--- byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:09:50 -0700 (PDT)
> From: byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Erasing TAILS
> How about those who communicate with you ? Are they
> given a fairfax detour ? Some years ago it occurred
> to
> me that one countermeasure to the federal sneak
> torture gang's spy crap would be if everyone flooded
> all forms of communication with simple 5 letter code
> groups.........i.e,  fghin , for instance. The
> fedbeast would never know which dispatch carried
> intelligence. With TEMPEST near every energetic
> resistance operator it is no longer possible to type
> in privacy. I believe we should concentrate our
> efforts upon screwing fed beast rather than
> tracking
> its. AOL is very tricky: mainframes nextdoor to
> Langley. Encryption via www.replay.com tends to
> vanish
> without a trace. The most damning thing is the
> event/map diagram which show daily the screwing of
> the
> federal beasts. More on this shortly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> AND/OR  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .........Cheers and Ciao
> ......
> test nvct
> --- "Mark A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > http://home.earthlink.net/~leslemke/kgb1.htm
> >
> <HR>
> HREF="http://home.earthlink.net/~leslemke/kgb1.htm">
> <html>
> <title></title>
> <head></head>
> <body background="images/gray1.gif">
> <body>
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=3 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <img src="images/kgb1.gif" alt="DOWN WITH THE
> NEW WORLD ORDER!!" align="center" >
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> </center>
> <hr size=2 noshade>
> <br>
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <font size=4  face=serif color=black><b>
> Hi Folks,
> <br>
> <br>
> I'll try to get right to the point here.
> <br>
> <br>
> Ever since the "Justice" Department decided that the
> American People were
> the ENEMY OF THE STATE and decided to track Internet
> activity and email
> communications of private, law abiding citizens
> under
> the BOGUS excuse that
> anyone could at anytime be conducting criminal or
> terrorist activity on the
> Internet I have been curious as to how this tracking
> was taking place.
> <br>
> <br>
> The first method that I found to look at the
> connections I was making via
> the Interent was with a little utility that comes
> with
> Microsoft Windows 98.
> The utility is called TRACERT. A friend of mine told
> me about that utility.
> <BR>
> <BR>
> If you want to see how many connections you have to
> go
> through in order to
> get to YOUR ISP, do this: Shell out to the Dos
> command
> line and type the following:
> <BR>
> <br>
> <center>
> </center>
> <BR>
> <br>
> As an example, if earthlink.net was your ISP you
> would
> type the
> following:
> <br>
> <br>
> <center>
> </center>
> <br>
> <br>
> The report you will get back will look something
> like
> this below:
> <pre>
> Tracing route to www.earthlink.net []
> over a maximum of 30 hops:
>   1   127 ms   118 ms   111 ms
> tnt1.coos-bay.or.da.uu.net []
>   2   120 ms   116 ms   120 ms
>   3   125 ms   116 ms   120 ms
> Fddi0-0.GW1.POR2.ALTER.NET []
>   4   129 ms   131 ms   116 ms
> 121.ATM3-0.XR1.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
>   5   125 ms   117 ms   119 ms
> 195.ATM2-0.TR1.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
>   6   164 ms   168 ms   157 ms
> 110.ATM7-0.TR1.LAX2.ALTER.NET []
>   7   158 ms   157 ms   158 ms
> 199.ATM7-0.XR1.LAX4.ALTER.NET []
>   8   169 ms     *        *
> 193.ATM7-0.GW4.LAX4.ALTER.NET []
>   9   153 ms   157 ms   160 ms
> earthlink-gw.customer.alter.net []
>  10   162 ms   169 ms   170 ms
> f4-1-0-br02-pas.neteng.itd.earthlink.net
> []
>  11  f0-0-0-ds01-pas.neteng.itd.earthlink.net
> []  reports: Destination net
> unreachable.
> Trace complete.
> </pre>
> While that report showed me that I had to actually
> go
> through various systems to
> get to my Earthlink ISP (on line 9) that information
> really didn't tell me
> WHERE those various other systems were located *OR*
> who was operating them.
> At the time that I was using the TRACERT utility I
> was
> quite curious about
> that address which is shown on line #2.
> <br>
> <br>
> Just the other day that same friend who had told me
> about TRACERT called me up
> and told me about another rather interesting program
> called VISUAL ROUTE.
> <br>
> <br>
> What this program did, he said, was that it actually
> showed you, all the stops
> or "hops"  along  the Internet that your telephone
> connection makes as you log
> onto the Internet and connect to your ISP. It then
> can
> show you how many stops or
> "hops" your computer connection has made on the
> Internet as you go about your
> way browsing the World Wide Web with a web browser.
> <br>
> <br>
> What this program did, which was rather interesting,
> It provide some additional
> information on WHERE those ISP connections were
> PHYSICALLY located.
> <br>
> <br>
> The first time I used this program was after I had
> dialed into the Internet with
> my web browser. What I did was to log onto the
> Internet and connect up with
> Earthlink using my web browser. Then I stopped and
> loaded up Visual Route and
> typed in the "earthlink.net" address in the upper
> left
> hand corner where it asks
> for an ISP address. I then clicked the green arrow.
> The Visual Route program then
> showed me that IN ORDER TO GET TO MY ISP, Earthlink,
> I had to **FIRST** go through
> a whole number of systems INCLUDING a system located
> in Fairfax, Virginia.
> <br>
> <br>
> You know what's in Virginia, don't you? That's where
> Langley Air Force Base is
> located. That where the Navy keeps major naval
> intelligence related facilities.
> Fairfax, Virginia is also where the FBI keeps one of
> their main national
> forensic offices.....including information on cyber
> terrorism! In addition, the CIA
> also maintains operations out of some offices in
> Virginia. Interesting, no?
> <br>
> <br>
> So, just *WHY* do you suppose they are routing ISP
> connections through Fairfax,
> Virginia, eh? Well, this is only MY own personal
> opinion, but what it looks like
> is that it is *IN* FAIRFAX VIRGINIA that the FBI has
> set up the Internet monitoring
> computer system for the purpose of watching U.S.
> Citizens as they conduct their
> PRIVATE business affairs on the Internet.
> <br>
> <br>
> Well, back to the Visual Route program... Are you
> curious to see if <U>*YOU*</U>
> are being FIRST routed to Fairfax, Virginia BEFORE
> being allowed to go anywhere
> else on the Internet? ( As you will learn later in
> this letter, not "ALL" U.S.
> citizens are being tracked like this via Fairfax
> Virginia.)
> <br>
> <br>
> Ok then, the first thing you need to do is to
> download
> a shareware program called Visual
> Route.
> <br>
> <br>
> Here's the url to the official download page of the
> Visual Route shareware program. The
> program is a tad over 2 megs in size:
> <br>
> <br>
> <center>
> <a
> Route Download Page</a>
> </center>
> <br>
> <br>
> After you download that program and install it, load
> it up the next time you
> are on-line on the Internet with your web browser.
> <br>
> <br>
> Once the program is loaded up, type in your ISP web
> address in the upper left-hand
> corner like what is shown below in the screen
> captures.
> <br>
> <br>
> My Internet ISP address is earthlink.net. So, I
> entered "earthlink.net" in the
> slot up in the upper left hand corner.
> <br>
> <br>
> After you enter your ISP address hit that little
> green
> arrow next to where you just
> entered your ISP web address and the Visual  Route
> program will go out and log (list)
> all the locations (Computer systems) that you had to
> go through  in order to get to
> your present destination.
> <br>
> <br>
> What you will see on the Visual Route screen is a
> ton
> of information INCLUDING
> ISP addresses that you have been routed through in
> order to get to where you are
> on the Internet..  Look at the screen capture below.
> <br>
> <br>
> After the program is finished logging in all the
> various connections you have
> made look over to the right under <U>LOCATION</U>.
> <br>
> <br>
> Does your program list FAIRFAX VIRGINIA 22031?
> <br>
> <br>
> <img src="images/earth3.jpg" alt="DOWN WITH THE
> SOCIALISTS & FASCISTS!" align="center" >
> <br>
> <br>
> Look at the screen captures below. I've posted three
> screen captures below.
> (1) One of the screen captures shows all the ISP
> systems I had been routed through
> in order to get onto the Internet. (2) The Second
> screen capture shows all the ISP
> computer systems I had to go through before getting
> to
> an AUSTRALIAN web site. (3) And
> the third screen capture shows information relating
> to
> all of the ISP systems I had been
> routed through in order to get to a web site located
> in England.
> <br>
> <br>
> Please note that no matter where I went, after I ran
> the Visual Route program to see
> where I had been I ALWAYS found that I had FIRST
> been
> routed through FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA!
> <BR>
> <BR>
> <br>
> <br> NOT ALL people ARE being routed through
> Fairfax,
> Virginia!<br>
> If you ARE NOT politically outspoken and/or if you
> have NOT publically voiced your
> disgust with the utterly corrupt and moral
> degenerate
> Administration in Washington D.C.
> then the chances are that you are *NOT* being routed
> THROUGH Fairfax, Virginia before
> gaining access to the Internet. Apparently ONLY
> who the government doesn't like
> are being watched and/or tracked.
> <br>
> <br>
> I've talked to a good friend of mine who told me
> what
> he discovered after letting some
> of HIS friends know about the Visual Route program.
> He
> told me that he had talked to
> some folks who ARE NOT politically outspoken and who
> do not "advertise" their political
> beliefs. THOSE PEOPLE, who pretty much kept to
> themselves and who did not advertise
> their political opinions had also installed the
> Visual
> Route program and ran it.
> <br>
> <br>
> THOSE PEOPLE...the people who have been quiet about
> their political beliefs  WERE NOT ROUTED
> <BR>
> <BR>
> Interesting, no?
> <br>
> <br>
> Here's some screen snapshots I've made after I (1)
> connected to the Internet with
> my web browser, (2) after I went to an Australian
> News
> site, and (3) after I went to
> the Electronic Telegraph located in England. Notice
> that in all three situations
> after connecting to the Internet I'm being
> immediately
> routed to Fairfax, Virginia
> AND THEN on to my destination.
> <br>
> <br>
> Welcome to the New American verson of the Russian
> - THE FBI!
> </b></font>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <font size=4  face=serif color=black><b>
> In the screen snapshot I logged onto the Internet
> with
> my web browser, then I loaded
> up Visual Route and plugged in the address of
> "earthlink.net" to see how many places
> I had been routed to BEFORE getting to the
> Earthlink.Net ISP site. Notice first stop
> is Fairfax, Virginia.
> </b></font>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> </center>
> <img src="images/fbiearthlink.jpg" alt="DOWN WITH
> SOCIALISTS & FASCISTS!" align="center" >
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <font size=4  face=serif color=black><b>
> In the screen snapshot below you can see the
> information which was returned after
> I went to the Australian web site and entered THAT
> information into the "Host/URL" box
> in the upper left hand corner. Notice, first stop is
> Fairfax, Virginia.
> </b></font>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> </center>
> <img src="images/fbiaustralia.jpg" alt="DOWN WITH
> SOCIALISTS & FASCISTS!" align="center" >
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <font size=4  face=serif color=black><b>
> In this last screen capture notice that after
> plugging
> in the information for the
> Electronic Telegraph website
> "http://www.telegraph.co.uk" that Visual Route
> showed
> all the connections which were made across the
> country. Also notice that FIRST STOP,
> at Fairfax, Virginia.
> </b></font>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> </center>
> <img src="images/fbiengland.jpg" alt="DOWN WITH THE
> SOCIALISTS & FASCISTS!" align="center" >
> <center>
> <table width=100%>
> <td align=center>
> <table BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20>
> <td colspan = 5>
> <font size=4  face=serif color=black><b>
> Go and get that program - Visual Route - install it
> and run it when you are on
> the Internet. See for yourself if you are being
> watched by the perverts back east
> who have nothing better to do with their time at
> their
> high paying jobs than to
> stick their sick, pathetic, noses into the private
> affairs of law abiding citizens
> of this country.
> <br>
> <br>
> Les
> <br>
> </b></font>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </table>
> </center>
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> </b></font>
> </body>
> </html>
> =====
> __________________________________________________
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