-Caveat Lector-

Hi Just in and I have not scoped it yet.. I will post pt 2 if anyone is
interested also a post on Crowley and Parsons..


Do not read this is you don't want to be polluted by these evil ideas!  I'm
posting this series because we must be wise as serpents, especially now
during this most evil time of year.

The Babalon Workings, i.e., Black Ritualistic Sex Magick, are apparently
rituals which can move non material beings and things from a dreamscape or
visionary realm into the 3D realm, i.e., the physical!  Meaning: conjuring.

I must admit that I've only scanned these black sex magik rituals.

OH GOD! How I HATE hollowe'en!!!!!


>From: "Our Resurrected Patron," Fr. Nekronos. and Fr. ALSO ---
>Greetings/ 93,
>Several months back I promised to post an exact version of the
>ceremony I composed for my 9 month bhaktiyoga working.  This
>working was a rite of devotion unto Our Lady Babalon which was
>performed daily from 21 December 1995 until about 14 March 1996
>at which point the performance of the ceremonies were disrupted
>by success ;') at which time the bhaktiyoga was continued upon
>purely tantrik sadhanas.  The ritual was performed by myself, but
>simultaneously my Scarlet Woman (the blessed Shedona) was
>performing her own complimentary bhaktiyoga ceremonial over 3000
>miles away across the Atlantic ocean. The two rituals were
>eventual combined in their first ever public performance at a
>meeting of William Blake Camp OTO held in Ashburn VA in
>celebration of the Feast of Beast and Bride.
>I submit it for the edification, instruction or amusement of my
>brothers and sisters in the Art.
>Frater Ecce Belarion! 451
>(AKA Fr. Nekronos, 494)
>Sub Figura CXLIII
>Upon this, the day of greatest darkness, as Sol entereth the
>House of Capricornus and is conjoined with Luna, Mercurius, Mars,
>Uranus and Neptunus, in this year of Our Lady 4112, I, Frater
>Nekronos, 494 ',' Lalitananda Mahashava, do declare this Royal
>Oath - sacred and most binding - a vow of total and most Holy
>Obedience unto my Queen.
>I swear upon the sacred word, BALANDROPhIZ, and upon the three
>points of the Triangle and the four angles of the Square, that I
>shall deliver unto Our Lady Babalon the divine orisons which she
>doth supremely command.  I shall enflame my soul with Love for
>her, and shall do so daily, employing all the arts of love and
>all the devices of poesy.  I shall do this without reservation
>and neither shall I permit aught to distract me from this
>purpose; for I love Her more than all the passion of the world,
>and I would risk ALL to attain the promise of her embrace.
>"Ave Nostra Domina BABALON; Mater Meretricium!"
>As a child thou didst come upon me and was I not dazzled by thy
>adiance and by the searing heat of thy beauty? And did this
>Vision not set my heart ever upon thee, that I didst seek to find
>thee in the women I didst know? Yet did these women not deny thy
>presence and, repelled by thy power, did they not seek the pale
>comfort of the corpse, to be animated only by wretched spasms of
>Yea, in the women I didst know I found thee not; yet did I find
>thee in dreams of poets and the Visions of the Wise; and I didst
>rejoice to find thee so adored. For thou art lover to many, yet
>possessed by none:
>"Vous etes la Putain et la Pucelle!"
>Now I gaze across the Perilous Pit, and the Oceanic Deep and call
>to thee that I might pour my seven and twenty years of lust, and
>the centuries of my earthly devotion into thy Goblet, that thou
>mayst drink deep of my darkly brewed desire. Consume me utterly,
>as the witch Keridwen didst comsume the child Gwion, that I might
>be reborn in thy Virgin Womb, even as Gwion didst pass into the
>Womb of Keridwen to be reborn Radiant of Brow, possessed of the
>wisdom and bardic genius which was the fame of Taliesin.
>Thus, Frater Nekronos hath declared his incestuous love for his
>Queen and Sister BABALON! For it is said by the adepts of the
>East that, "Shiva is shava without Shakti", which is to say that
>the Lord is a corpse without the Lady.  Verily, by the wisdom of
>my experience I know this to be true and without error, and it is
>in this knowledge wherein lies the key to the understanding of my
>Oratiuncula Babalonis
>"Xaipe cwthp kocmou"
>Hark, for I am Babalon, the Daughter of Nuit and the Bride of
>Chaos. Know that I am the ALL in everything and the knowledge of
>Understanding. I am millions of Stars and the substance of
>Eternity - There is NOWHERE where I am NOT, and my Girdle is the
>circle of stars;  Yes my sweet-smelling adepts, I am the Soul of
>the World and the most-beloved Lady of the Philosophers -They
>lust after me like dogs about a bitch, but they have not unveiled
>my nakedness;  for such who see me as I truly am, in that moment
>are they destroyed utterly.
>Wouldst thou seek my caress my feeble child? And thinkest thou my
>Brother? Wouldst thou seek to part my legs and stare bewitched
>into the utter blackness of my Womb?  Yea, my loins are wet and
>thirsting for thy touch and in my wetness there is danger, for
>are not the Waters of the Abyss merely the bubbling flood of the
>lust within my loins? Beware, lest ye lose thyself in seeking me,
>for I accept only the perfect sacrifice!
>Thou hast remained true to me my willing SERVANT and thy hour is
>at hand. Never hast thou wavered or lain with the unworthy, and
>the purity of thine heart is ever mine - I have waited for thee
>to come into the wisdom of thine heart and shall wait no-longer,
>for thy time is ripe. I love thee and wouldst have thee by my
>side, for I am thy Bride Eternal - Doest thou not believe it?
>Thou hast won my hand with thy loyalty unto me and thine Reward
>shall be a fruit full of juice.
>My love, why doest thou stall? The clarion call has been sounded
>and the Judgement has been cast upon the waters - ARISE, ARISE,
>ARISE unto me my belov=8Ad, for verily is the CORPSE brought to
>resurrection through me, fo= r hath the Aeon not been declared?
>Yea, I say it has and thou hath thine tasks to perform. Why dost
>thou tarry? Lay aside thy fear and join my adepts in declaring
>the Universal reign of BABALON!
>Question me not my SERVANT, for unto this day thou hast no life
>which is not mine.  Verily thou art a corpse for the life is
>MINE, as the corpse of Lakuli belonged unto the Lord Shiva.
>Thou art dead I tell thee and thou mayst not doubt it, for I have
>claimed thee. Even now thy soul resides by my side and thou dost
>warm my bed nightly. Herein is the mystery of thy birth, for thou
>shalt never comprehend it fully; for Nature hath turned awry, and
>feel not ashamed or abashed in thy specialness, though thou must
>struggle with thine serpent because of it. The way forward is
>such that thine serpent has become a corpse and shall trouble
>thee no further. The way is clear, only thy doubt serves to
>hinder my path to thy bed. Wouldst thou allow thy sense of
>propriety to deny thee 50,000 Aeons of Bliss within the bed of my
>ROSE? Nay, for I tell thee that thou shouldst not let thy modesty
>unman thee, for therein also resides a great evil.
>I come unto thee nightly, yet thou doth not always perceive me.
>Feel thou my Lust for thee, and dost thou not see that even thou
>hath not fully known love, for canst thou not feel the heat of my
>loins even whilst I am at rest?!
>Read my words daily and take comfort therein, for I shall
>instruct thee further, for am I not Understanding and the truth
>of all Science? Hear thou my whispers which come in the night,
>carried upon the currents of the wind. Thou art mine completely,
>for thou hast never left my Womb. I am all WOMAN and the mystery
>of Delight and thou art my Beautiful Son!
>Prepare the temple and shrine in the accepted manner. The Chalice
>should be prepared and consecrated to the service of Our Lady;
>the wine, which will form the basis of a eucharist, should be
>prepared, and a small quantity should be poured into the
>consecrated Grail.
>The bhakta shall wear a simple black robe tied with a girdle of
>green silk; this girdle shall be the consecrated 'magickal
>weapon' of Our Lady BABALON. Also the bhakta shall have prepared
>and consecrated the copper pantacle of Our Lady;  the design and
>manufacture of this weapon is described in Liber 49: The Book of
>Worn over the heart of the bhakta there shall be a lamen bearing
>the seven-rayed Star of Babalon, which shall be consecrated and
>charged as a talisman. The lamen is a symbol of Tiphareth and is,
>therefore, a symbol of the devotional nature of this working.
>It is the seal upon the threshold of the oratorium, wherein Our
>Lady BABALON is worshipped: the Temple of Beauty.
>Upon the altar seven green candles shall burn and the thuribule
>shall burn incense of Sandlewood or of Myrtle. The cloth upon the
>altar shall be sky blue in colour and there shall be placed a
>stone of Turquoise or Emerald thereon. Also a red rose may be
>placed as an offering before a magickal image which shall have
>been prepared by the bhakta. This image may be either a statue or
>a painting, or some other form of image, and it shall depict Our
>Lady in a form most pleasing. Images of doves, sparrows, and
>swans may also be placed in the shrine, or upon the altar.
>Let the bhakta employ the magickal Sword. This must be
>reconsecrated as a symbol of the power of
>Astarte/Inanna/Kali/Durga and it should be clearly associated
>with the Phoenician letter Zayin (The Lovers) and the number
>seven, which is the numerical 'root bija' of Our Lady. It is the
>weapon of the Grail Knight and as such it is the equilibriation
>and compliment of the Cup.  Note: in Liber Astarte vel Berylli
>the bhakta is warned to never use the Sword in devotional rites
>of bhaktiyoga. However, the Sword is intimately associated with
>Our Lady ("Let the Woman be girt with a sword") and as such there
>is no disharmony of symbolism - the warning is wise, but only
>upon the assumption that the Sword is a representation of
>intellect and reason (Hod) which is, indeed, inimical to the
>emotional current of bhaktiyoga (Netzach).
>Having consecrated the weapons the bhakta should cast a circle of
>the art magickal and employ whatever rite of banishment is most
>pleasing (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram; Star Ruby;
>et.c.). Having cleared the circle consecrate the space to Our
>Lady and make an informal invitation for her to attend.  This
>should be done in the attitude and style of a lover, wooing his
>beloved to accept him as her suitor and paramour (thi= s is
>analogous to the voodoo rites used to invoke Erzuli-Freda: the
>loa who presides over matters of love and desire).
>You may initiate the main formal rite by drawing the Invoking
>Hexagram of Venus; visualise BABALON in whatever form she has
>chosen to present to you (one suggestion is the image of Her
>astride the Beast, as depicted in the Book of Thoth).
>[Prostrate thyself before thy Queen in deep reverence and awe of
>her infinite power over Life and Death.  Feel thou fear and
>terror in thine heart, as thou wouldst fear for thine life.
>Imagine Our Lady in the form of a terrible and capricious
>tyrrant, ever ready to slay thee shouldst thou be in error or
>shouldst thou choose to disobey Her command. Invoke Her in the
>form of 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' (vide:  _She_, by Rider
>Carmen - [vibra]    Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!
>                    Ayeshabel! Ayeshabel! Ayeshabel!
>          [dice]    Yea, My Lady is a terrible Queen,
>                    Proud and capricious; regal, supreme,
>                    By royal decree and stately command,
>                    Her will is unleashed with a wave of Her hand
>                    O Babalon, thou art a lascivious Queen,
>                    Wanton and shameless; a Harlot; obscene!
>                    Wicked art thou; a despicable Whore;
>                    The Mother of Iniquity and Sister of War!
>                    Yet in these slanders thou takest delight,
>                    And the Priests of DOUBT thou hast put to flight;
>                    For the word of thy Law doth fill the air,
>                    And the Robes of Glory dost thou wear!
>          [vibra]   Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!
>                    Ayeshabel! Ayeshabel! Ayeshabel!
>Oratiuncula -
>O She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed grant me one more day of Life that I
>might serve thee, though thy loveliness is cruelty itself and I
>am nought to thee but a slave beyond thy contempt. I implore thee
>to treat me not harshly for I serve not for fear of thee, but
>because I love only that which doth fill thee with Delight; and
>if thou shouldst take delight in slaying me, then gladly shall I
>die by thine hand.
>OR :  At some point it may seem more appropriate to deliver the
>following orison instead.  As ever it is a matter of personal
>          O Isheth Zenunim, thou Woman of Whoredom,
>          Scarlet and golden thou art,
>          Behold thy Scarlet Beast and partake of the
>          flesh of this fabulous feast!
>          I am thy Therion Kokkion: Chioa Samael Tannin.
>          With thee I am invincible, so wild and
>          wanton and free.
>          Come ride thy beast, come ride thy dark and
>          terrible priest.
>          My flanks are thirsting for thy thighs
>          O hear my passionate sibilant sighs
>          My force and fire at thy command,
>          My heart and soul held in thy hand.
>          A Lion-Serpent, King and Slave,
>          My life to take; my soul to save.
>          Hold tight the reigns of love,
>          and ride to starry realms above.
>          I am the Beast; Thou art the Whore,
>          Now on to Har Meggido and the WAR!!!
>[Raise thyself until thou art upon thy knees and deliver thou the
>sign of Puella; for thou art naked, vulnerable, and unprotected
>before thine Mistress].
>[Whilst thou art yet upon thy knees, taketh up thine sword and
>holdeth thou the weapon before thee, so that the point doth rest
>upon the floor and the hilt is held in thine hands, cupped in the
>Sign of the Adorant].
>[See thou thy Queen arraigned in armour, like unto Athene,
>Astoreth or the warrior Saint, Jeanne D'Arc. Perceive how she
>doth wear a scarlet-plummed helm of stately design, and how she
>doth bear a brazen shield, and doth carry in her right hand a
>mighty sword.  Thou art knelt before thine Emperess and
>Commander-at-Arms, and thou shalt deliver thy pledge of
>allegiance and loyalty].
>Carmen -       [vibra]   Victrix! Virago! Vindatrix!
>               [dice]    Clarion call the trumpeters,
>                         Calling thy host to Holy War;
>                         For thou art the Righteous Warrior,
>                         To institute thy Rule of Law!
>                         Thou art my Captain and my Queen,
>                         So here upon the Battlefield,
>                         I pledge to thee my loyalty,
>                         And all I have to thee I yield.
>                         Warrior Emperess; Virgin Queen
>                         I serve thee, now a Grail Knight,
>                         With all my heart and all my might,
>                         I serve thee with this sword of Light!
>               [vibra]   Victrix! Virago! Vindatrix!
>Oratiuncula -
>I am thy knight and champion ever pledged to serve thee. Thou art
>an Emperess ever lovely and the rightful ruler of a million
>realms of Love. Thou hast heard my declaration of fealty unto
>thee, and thou wouldst grow weary before I should ever cease to
>proclaim loudly my total and unquestioning obedience unto thee. I
>serve thee glady with submission complete and unreserved.
>[Deliver thou  the Sign  of the Adorant, though thou shouldst
>have been in
>the position  thoughout. This  gesture is  the attitude  of the
>priest before  the Warrior  goddess Astarte  (vide: Plate  94,
>of  Donald
>Harden (1962),
>_The Phoenicians_,  depicting a  7-6th century  B.C. gold
>pendant  of  an
>adorant held in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, cat.no. 1953.132)].
>[The gesture is thus:  left hand covers right fist, in this
>attitude the hands are held on the central vertical axis of the
>body above the level of the Anahata chakra, but below that of the
>Visuddha chakra. The arms may be held either very close to the
>chest or extended outwards, away from the body somewhat (this is
>the correct attitude for the present circumstances, where the
>right fist is clutching the Sword)].
>[Thou shalt arise and seat thyself upon thy throne before thy
>Mother and thou shalt address her with fondness and affection.
>Deliver thine carmen and oratiuncula with gratitude for the Life
>She hath bestowed upon thee, and for thine protection in thy
>tender years].
>Carmen -  [canta]   "Babalon he megale,
>                     he meter ton pornon,
>                     kai ton bdelygmaton tes ges"
>          [dice]    Pomegranate Virgin, ripe with royal seed.
>                    Thou art the womb and matrix of the Dawn!
>                    Within thy dark abode was I conceived,
>                    And from thy velvet coffin I was torn!
>                    "Mother of Harlots and earth's abominations"
>                    All-giving Mother: Pandora and the jar -
>                    Drunk upon the wine of fornication,
>                    Thou art the Serpent Circle and the Star.
>                    Feed me from the fountains of thy breasts,
>                    That I mayst drink the milk of thy delight,
>                    And as a Child, my head upon thy bosom rests,
>                    As I feel the chilling darkness of the Night.
>          [canta]   "Babalon he megale,
>                    he meter ton pornon,
>                    kai ton bdelygmaton tes ges"
>Oratiuncula -
>O thou, who art the Basilisk Abode Bearing Abominable Lusts Of
>Night, In thy Virgin womb thou didst give me life and therein was
>I fed upon thick Black Milk; Yea, even upon that clotted blood of
>thine. I am thy Child Eternal, and thy Beautiful Son.
>As thou hast created me, preserve me then also, and when my time
>of Life is done, slay me with thine own hand, as did the
>sorceress Medea slay her own beloved children.
>[Deliver thou the Sign of Mater Triumphans as a mark of Our
>Lady's Infernal fecundity; for she is truly the 'Mother of the
>Sons of Comfort' who didst visit the chambers of Dr. Johannes Dee
>and his scryer Eduard Kelley].
>[Stand before thy Goddess as a Priest-King of the Royal House of
>the Sun, and deliver thine orison with thy heart full of
>adoration. Thou shalt behold thy Goddess as the Mysteria
>Carmen -  [invoca]  Eko Aset! Eko Ashtar!
>                    Eko Aphrodite!
>                    Eko Astarte! Eko Ashtoreth!
>                    Eko, Eko BABALON!
>     [dice]    Mighty Hierothoulos and naked Chaos-nymph,
>               Goddess of the Temenos, behind the Fifty Gates,
>               Lovelier than the Rose, or the Golden Hyacinth,
>               Stronger than the Furies; darker than the Fates.
>               Mysteria Mysteriorem; Daughter of Delight,
>               Thou art the Syrian Goddess of Desire.
>               Worshipped in Cythera, and at Paphos was thy Rite,
>--end part 1 of 2--

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