-Caveat Lector-

Budget Veto Secured US Vote in UN

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke said Tuesday
President Clinton was right to veto a budget bill that didn't pay U.S. dues
to the United Nations, leaving the country without a vote in the U.N. General

He called on Congress to come up with the money to pay a substantial chunk of
U.S. arrears to the world body, saying national security interests were at
stake. He said the country could lose its forum for debating important global

``We need to band together now on a bipartisan basis to push back the forces
of that small group of people who want to destroy United States national
security interests and simultaneously do immeasurable damage to the United
Nations,'' he said.

According to U.N. figures, the United States is currently $1.8 billion in
arrears and must pay $350 million by Dec. 31 to keep its seat in the U.N.
General Assembly. Its vote in the Security Council is secured.

Clinton on Monday night vetoed a $39 billion bill financing the departments
of Commerce, Justice and State, saying it would among other things ``threaten
America's ability to lead in the world by failing to meet our obligation to
pay our dues and our debts to the United Nations.''

Clinton said the bill included adequate funds to pay the annual U.S.
contribution to the regular U.N. budget - but he said the payment schedule
was changed so funds wouldn't be authorized in time to avoid losing the U.S.
seat. This, he said, was ``unacceptable.''

``Great nations meet their responsibilities, and I am determined that we will
meet ours,'' the president said.

Clinton also complained that the bill included only $200 million of the $485
million the administration sought to meet the U.S. share of anticipated U.N.
peacekeeping obligations in East Timor, Sierra Leone, Congo and

In the past week, the United States has supported U.N. Security Council
resolutions authorizing deployment of 6,000 U.N. peacekeepers to Sierra Leone
and more than 9,000 to East Timor.

Holbrooke has been spending at least two days a week in Washington lobbying
members of Congress and said he is determined to get the United States to pay
at least dlrs 900 million in U.N. arrears.

Congress has held up payment of U.S. arrears for years, demanding that the
United Nations streamline its organization and institute a no-growth budget.
Legislation that would have paid off the bulk of the bills was vetoed last
year by Clinton because it contained unrelated restrictions on U.S. spending
for overseas family planning organizations.

The vast majority of congressmen and senators want the United States to pay
its dues, he said, ``and we are working with them to fashion a bipartisan
solution in the interests of national security.''

``I believe this is fixable in the dramatic end-game of the budget process
which has now begun,'' Holbrooke said.

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