-Caveat Lector-

Re: [CTRL] Cycles of Civilization - As below is above?

In a message dated 10/26/1999 11:37:34 AM Mountain
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<< The formula, as I learned it, is "As above, so below; as below, so above;
 for the accomplishment of the One Thing." Microcosm and Macrocosm reflect
 *each other*-->>

This is understood. The mathematical relationship between
microcosm and macrocosm is undeniable. The subject being
discussed was that, it is UNlikely that stone age man simply
learned the pattern of the stars, and used it as an archetype
to pass along information of a patriarchal nature.

We also take notice of the statement regarding that this "is the
very basis of ceremonial magic, whereby the magician's actions
both mirror and influence the actions of the gods/demons/entities
one is seeking to control." This seems to relate directly to the
biblical mandate which prohibits the use of the micro/macro
relationship FOR the very purposes of occultic control,
manipulation, or self-glorification of man by man.

With that said...

The magnetic effect of the Sun, Moon, and stars can
be recorded by means of technology, and further, this
recordable effect is chartable through astrology, which
can definately give us insight to daily lives if we are to
ignore biblical prohibition of such action.

Again, if  "as below, is above" were consistently true,
the daily events of a human's life would dictate to the
stars some type of magnetic (or yet unknown form
of) governance, charting a daily course for the stars

In this fashion, the "above" is definately
NOT a reflection of  the "below".

Yet, that which is "below" can still be found as
being remarkably challenged by the parameters
(electromagnetics, etc.) which continue "above".

This is not to say, that we can completely rule out
the possibility of  "as BELOW, is above"...as if to
say that this phenomena cannot be found at all...

We previously mentioned that the Bible bars out the
option of seeking to prophecy from the stars in an
astrological sense (to glorify man), but, it is also
clear that the stars serve a purpose in God's plan
for mankind (GEN 1:14; PS 19:1-5).

In the biblical paradigm, all who believe in Jesus are called
"Abraham's seed" (GAL 3). This multitudiness seed, was
promised by Abraham's God, to be multiplied "as the stars
of heaven"...(GEN 17; GEN 22; etc.).

In this same fashion, the Bible continues to make use of
this symbology, equating the glory of resurrected believers
in Christ with the variance in light reflected from the stars
themselves (I COR 15).

The Bible also informs us that a portion (1/3) of the
heavenly host (stars) are used to represent one third
of the already fallen angelic host of heaven (REV 12).

Finally, the Bible also tells us (ISA 65; II PET 3; REV 21),
that at some future point in time, there will be a "new
heavens, and new earth."

As our temporal "earthly/below" actions and decisions
are biblically shown to ultimately effect our eternal
"heavenly/above" status...and, as this status is also
biblically shown to be reflected in the heavens....

....the entire spectrum of biblical salvation comes to
it's grand finale at the end of the Grand Precession.

Not only does a third portion of the existing
"heavens" represent the fallen Luciferians,
but it also includes "stars" to represent
those who currently might be, (or those
who have already been), foolish enough
to follow along in the rebellion of making
themselves as gods.

These "wandering stars" (JUDE 13) come to earth, and
end up following the course charted by the Luciferians..

In the biblical paradigm, the mazzaroth reflects the
current and ever changing, still UNfinished condition
of the physical embodiement of spiritual souls, as
we enter into this dimension of time/space on Earth.

Since astrology is but the recognition of this ongoing
process-- through use of comprehending the "stellar"
(and electromagnetic) effect that these heavenly
bodies have upon us in the flesh, it becomes more
obvious why the Bible speaks of a "new heavens
and new earth", as, when these events reach their
final resolve, the current mazzaroth will have need
of being renewed-- so that the "former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind" (ISA 65).

We also recognize that, to leave these heavenlies
in existence would only continue to have the same
negative effect that the broken Earth Star patterns
on Earth's grid currently show.

Our daily lives do not bring a DAILY effect on the
chartable course of heavenly bodies, but, in the
biblicaly paradigm, "as below, is above," is seen
to be true in the realm of eternity.


So, from the biblical paradigm,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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