-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-29 14:12:06 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Social constructionists move from the belief that sex and gender
differences are
>culturally produced and often socially detrimental, to the conclusion that
>can be radically altered for the better through education, legal reform, and
>improved theoretical understanding.

The essence of PC "social engineering" ... One of the above "differences," by
the way, is society's primary emphasis --for all of known human history-- on
heterosexuality as the norm.  The devotees of "social constructionism" --most
of whom, in my observation, are of "coincidentally" of gay or lesbian sexual
orientation-- are COMMITTED to turning that equation on its head, making
homosexuality the culturally preferred orientation -- and insisting that sex
and gender have NOTHING to do with biology (the other main characteristic of
"social constructionism') but EVERYTHING to do with "programming"
through education, mass media, and so on, gives them at least a HOPE of doing

Considerable support from Rockefeller-type foundations, trusts, and "think
tanks" and from the social science "experts" these have spawned (consulted as
domestic policy advisors by the federal government) has been given the
"social constructionist" agenda
since at least the early '60s, when the "unisex" ideal and "androgyny"
(arguing for the "natural" bisexuality of all human beings, in a Fabian-style
"gradualist" step toward homosexuality as the norm) were systematically
promoted by the media, alongside promotion of the specious sociobiological
argument that the threat of "overpopulation" could be reduced "naturally"
through emphasis on homosexuality, non-reproductive ...
In other words, we've already been subject to half a century of "social
construction" through the privately-funded, systematic, long-term view
reshaping of "public opinion," molding new "attitudes," without the general
public taking note of what's happened in the least ...  Three more
generations and no one will even remember, and the people of the 21st Century
will look back on millennia of heterosexual dominance with dismay, disgust,
and a smug sense of superiority, like Cro Magnons recalling Neanderthals ...
IF, that is, the "social constructionists" SUCCEED in their "social science"
agenda ...

>The dominant criticism of social constructionism is that it simply seems to
>rule out any influences of the physical body on behavior, social categories,
>and self-concepts, treating human beings as if they were all ONLY pure
MINDS, >EXEMPT from the biological and evolutionary forces that (naturally)
>all other organisms.

Exactly the kind of "pure MINDS," I might add, that one would expect from
"Newtonian" Skinnerian behaviorists who deny the individual's "soul," deny
the existence of "free will" and human freedom, and regard the human
biochemical, hormonal, sexual organism as merely a "machine," useful to
scientists only as cogs and gears to be "mechanically" tinkered with -- in
order to promote the better adaptation of these "soulless," "unfree"
human beings to the elitist tinkerers' technocratic society, itself a MACHINE
It's so much easier to make the State the pre-eminent influence in
childrearing and education when orgasm is "automated," heterosexual bonding
is discouraged, family (and I include extended family) units are dissolved,
and the communities and local autonomous groups which grow out of the former
are replaced by the State as the sole form of social organization, with
Corporations mediating between unisex drone workers and the State.  The
Industrial Revolution has evolved into the Technological Revolution
but the ultimate goals which lay behind it, even in the 17th Century
"technocratic" and
envisioning the necessity of CHANGING human history through "social
have not changed at all.  The ultimate arena of "automation" is the human

>At proximal technological levels, the "natural" or "biological" constraints
>sex are already being modified as reproductive technology permits procreation
>without sexual intercourse, removes menopause as a barrier to pregnancy, and
>allows gender-disorienting or gender-ignoring personal interaction through
>Internet technologies and virtual reality. At slightly more distal levels,
>technologies such as cloning and in vitro gestation allow reproduction
>without either sexual dimorphism or pregnancy. At more speculative levels,
>radical bodily changes produced by genetic engineering, cybernetic implants,
>nanotechnological reconstruction, and artificial intelligence uploading open
>the possibility of a completely postgendered cyborgism and perhaps even a
>posthuman subjectivity altogether.

We're in Orwell's "1984" ALREADY.  Next comes Huxley's "Brave New World" --
not a "world" at all but a COUNTERFEIT, a SIMULATION, worthy of a Satan
envious of God's Creation and the presence in Nature (including HUMAN nature)
of something "natural" and REAL, and in its human-transcending reality,
something fundamentally SACRED.

Visionary scientists, if honest, might tell you, "You can be REPLACED by a
hologram" ...  But is a glorified 3-D PHOTOGRAPH --an object-ified "image"--
of a person the same as a complex BEING, its subject?   Can a "map" be a
SUBSTITUTE for the "territory"?

For future generations BY THEN programmed to be out of touch with ANY
external (or INTERNAL!) reality that isn't just an IMAGE in "the mind" --of
ARTIFICIAL construction--
it will no doubt be THOUGHT so -- and guess who will PROFIT from such a

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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