-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 3:58 PM
Subject: A Message From Steve Forbes

>Steve Forbes asked me to forward the message below to you personally.

And here is my personal reply. I HAVE HAD MORE POLITICAL CRAP FROM BOTH
And you, Steve are a Crapmeister par excellence. Where is that "first
Internet campaign" you boasted about? If you wanted an Internet campaign you
would have set up an email list/discussion and answered some honest
questions. Here's one-You talked about restoring America to a "shining city
on a hill". So let's put the useless metaphor aside. A city is a city. What
would a MODEL CITY be like with you as President? Suppose one were built
anew, like Jubail, Saudi Arabia or New Bombay (Navi Mumbai), India, or the
proposed new cities of Anandapour, Punjab and Subia, Kuwait and Cyberjaya,
Malaysia. What would it be like? If you can't tell us about one city in
America which would solve the presenting problems I don't see why anyone
should trust you with the whole country.

>A while back you provided my campaign with your email address so we
>could contact you with important campaign information.  Well, this is
>important.  Now is the time to shift this campaign into a higher gear
>and I need your help.
>With Elizabeth Dole dropping out of the race, the choice for President
>is now more clear than ever.  I'm the only conservative who can take on
>George W. Bush in every state and win the Republican presidential
>Just this week, I've received endorsements from many leading
>conservatives, including Darrell Kearney (formerly Elizabeth Dole's Iowa
>campaign chairman), Lyn Nofziger (formerly national co-chairman of
>Buchanan for President), and Bruce Herschensohn (a leading California
>conservative).  My strong second place finish in the Iowa GOP straw
>poll, my third place and rising position in New Hampshire, and George W.
>Bush falling under 40% in early primary and caucus states show that the
>momentum is shifting in our favor.
>As more and more voters focus on the presidential race, they see that
>there is very little difference between Governor Bush's approach and the
>big government programs of Bill Bradley and Al Gore.  They are all
>business-as-usual politicians.  That's why Bush's lead against Bill
>Bradley and even Al Gore is fading away -- to single digits in the most
>recent national polls.
>We can't afford a third "Clinton" administration, which is why we must
>defeat Al Gore and Bill Bradley -- two dyed-in-the-wool big government
>liberals.  But to do so, we need to nominate a true conservative with a
>bold, principled, meaningful agenda.
>Here's how you can help me win this race:
>1)  Forward this email to at least three friends who agree with us and
>who might also help, and 2)  Make a financial contribution to our cause.
>Just go to http://www.forbes2000.com/htmlpages/contribute.html and you can
>make a secure on-line donation.
>Your financial support will help me go toe-to-toe with George W. Bush's
>$60 million plus warchest (financed with special interest and lobbyist
>money) and will send an important message to the media: this is more
>than a one man mission; it is a nationwide grassroots movement.
>There's too much at stake to sit on the sidelines.  If we elect another
>pro-big-government President, we will never see:
>>> The end of the IRS as we know it;
>>> An honest, simple flat tax that's a real tax cut;
>>> Social Security protected for seniors and reformed for younger
>   Americans so they will have the freedom to invest their payroll taxes
>   in their own Personal Retirement Accounts;
>>> Freedom for all parents to choose schools that work and for teachers to
>   create those schools; mothers given the freedom to choose doctors they
>   trust for their own children, without being forced into government- run
>   health care or heavy-handed HMOs; an end to partial birth abortions; an
>   end to U.N. dominated foreign policy; or a firm commitment to
>   anti-ballistic missile defense.
>Your support -- by forwarding this email and by making a financial
>contribution -- will help this message spread like wildfire.
>Voters need to know that as President, I will work to immediately return
>the budget surplus to hard working Americans through tax cuts.  George
>Bush has no tax cut plan.
>We also need to point out that although George W. Bush talks about
>keeping federal government spending in check, he has increased the Texas
>state budget by 36% -- almost twice as fast as the Clinton-Gore
>administration has increased the federal budget.
>Make no mistake.  I will hold the line on all federal government
>spending, impose tough new spending caps, and eliminate or privatize
>unnecessary, obsolete and redundant departments, agencies and
>If you agree that putting this information in the hands of voters is
>vital, please forward this email and then help with a financial
>contribution today.
>And don't forget, if you want more information about my positions on the
>issues and the very latest news about our campaign, visit our on-line
>headquarters at www.forbes2000.com.
>I hope I can count on you to continue your strong support of our
>efforts.  With less than four months before voting for the Republican
>nomination begins, we must all redouble our efforts. And, again, I
>deeply appreciate all your help to date.
>Sincerely, Steve Forbes.
>P.S.  The pace of the campaign really has picked up dramatically in
>recent days.  We're still running TV and radio ads in early voting
>states like Iowa and New Hampshire, and we're preparing to air new ads
>in a few days (when they're ready, we'll put them up on our website,
>too).   Your active help -- by spreading the word, contributing or both
>-- is tremendously important.  Please forward this email to friends, and
>make a contribution if you can.  Thank you.
>P.P.S.  I know your time is valuable and many demands are placed
>on it. I contacted you by email because I believe, based on the fact
>that you provided our campaign with your email address in the past,
>that you would want to receive this information.  If you do not
>wish to be contacted by email in the future, you can unsubscribe
>at http://www.forbes2000.com/withDrawl.html.
>Paid for by Forbes 2000, Inc.   Contributions are not deductible as
>charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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