his kitchen and throw all his food away. Dr. Kelley
was the preeminent connoseuier of junk food.  He knew all the
contents of every chocolate bar in the U.S.  He basically lived on chocolate
bars and Fritos for years.  It's not very surprising that at 35 he was dying
from terminal cancer.  After his mother threw out all the junk food in the
house, she went out and bought fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds
- no animal protein.  From that day on she put her son a strict vegetarian
diet of nothing but raw foods.  Absolutely no animal protein, no fish,
chicken, red meat of any kind.

This was a hard diet for Kelley to follow. He loved Big Macs and chocolate
bars, but his mother wouldn't allow any of those things in the house and he
had no choice but to follow her diet.  Then
to his absolute astonishment he began to feel better - - 4 weeks past, 6
weeks past, 8 weeks past and he was still alive.  After three months had
passed his mother walked into his bedroom and told him three months had
passed it was time to go back to work.  He reminded her that he had terminal
pancreatic cancer.  She said "you have 4 kids to raise, your wife emptied out
the bank account, you're going to work whether you want to or not."  The next
day he went back to work.  He had to nap between patients but he was working.
The miracle was first that he wasn't dead and second that he was getting
better.  Kelley was a scientist.

Scientists aren't like the rest of us.  They ask questions that the rest of
us are too lazy to research.  Kelley couldn't believe that his mother was the
first person to figure out that a diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts,
grains and seeds can stabilize cancer.  So, he went to his local library and
luckily his local library had a copy of Max Gerson's 1959 book called "50
Cases".  Gerson is an interesting character in medical history.  He was a
very prominent physician from Germany who in the 1920s and 30s developed his
own nutritional approach to degenerative diseases with a diet of raw fruits,
vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds and lots of fresh vegetable juices - 8 to
10 glasses a day.  With this diet Gerson had very good success with a whole
range of degenerative diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer.

During the 30s with the advent of Nazism, Gerson being Jewish, left the
country and settled in New York City where he set up his own clinic.  Over a
20 year period, he continued to have success with this diet.  Gerson had
apotheosized that meat was toxic body, toxic to the liver.

Raw foods helped the body to clean out, stimulated the liver and enabled the
immune system to work better.  He wasn't sure of the science but he knew it
worked.  He published this in 1959.  Kelley was excited about this because it
confirmed that this diet had the possibility to work.  He got progressively
stronger for the next three to six months but he stabilized.

Kelley was lucky in a very unlucky way.  He was lucky in that his cancer was
such that it protruded through his liver and he could actually feel the
tumors in his liver.  He could monitor the progress of the diet.  He knew
that if he went off the diet, which would occasionally happen, that the
tumors would start to grow within days and when he stuck to the diet
religiously his tumors would regress.  About the six or seventh month the
tumors stopped regressing and Kelley developed severe digestive problems.

Of course, one of the problems with pancreatic cancer is that it destroys the
pancreas which produces insulin and digestive enzymes.  Without digestive
enzymes you can't digest your food.  One of the major problems with
pancreatic disease, be it pancreatic cancer or pancreatisis, is severe
digestive problems.  Bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - they just
can't digest their food correctly.  Kelley thought that there had to be some
simple solution to this, so he went to his local pharmacy.  The pharmacist
was a friend of his.  Since this was 1964, the pharmacist handed Kelley a
large bottle of pancreative enzymes and told him that this would take care
of the bloating etc.  Kelley, being a man of excess, bought about 10 cases of
the enzymes.  He began taking 3 with meals, then 4 with meals - after about 3
days he was taking 50 capsules of enzymes with each meal.

He noticed that when he took a dose of enzymes something would happen.

Every time he took a dose of enzymes there would be a twinge of pain in the
areas of the tumor in the liver.  The tumors began to feel different, they
felt like they were getting softer.  He could actually begin to feel them
shrinking and dissolving after the stabilization on the diet.  Kelley
couldn't figure out why this was happening.  He couldn't figure out why
pancreatic enzymes would cause his tumors to dissolve.  Being a doctor and
needing to find answers to his questions, he went back to his local library
to research.  He was fortunate enough to find the name of John Beard in his
research.  John Beard was an eminent embryologist working out of the
University of Edinburgh in Scotland during the  1890s.  Beard started out
with no interest in cancer, he was an embryologist and his work concentrated
on the placenta.  After fertilization in a mammal the embryo produces the
placenta which literally eats into the mother's uterus.  It serves as an
anchor for the fetus and also serves as the connection to the blood supply of
the mother which feeds the baby and is how the baby gets rid of it's waste
material.  Beard noticed that in every mammal there was one particular day in
the gestation period that the placenta stops growing.

In mice it was 10 days, humans it was 56 days.  In virtually every human
embryo, on the 56th day the placenta stops growing.  Beard was particularly
interested in this because he thought of the placenta as a type of tumor.

It invades the uterus in much the same way a tumor would invade the uterus.

Usually, the placenta reaches a certain phase and stops, but in the women
where the placenta doesn't stop growing they develop a very serious cancer
called cariocarcinoma which was once the most aggressive cancer around.

Now we have a chemotherapeutic agent that knocks it out and today 80 to 90%
of these women are cured.  There is a tradition of the placenta acting as a
tumor.  Beard thought that if he could find the reason why the placenta would
stop growing, he might could find out how to stop cancerous tumors from
growing.  This lead to 10 years of research.  Beard did a variety of animal
studies where he would investigate the growth of every organ system, every
tissue, every organ.  Trying to find a connection to the cessation of the
growth of the placenta.  It took him 10 years before he hit on it.  The only
connection that existed was that in every mammal the placenta stopped growing
the day the embryonic pancreas began to work.  This is interesting
because the embryo doesn't need the pancreas.  It gets all the nutrients it
needs from the mother's blood supply, it doesn't need digestive enzymes.

Beard deduced that the only reason the embryo needed digestive enzymes was to
stop the growth of the placenta.  If they indeed stopped the placenta from
growing maybe they could stop tumors from growing. In 1904 Beard presented
his hypothesis that pancreatic enzymes represent the main defense against
cancer and not the immune system or any other system to the Edinburgh
Scientific Society.  He was nearly universally laughed at.

 Nearly because there was one bright army surgeon in the audience who was a
cancer specialist and in 1904 there was no known cancer therapy except for
surgery.  This man had seen too many of his patients die and he was willing
to try anything.  After the lecture, his army captain went up to Beard and
said that he'd like to try this therapy.  Over the next few months, the
surgeon and Beard developed an injective form of pancreatic enzymes.  The
first case documented in medical history was a man with a huge tumor sitting
in his throat.  The army captain injected this man, with Beard's assistance,
over the next two weeks with pancreatic enzymes.  After two weeks, this tumor
was thrown up by this patient.  The tumor was there on the table in front of
them.  They analyzed the tumor and found that it was completely dead.  This
was the first case of a patient apparently being cured of cancer by
pancreatic enzymes.  It was published in the British Medical Journal and
cause a lot of controversy.  The usual controversy: the patient didn't
really have cancer, the results were faked, that wasn't really a tumor, the
same thing we hear today.  A number of doctors did get interested in Beard'
work and over the years about 40 to 50 papers were published in various
medical journals in the U.S. and Europe documenting the regression of tumors
and in fact some cures using injectable pancreatic enzymes.  You may wonder
why Beard's work never took hold if it was so good.  In fact, in 1911 Beard
published a book called "The Enzyme Therapy of Cancer" and about 15 people
ever bothered to read it.  The reason is that about the time Beard published
his book Madame Curie announced that radiation was a safe, non-toxic cure for
virtually all cancers.  Madame Curie has a fabulous reputation.  She was that
brilliant Polish immigrant to Paris who had done wonderful work with
radiation.  She proposed that radiation was perfectly safe and it took a
generation of radiation oncologists to die of leukemia before it was
realized that it wasn't safe.

She was also mistaken thinking that it was good for all cancers.  There are
very few cancers that are radiation sensitive for a prolonged period of time.
 However, Madame Curie was so well loved by the world's press that this was
presented as the answer to cancer.  Beard's work was ignored and by the time
he died in 1920, he died in obscurity and enzyme therapy was forgotten until
Dr. Kelley began to suspect that the enzymes given to him by his pharmacist
was dissolving his tumors.  There was one problem - Beard said that
pancreatic enzymes had to be injected or they would be destroyed in the gut.
Every dental and medical school student is taught that orally ingested
pancreatic enzymes are wonderful digestive aids but they are destroyed in the
gut and they are not absorbed active and intact in the gut.
That doesn't happen.  Kelley was taking the enzymes orally and he knew
something was happening, so he went back to the medical literature.

In the 1930s and 1940s there are a whole series of documented experiments
that orally ingested pancreatic enzymes in both animals and humans studies
are absorbed active and intact in the gut and serve a variety physiological
functions.  The easiest way to document this is with a 24 hour check of the
urine.  If you feed a patient a large amount of pancreatic enzymes and check
their urine for 24 hours, you can see how much of the enzymes are excreted in
the urine.  Virtually 100% of what you take orally is found in the urine, not
in the intestinal tract, which means that they have to be absorbed.
With that problems resolved, Kelley began to focus on the diet itself.
Remember Kelley's therapy began with his mother's diet.  Raw fruits,
vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts - all raw and lot of juices.  He began to
wonder why the food had to be raw.  Being intrigued by Beard's theory of
enzymes, he began to try and connect the enzymes with raw foods.

He knew that raw foods were packed with vitamins and nutrients and when you
cook food you don't really destroy a lot of the vitamins and minerals and
trace elements.  Heat doesn't effect those, but heat does destroy enzymes.

Raw food is packed with enzymes.  When you cook food you get no enzymes at
all.  That's a pretty important concept when you think about it.  We're the
only species of animal that  cooks it's food.  Every other animal eats raw
food.  Kelley was thinking about this and he couldn't believe that he was the
first person to make this connection.  He went back to the library and he
found the work of Edward Howell.  Howell was a doctor who graduated from the
University of Illinois Medical School in 1920.  Howell was a brilliant doctor
with a great career except for one thing.  He was sick as a dog.

Today he would be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.  He was 24 years
old and couldn't get out of bed in the morning.  No interest in his work, he
was depressed with fevers, chills and sweats.  When a doctor gets sick it's
pretty scary and he goes to the best doctors to find the best answers for
what is troubling him.  He went everywhere, from the Columbia Presbyterian to
the Mayo Clinic.  No one could diagnose him.  They told him that nothing was
wrong with him, just stress and he should probably see a psychiatrist. Howell
didn't like that prognosis, he knew there was something wrong.  He was 24
years old and he couldn't function.  Out of desperation (no one goes to a
natural therapy as the first choice) he went to a spa run by a naturopath in
Illinois.  The naturopath took one look at Howell and told him
that he was going to put him on a raw foods diet.  Raw fruits, vegetables,
nuts, grains and seeds - the Mama Kelley diet and the Gerson diet.  Howell
was too sick to argue, too sick to think clearly, so he went on the diet and
within 3 months he was a new man.  He was virtually completely well.  He
asked the naturopath what it was about the raw foods that could cause such a
dramatic effect and the naturopath said one word "enzymes".  In 1920 there
wasn't much known about enzyme but they knew some.  Enzymes are a catalyst
they enable reactions to occur in both biological and non-biological systems
with a minimum input of energy.

There are reactions that occur in the normal human cells that if not for
enzymes it would take 1,000 to 2,000 degrees centigrade - we would disappear
in a puff of smoke.  Enzymes allow reactions to occur with a minimum amount
of heat and energy input.  They increase the efficiency of both biological
and non-biological chemical reactions.  When you cook food, this naturopath
said, you don't destroy the vitamins, the minerals and the trace elements.

You don't destroy the fats, the proteins.  There is as much fat in a cooked
McDonald's Big Mac as in raw beef but you do destroy enzymes.  He told Howell
- even back then it was known - that all biological enzymes are inactivated
above 118 degrees.  That struck Howell as a profound concept because he made
the same connection that Kelley made 40 years later.  We're the only species
of animal that cooks It's food and we're the only species of animal that are
eating enzyme free food.  The naturopath, Howell and Kelley realized that the
enzymes in food may be the single most important nutrient in food, the
nutrient required to repair and prevent damage in tissues, the nutrient for
preventing disease.  Howell spent 50 years of his life documenting the effect
of raw foods on human health.  Since he was unorthodox, outside the norm, he
was largely ignored.

Kelley was doing well now.  He had his diet down.  He was getting his
enzymes and feeling good.  He was nine months into his therapy, working 8
hours a day seeing his patients, everything was going well.  Then he got
sick.  He woke up one day feeling tired, he canceled his patients and stayed
in bed.  The next day he felt worse.  He thought he was getting the flu. The
third he was sicker, he developed nausea and began vomiting.

This was a bit scary because he would take the enzymes and would throw them
up immediately.  Kelley was a tough character, he'd take more enzymes and
again throw them up.  By the end of the day, he gave up.  He stayed off the
pills for a few days and he felt better so he went back on the pills and did
OK for the first two or three days.  Then he got sick again, following the
same pattern.  Kelley looked at the enzymes as his life line so he would go
off the enzymes for a few days and go back on when he felt better until he
got sick again.  He noticed by feeling the tumors in his stomach that when he
went off the enzymes that his tumors would start to grow and when he went
back on they would regress.  It seemed that it should have been the other way
around.  He should have felt better on the enzymes when the tumors were
breaking up and worse when the tumors were growing.  Kelley stayed up day
after day trying to figure out why this was occurring.  One night he suddenly
came up with the answer.  He was breaking down the tumors and the
tumor material was making him sick - the tumor material was toxic.

Kelley also realized that this was why people would get sick on
chemotherapy.  The chemo was breaking up the tumors and the tumor material
was making them sick.  He had severe symptoms when he was sick on the pills -
- high fever, chills, sweats, like a severe case of flu.  That lead to
another investigation.  He was looking for some way to alleviate this symptom
to allow the program to work more efficiently.  He went through a number of
medical journals and a number of medical textbooks and the one thing that
kept coming back to him was coffee enemas.  Nothing causes more controversy
of Kelley's program than coffee enemas.  Kelley learned of coffee enemas, not
from some alternative medical manual but from the Merck manual.  The Merck
manual included coffee enemas as a therapeutic tools from 1889 to 1977.  It
was documented during the 1920s and 30s that when you take coffee rectally
the caffeine stimulates the liver to release toxins.
Caffeine is a metholzantin, it causes smooth muscle relaxation in the gut.

Kelley wasn't too thrilled by this prospect.  He figured that he really
didn't have much choice - his life depended on it.  He went to his local
grocery store, bought the normal brand of coffee and went to his pharmacy for
an enema bag.  He went on the enzymes for about 4 or 5 days until he was
feeling really sick.  He had a fever of 104, he had muscle aches, he was
vomiting.  He did this so he could see if the coffee enema really worked.

After taking his first enema, within 30 minutes his fever went from 104 to
99, his muscle aches and pains resolved.  From that day on he did coffee
enemas daily and is still doing them today.  That was the third element in
the Kelley program.  Diet, pancreatic enzymes and coffee enemas.  When he
went back to work, word had spread about crazy Dr. Kelley who had cured
himself of terminal cancer.  People started coming to him for his cancer
program and not for their teeth.  He not only got calls from people with
cancer but also people with MS and asthma from the local outlying towns.  He
developed such an international reputation that the local medical society had
him thrown in jail in 1969.  Nothing offends the AMA like a dentist that
cures cancer.  Kelley was doing well with his program.  He added some
vitamins to make the enzymes work better and he was getting a good success
rate, but not good enough.  Kelley always said that you don't learn from
your successes.  Successes make you feel all arrogant and wonderful, but you
learn from your failures.  By 1970, Kelley was getting about 50% of his
patients well, but he was losing about 50%.  He couldn't figure out any he
was losing the 50%.  He changed parts of the diet.  He would increase the
amounts of fruits, then decrease the fruits and increase the vegetables,
change the ratio of beans to rice, give more juices, give less juices.
There were some patients that no matter what he did they didn't get any
better.  One of these patients was a woman who would become the second Mrs.
Kelley.  Susie was a remarkable woman.  She had the worse case of allergies
in the history of medicine.  She was so sensitive to iodine that she could
not walk within 10 miles of the ocean or she would have an anaphylactic
reaction.  She had to carry adrenaline around with her continually.
Repeatedly about twice a week she would have anaphylactic reactions.  Some
bright allergist had treated her with dirty needles and she developed
hepatitis.  So not only had severe allergies but she had chronic active
hepatitis which in and of itself was a fatal disease in many cases.  She was
24 and she was dying.  There were about 4 things that she could eat.  She
figured that when she got down to distilled water it was over.  She knew
Kelley was a cancer doctor but she thought that if Kelley could cure cancer
he could cure her allergies.  She arrived at his office very sick.  Kelley
put her on his diet and within 3 or 4 months she was doing very well and at 6
months she could eat fish.  By 9 months she was doing so well that she
married Dr. Kelley and began to run his office.

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