-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Releases Nazi Papers

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - A government panel has released 126,000 pages of previously
classified documents that could shed light on Nazi-era war crimes, a report
said Monday.

The panel still has almost 600 million pages more to review.

In the first report of its three-year project, the group said agencies such
as the FBI and CIA have searched their records for names, code words and
other information relating to possible Nazi-era war crimes, criminals and
looted assets.

They reported coming up with 600 million pages of information, which must be
reviewed to determine if they should be declassified. It is estimated that
about 5 percent - 30 million pages - might prove useful to fill in holes in
U.S. annals relating to issues such as postwar use of Nazi criminals'

``I wouldn't say we have any smoking guns,'' said former Rep. Elizabeth
Holtzman, a member of the panel - formally the Nazi War Criminal Records
Interagency Working Group.

Holtzman said the panel wants to hire a historian ``so we can explain to the
American people the significance of the material that's being found.''

The panel was formed a year ago as part of the 1998 Nazi War Crimes
Disclosure Act, which ordered the government to declassify thousands of
documents about the Holocaust dating from the beginning of the Cold War.

Federal agencies have resisted opening the files for half a century, telling
historians, journalists, lawmakers and Holocaust survivors that national
security was at stake. Supporters say the panel's work provides an
opportunity to reveal how U.S. intelligence agencies and others used Nazi war
criminals in the Cold War years.

Of the 126,000 pages declassified in the first year of its work, 80,000 deal
with ``Project Paperclip,'' in which the government brought over German
scientists, some of whom later were identified as war criminals and sent
home, said a statement released Monday by the National Archives.

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