-Caveat Lector-



Thomas Jefferson: Crypto Rebel?

by Wendy McElroy
Saturday, October 23, 1999

Encryption is the process of coding and decoding information to
ensure its privacy. The encryption of computer data may well be
the most powerful tool peaceful individuals have to protect
themselves against Big Brother.  Predictably, Big Brother is
eager to control it. The rationale, as expressed in A Report to
the President of the United States (Sept. 16, 1999): "American
history has been punctuated by periods in which the National
government had to respond to sweeping social, economic and
technological developments." Speaking of cyberspace as a "new
tool", the government claims that technology raises new issues to
which it must respond in new ways. Buncombe. The issues are the
same as they have always been. In 1785, a resolution authorized
the secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs to open and
inspect any mail that related to the safety and interests of the
United States. The ensuing 'inspections' caused prominent men,
like George Washington, to complain of mail tampering.
According to various historians, it led James Madison, Thomas
Jefferson and James Monroe to write to each other in code - that
is, they encrypted their letters – in order to preserve the
privacy of their political discussion.

The need for Founding Fathers to encrypt the information they
sent to each other is high irony. The intrusive post office
against which they rebelled had been established specifically to
provide a free flow of political opinion. In the 1770's, Sam
Adams had urged the 13 colonies to create an independent postal
system. The existing post office, established by the British,
acted as a censor and barrier against the spread of rebellious
sentiment. Dorothy Ganfield Fowler in her book Unmailable:
Congress and the Post Office observed, "He [Adams] claimed the
colonial post office was made use of for the purpose of stopping
the 'Channels of publick Intelligence and so in Effect of aiding
the measures of Tyranny.'"  Thus, "'...the necessity of
substituting another office in its Stead must be obvious.'

Alas, the more governments change, the more things stay the same.
Soon, the Continental Congress itself wanted to declare some
types of matter 'unmailable' because their content was deemed too
dangerous. One of the first types of mail to become de facto
unmailable was Anti-Federalist letters and periodicals. During
the debates over ratifying the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists
- who basically rejected a Constitution unless it had a Bill of
Rights - simply could not circulate their material through the
Federalist-controlled post office.

Yet, like Adams, many of those who founded the Post Office seemed
to want communication to flow freely. The first official
restrictions placed on 'mailability' were strictly utilitarian,
not political. For example, the first law (1797) by which
Congress limited what could be mailed banned newspapers with wet
print because they damaged accompanying material. But politics
won. Prior to and during the Civil War, governments of both the
North and South banned just about anything they deemed to be
'seditious.' Private communication in America has never
recovered. Recent history is rife with purely political postal
measures such as the "Cunningham Amendment" (1962) which
restricted the circulation of communist literature that
originated in a foreign country.

The American government has always realized the political
importance of controlling the flow of information. In the 1770s,
communication occurred primarily through postal routes maintained
by horseback riders. Today, we communicate through packets of
data beamed across phone lines. This difference in the
transmission mode is irrelevant to the principle involved. The
key questions are, "who owns your words and ideas?" and "who has
the right to read them?"

On May 6, 1999, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that
federal restrictions on encryption violate the First Amendment:
specifically, they constitute prior restraint and may limit the
freedom of the press (Daniel J. Bernstein v. US Department of
Justice).  In the decision, Judge Betty Fletcher stated, "The
availability and use of secure encryption may…reclaim some
portion of the privacy we have lost. Government efforts to
control encryption thus may well implicate not only the First
Amendment rights…but also the constitutional rights of each of us
as potential recipients of encryption's bounty."

On September 16, the Clinton Administration sidestepped the court
ruling through a new policy. It now requires a one-time technical
review of encryption software as a precondition to permitting its
export. No limit on the cost or time of such a review was stated.
Then, on September 30, the government managed to convince the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the Bernstein case should be
reheard. The earlier decision was withdrawn.

Such maneuvers are not new. They are not in response to the
threat of emerging technology. Prior restraint and requiring
publications to meet government standards before circulation are
as old as government itself.

Today, politicians wish to label encryption as sedition. They
claim - without real evidence -- that this emerging technology
provides opportunities for terrorists, spies, child molesters,
drug lords…all the usual suspects. They ignore the fact that the
vast majority of those who encrypt technology do so in an honest
attempt to protect sensitive data, such as financial records.

What would Thomas Jefferson have said about all this? I suspect
he would have said it in code.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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