In a message dated 99-10-30 23:04:18 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Notebook by David Talbott                         $24.95
>In this richly illustrated notebook, the author of The Saturn
>Myth reconstructs the extraordinary planetary environment in
>ancient times-
>  *  The universal memory of Saturn's "Golden Age"
>  *  Saturn as primeval sun and sun of night
>  *  When the planet Venus was the "Great Comet"
>  *  Mars as the warrior-hero thundering in the sky
>  *  The universal myth of the cosmic mountain
>  *  The great Saturnian crescent, turning in the sky
>This comprehensive notebook includes many images and themes
>yet to be published in any other medium.

                    October 30, 1999

                          Individual purchasers  $245.00
                          Institutions           $325.00

We are pleased to announce a New Product Release in cooperation with
Mikamar Publishing.

The long-awaited Catastrophism Archive CD is finally available.  Some of
us have been working on this project for over 3 years, collecting,
scanning, and formatting material into this GOLDMINE of catastrophist
literature.  This is a collection of some of the most important
information available in the world and some of it won’t be found in any
other source.  You can now have all of this at your fingertips in a
searchable format.  No one who is either engaged in catastrophist
research or seeking to stay abreast of the research of others should be
without this vital resource. This new CD includes all past issues of
these journals:

  *  Pensee Journals: "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered"
       (the original catastrophics journal published 1972 to
  *  KRONOS: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis
       (catastrophics journal from 1975 to 1988)
  *  SIS Review and SIS Workshop (a supplement to the SIS
       (Publication of the British Society for
       Interdisciplinary Studies)
  *  The Velikovskian: A Journal of Myth, History, and Science
       (Published since 1993)
  *  AEON: A Journal of Myth, Science, and Ancient History
       (published since 1988, with strong emphasis on the
       Saturn theory)

…and much, much more, including the Works of Flavius Josephus, Hesiod’s
Theogony, and voluminous material from related Web sites.  The above
collection of published material is worth well over $1500.00 at the
subscription or original prices.

ELECTRIC UNIVERSE: The CD ROM                        $44.00
  Works on both IBM and Macintosh

Make no mistake about it, this CD is a dramatic improvement
on the first production.  It is both visually interesting and
much richer in content, providing some 20 video clips to
supplement the main text and photos.

The CD features the work of Australian physicist Wallace
Thornhill, who outlines a fundamentally new understanding of
physical forces around us.  From microcosmic to macrocosmic
worlds, from subatomic particles to intergalactic mysteries.
Thornhill looks at principles of electricity generally
ignored by conventional science, What he finds is a
magnificent - and often catastrophic - role of electricity in
the organization of the physical world.

The work also offers a mind-stretching convergence of physics
with the global testimony of ancient witnesses.  It was the
violent interplay of planets only a few thousand years ago
which inspired ancient stories of cosmic upheaval.  Planetary
gods battled in the sky, pounding each other with lightning
bolts.  And now, this planetary drama can be verified in the
dominant scarring patterns of planets and moons, showing
unmistakable markers of electrical discharges.  The evidence
suggests that very recently on the geologist's time scale
interplanetary lightning flew between these bodies as they
moved on unstable orbits.

But Thornhill does not stop with a visual display of
unexplained crater and rille patterns; he gives us laboratory
demonstrations.  The conclusion?  Electricity is the one
force which can produce this unique scarring, visible on
virtually all of the solid bodies revealed to us by space age

Overviews on the electrical nature of comets, the "electrical
sun", the flow of electricity through and between galaxies,
and the electrical underpinnings of gravity make this CD a
terrific contribution to a new science of the third

The CD production is a co-venture between Thornhill and film
producer Robert Dunlap.

A feature-length documentary

   "Four-star presentation"
       Charles Ginenthal, author, Sagan and Velikovsky

   "Awe-inspiring drama!"
       Dwardu Cardona, Editor, AEON

   "A breathtaking journey, a profound and superbly crafted
       Moira Timms, Beyond Prophecies and Predictions

   "A groundbreaking vision!"
       Jordan Maxwell, popular talk radio

This feature-length documentary is the first presentation of
the Saturn theory in a visual medium, and is supported by
stunning computer graphics and simple explanations.

"Remembering" is an encounter with cosmic disaster, when
planets appeared gigantic in our sky.  According to author
David Talbott and his colleagues, the planets inspired
mythical themes now incomprehensible to science:  a lost
Golden Age, when humankind lived in the shadow of the
planetary gods; a "mother goddess" with long-flowing hair;
the fiery dragon threatening to destroy the world; a
celestial hero who "subdued" the dragon, and titanic wars of
the gods.

In one overview, this documentary suggests an entirely new
interpretation of planetary history, while illuminating the
mythical, ritual, and symbolic roots of civilization.
Thousands of viewers have agreed - this film opens windows
never before imagined.  And it is a must for anyone seeking
to learn more about the Saturn theory.

Notebook by David Talbott                         $24.95

In this richly illustrated notebook, the author of The Saturn
Myth reconstructs the extraordinary planetary environment in
ancient times-

  *  The universal memory of Saturn's "Golden Age"
  *  Saturn as primeval sun and sun of night
  *  When the planet Venus was the "Great Comet"
  *  Mars as the warrior-hero thundering in the sky
  *  The universal myth of the cosmic mountain
  *  The great Saturnian crescent, turning in the sky

This comprehensive notebook includes many images and themes
yet to be published in any other medium.

Notebook by Wal Thornhill                          $24.95

A startling vision of the physical world and the interactions
of planets in earlier times, based on the surprising
revelations of plasma physics. The notebook includes-

  *  The Sun as a stupendous ball of lightning
  *  Venus' remarkable cometary tail
  *  Lightning of the gods:  violent scarring of
       planets and moons by electrical discharges
  *  The electric Earth

AEON: A Journal of Myth and Science                1-Yr $40

With frequent scholarly articles by Ev Cochrane, Dwardu
Cardona, David Talbott, and numerous other contributors, this
journal is the perfect source for continuing study by
students of planetary catastrophe. Join a global community of
explorers looking at those questions of history and
catastrophe science forgot to ask.  Three issues published
annually, each the equivalent of a separate book.

                   CREDIT CARD ORDERS
                    Call 503-226-1102


                     ORDER BY MAIL
                 (Print out form below)

Mikamar Publishing
1635 NW 26th Ave, #12
Portland, OR 97210


[ ]  "Catastrophism Archive CD."                   $245.00
        Institutional price                         325.00
        A comprehensive collection of past-issue
        Catastrophic journals and other related
        material, all in one searchable medium
[ ]  "Remembering the End of the World."             29.95
        A feature-length documentary on planetary
        history and cosmic catastrophe.
[ ]  "SEARCH: In Saturns Shadow."                    20.00
        A 1-hour interview with David Talbott and
        Michael Armstrong putting the Saturnian
        reconstruction in perspective with science
        and religion.
[ ]  "Symbols of an Alien Sky."  Notebook, with      24.95
       images and narrative by David Talbott.
[ ]  "The Electric Universe."  CD Rom on the         44.00
       work of Wallace Thornhill.
[ ]  "The Electric Universe." Notebook, with         24.95
       slide images and comments by Wallace
[ ]  "Mass Extinctions"  VHS of film on the impact   30.00
       that killed the dinosaurs. R Dunlap producer
[ ]  Subscription to AEON: A Journal of Myth         40.00
       and Science.

SUBTOTAL                                       _____________
Shipping and Handling                                $5.00

TOTAL                                          $____________

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  (payable to Mikamar Publishing)

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