-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.dcia.com/ifr.html">American Hydrogen
Association: [Home Page]</A>

by Brian Downing Quig

In the advanced space development community it was accepted as an
unchallenged assumption that hydrogen and electricity were the ideal energy
mediums for the future. Each can easily and efficiently be converted to the
other. Together they address all energy applications with virtually no
But hydrogen and electricity are not energy sources. They must be produced
from energy sources. In space there is endless energy from the sun that can
be captured by arrays using the thinnest metallic foil. On the earth such
systems would be torn apart in seconds by weather. The big question is ---
What energy source should be used on earth to produce these unquestionably
desirable energy mediums. After digesting 400 peer reviewed articles I think
I know!
The math is quite simple. When one uranium atom fissions it releases more
energy than the combustion of 10 million carbon atoms!
Twenty five years ago I opposed the present generation of light water slow
neutron reactors (all U.S. commercial reactors are light water slow neutron
reactors). I did so because of safety issues and the absence of an acceptable
system for spent fuel disposal. I was wrong about safety. The safety record
of the U.S. nuclear industry has been superlative. But the spent fuel
solutions still appeared problematic --- until I discovered the INTEGRAL FAST
There is a team of scientists at the Argonne National Labs led by Dr. Charles
Till that was assigned the task of eliminating the bugs in the present
generation of commercial nuclear reactors. The technology they developed is
so elegant that I know everyone who is concerned about the environment will
love it. And those who are impatient to realize the hydrogen economy will
love it more.
Dr. Till added recent innovations to a concept that originally thrilled
Enrico Fermi and the original atomic pioneers. The pioneers envisioned that
by using fast neutrons instead of slow neutrons, virtually unlimited amounts
of energy could be produced from limited stocks of uranium. They called this
reactor a breeder since what it did was turn unfissionable U-238 into
fissionable plutonium 239 thereby breeding its own fuel. Less than one
percent of natural uranium is U-235. At the current rate of usage all the
fissionable U-235 will be depleted in 35 years. If this new technology is
implemented, uranium need not be mined for 500 years. Existing stock piles
will be more than adequate.
The Integral Fast Reactor:
1) is cheaper to build and cheaper to operate than water reactors.
2) is passively safe. It uses a metallic fuel that expands when it overheats,
causing the volume to increase which decreases the neutron density to the
point where the reaction is shut down by the laws of nature without operator
intervention! Loss of coolant poses no threat because the thermal currents of
the liquid sodium are sufficient to stabilize the reactor.
3) can be operated in a mode where it uses as its fuel the spent fuel of the
water reactors. By far the most lethal nuclear waste on the planet is the
spent fuel which is produced in the United States at the rate of 6 tons a
day. Currently our government policy is to store this waste for 30,000 years
(Yucca Mountain). Electric rate payers are assessed one mill per kilowatt
hour of power produced by nuclear reactors to deal with nothing but these
spent fuel rods --- to the tune of more than $800 million per year!

4) can be operated in a mode to burn the world's excess stocks of weapons
grade plutonium. Twenty five IFRs, each requiring 10 tons of plutonium for
start up, would transmute the world's entire declared surplus of 250 tons of
weapons grade plutonium into a waste product that only needs 300 years
storage. And while this process may take 40 or more years, from the first
moment that the plutonium is irradiated it is effectively removed from use by
potential rogue bomb terrorists. At that point a three foot thick hot cell
wall is required to handle it, while before an 8 pound brick of metallic
plutonium required for bomb making could be carried safely in any briefcase.
5) recycles all the long lived radioactive material on site. That is why it
is called "integral". Once the initial fuel is loaded no fuel goes in and no
waste comes out for the entire 70 year life cycle. This will greatly reduce
the current 90,000 nuclear shipments a year on trains and trucks. At the end
of the 70 years the nuclear "ash" of the IFR needs to be stored for only 300
years as opposed to 30,000!
6) is referred to as the ADVANCED LIQUID METAL REACTOR (ALMR) at General
Electric where its commercial development is being disrupted by congressional
The US produces 22% of its electric power with 105 nuclear reactors located
on 74 sites. Fifty five percent of US electric power is produced with coal.
The Journal of the American Medical Association claims that 30,000 US
citizens die each year from repertory illness due directly to this burning of
coal for electric power. France produces 75% of its electric power with
nuclear. Since France went nuclear, the country experienced a five fold
decrease in air pollution!
If the US were to significantly increase its percentage of nuclear it would
be presented with a unique challenge that is best met by our favorite energy
medium --- hydrogen. To operate efficiently a nuclear reactor must run at a
reasonably constant speed. Peak demand must be met during the day, but what
can be done to store the considerable off peak energy at night?
I was sitting around a table at the Electric Power Research Institute with
three past presidents of the AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY when hydrogen was
discussed for 25 minutes as a promising candidate for the use of off peak
energy (and it was not me who introduced the subject). These men wanted to
fly AHA president, Roy McAlister, in for this meeting but Roy was in China at
the time as a guest of the Peoples Republic.

My case can be made clear by one picture and one pie graph. The picture is of
this writer at the controls of the EBR II experimental reactor at Argonne
Labs West. EBR II is the prototype of the IFR. Just 30 feet below me is the
reactor core. The IFR is basically a reactor core using a special metallic
fuel submerged in a swimming pool of liquid sodium. The sodium shields the
radioactivity. I mentioned this was elegant technology. There was no more
radioactivity in that room than in your living room (I measured it!). Anyone
standing near a spent fuel rod would not live long enough to read this page.

The pie graph is worth studying. The pie represents all obtainable energy
within the US. The dark area represents potential energy derived from existing
 stock piles of depleted uranium ore used as a fuel in the Integral Fast
Reactor (8.5 times the total U.S. energy reserve!!!). There is a rather large
supply of environmentally undesirable coal, lesser amounts of oil and natural
gas. What was a big surprise was how scant the amount of energy available
from the current water reactors is if only U-235 is used. The IFR is the only
reactor that can utilize U-238 and if that happens the indigenous energy of
the US becomes six times as great! Note that hydro does not even rate a line
on this graph. Solar, and wind energy contribute far less. That is why I
think the optimum energy future of the US requires the IFR.
There is a very unscientificmedia fed phobia of anything nuclear in this
country. Except for the slightest short lived perturbations following
atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons there has never been a measurable
increase in background radiation that our most delicate instruments could
detect. If low level radiation was so harmful, it would make sense to filter
radon gas which accounts for more than half of the 360 millirems exposure of
average US citizens. The health of nuclear workers in the U.S. is measurably
better than other occupations. They are essentially the only persons
receiving even the slightest elevated dosage.
The IFR is clearly the environmentalist's dream come true and the
environmental issue of the century. But there is trouble in paradise! The
international energy cartel, which owns the uranium as well as the oil and
natural gas has given the IFR the kiss of death. It favors energy sources
that continue to rise in price not drop. In scientific terms the spent fuel
is not really waste but very highly concentrated energy. The spent fuel rods
if used as a fuel in the IFR would generate a revenue stream of $350 million
a ton. At six tons a day storing this instead of burning it amounts to more
than a $2 billion a day rip off!! That does not count the cost of storage for
30,000 years which is the only other alternative.
All bolded words represent hot links to additional sources which can be
accessed on the AMERICAN HYDROGEN ASSOCIATION web site
www.clean-air.org/ifr.html. Another good IFR site on the Internet is provided
by UC Berkeley School of Nuclear Engineering
http://neutrino.nuc.berkeley.edu/ifr.html. ARGONNE LABS can be found

The Hydrogen Association

dba The American Hydrogen Association in the USA. All donations are
Tax-DEDUCTIBLE under IRS 501-(C)-3 as a Non-Profit Organization.
Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for more information about Nuclear paths to Hydrogen.

HTML last updated March 22, 1997

 Web page woven with 100% recycled electrons, by Amy Scott.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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