-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Friends:
        Here is a excerpt of a letter I received from Pat Buchanan yesterday:

Dear Mr Richer:

        I have never thought and prayed harder over any decision in my life
than the one I am about to share with you, in advance of my public
announcement.  I deeply hope that you, as my friend and partner in our
campaign to reclaim America for its noblest traditions, will support me on
the road I am taking.

        On Monday, October 25, I will officially leave the Republican
presidential campaign, and announce that I am a candidate for the 2000
presidential nomination of the Reform Party.

         And then, if you will stand with me, I believe the most exciting and
dramatic presidential campaign of out lifetime will begin!  It will be an
historic, even revolutionary, adventure...and it is one Shelley and I cannot
imagine undertaking without you, and your continued help and support.

         Over the past weeks, many friends, many people of good will, have
urged me to stay in the GOP.  Yet I must leave the party that has long been
my home - with regret but no rancor -- because the Washington elite of the
GOP has left me and the principles for which I have toiled and fought for
forty years, eight of them at the side of three Republican Presidents.

          Issues which I believe are of profound importance to our nation's
future -- among them trade, immigration, right to life, our national
soveereignty and future interventionism -- will not be seriously debated in
2000 between the probable establishment nominees.  Why?  On none of these
issues, not one, is there any real disagreement between leading Democratic
and GOP candidates.

          For the sake of this nation, and future generations of Americans,
these issues must be debated in 2000.  I'm running to guarantee that they are.

          Seeking and winning the Reform Party nimination, and then
contesting the Democratic and Republican nominees in the general election
campaign next year, are Herculean challenges.  But Shelley and I are eager to
tackle them, with no backward glances.  And, rest assured, we are in the race
to win!

          And I am praying that you, will decide to take a new road with us,
so that we can advance the ideas, values and beliefs which have for so long
bound us -- you and me -- together.

          With your support, free from constraints of working within one of
the estableshment parties, I plan in the weeks ahead to actively recruit
Democrats, Republicans, Reformers and Independents in our movement.

          I intend to build a mighty, unprecedented coalition of Americans
across all party lines who want:

        **to see U.S. trade policy reformed so that American jobs are
protected and America's vital manufacturing base rebuilt;

        **to see the laws against illegal immigration enforced, and legal
immigration temporarily slowed so that recent arrivals can be assimilated
into America's language and culture, and the melting pot can work its magic

        **to rebuild America's weakened defenses, the same defenses Ronald
Reagan courageously rebuilt but which both establishment parties, Democrat
and Republican, have allowed to atrophy and decline.

        **to reassert as the keystone of our foreign policy a hallowed
principle, going back to George Washington, that America should avoid foreign
entanglements and wars in which our own vital national interests are not at

        **to have a President who will use the "bully pulpit," without
compromise, to fight for the right to life of the unborn, the elderly, the
handicapped, and the terminally ill;

         **to protect the sacred right of all Americans to participate in
politics, and to cleanse our system of the corporate "soft money" narcotic,
which has debased American elections and corrupted our ruling parties, and;

         **to get the Social Security and Medicare reformed and protected,
the national dept extinguished, and the curtain brought down on the annual
ritual of exceeding government spending caps, a cynical bipartisan game which
now threatens the budget surplus it took us so long to achieve.

         My friend, we are at a unprecedented, exciting moment in American

         Next autumn, my friend, I believe the power of our ideas can
overcome the estsblishment, and we can win the Presidency!

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