-Caveat Lector-

The Prison Industry: Capital Punishment

by Kathy Tadlock

The Watchdog on the Web

FEATURE: The Prison Industry: Capitalist Punishment


Did you know:

· Corporations like Starbucks, TWA, Microsoft, Victoria's Secret
and Boeing all use prison labor.

· Corrections Corporation of America, the nation's largest
private jailer, was dubbed "the theme stock of the 90's" by one
investment firm.

· There are currently more than 1.7 million prisoners in the
United States--more than in any industrialized country.

· 70% of US prisoners are people of color.

Corporate Watch's new feature looks at the expanding "prison
industrial complex" in the United States and the increasingly
intertwined relationship between private corporations and the
criminal justice system. We highlight writings by prisoners

· An original column by death row journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal,
entitled "Privatizing Pain."

· Writings from Prison Legal News, edited by two Washington State

In this Feature you'll also find:

· Analysis by scholar/activists Christian Parenti and Angela

· Reporting by investigative journalists

· Activist resources and corporate links

· In-depth background

· Activist alerts to help Mumia Abu-Jamal win a new trial

*For the first time you can also download the Feature in PDF form
to print out for friends, colleagues, students and family.

Check it out, and pass on the word!

Oct 28, 1999

The assembly lines at CMT Blues look like those at any other US
garment factory, except for one thing: the workers are watched
over by armed guards. CMT Blues is housed at the Maximum Security
Richard J. Donovan State Correctional Facility outside San Diego.

Seventy workers sew T-shirts for Mecca, Seattle Cotton Works, Lee
Jeans and other US companies. The highly prized jobs pay minimum
wage. Less than half goes into the inmate workers' pockets--the
rest is siphoned off to reimburse the state for the cost of their
incarceration and to a victim restitution fund. The California
Department of Corrections Joint Venture Program, and CMT Blues
owner Pierre Slieman say they are providing inmates with job
skills and work experience.

But two inmates and former CMT Blues employees say Sleiman and
the Department of Corrections are operating a sweatshop behind
bars. What's more, they say that prison officials retaliated
against them when they blew the whistle on corruption at the
plant. Inmates Charles Ervin and Shearwood Flemming spent 45 days
in solitary confinement after talking to reporters about an
alleged label switching scheme in which they claim they were
forced to replace "made in Honduras" labels with "made in USA"
tags. They are suing CMT Blues and the California Department of
Corrections for labor and civil rights violations.

The CMT Blues scandal and the host of human rights and labor
issues it raises, is just the tip of the iceberg in a web of
interconnected business, government and class interests which
critics dub the "prison industrial complex."  Borrowing from the
phrase "military industrial complex" coined by President Dwight
Eisenhower during the Cold War, the term refers to the growing
political and economic power that emanates from the increasingly
intertwined relationship between private corporations and what
were once exclusively public institutions. In short,
incarceration has become big business. And it's booming.

The prison industry now employees more than half a million
people-more than any Fortune 500 corporation, other than General
Motors.  Mushrooming construction has turned the prison industry
into the main employer in scores of economically depressed rural
communities. And there are a host of firms profiting from private
prisons, prison labor and services like healthcare and

Today, there are over 1.7 million people incarcerated in the
United States, more than in any other industrialized country.
They are disproportionately African American and Latino (almost
70% of US prisoners are people of color) and two thirds are
serving sentences for non-violent crimes. One in three African
American men between the ages of 20 and 29 is either in jail, on
probation or parole. 1.4 million black men-or 13% of African
American men-- have lost the right to vote because they have
committed felonies.

Taxpayers foot the bill for "get tough" policies that treat a
generation of young people-mostly young people of color-as
expendable.  New York and California, states that once had
arguably the finest public university systems in the country, now
spend more money locking people up than on giving them a college
education. Meanwhile, prison gates are swinging wide open for
corporations. Some like CMT Blues, Microsoft, Boeing, TWA, and
Victoria's Secret, are using low cost prison labor for every
thing from manufacturing aircraft components and lingerie to
booking reservations.

In addition to companies exploiting prison labor, there are
eighteen or so private prison corporations that control about
100,000 prison beds across the country. The largest, the
Nashville-based Corrections Corporation of America-whose
securities were dubbed the theme stock of the nineties by one
investment firm--also operates private prisons in Puerto Rico,
Australia, the UK and will soon open one in South Africa.  These
private lockups cut corners on labor costs, often hiring
untrained, inexperienced guards, leading to a dismal record of
escapes and brutality against inmates.

In a Texas prison operated by one company, guards were videotaped
beating, shocking, kicking and setting dogs on prisoners. While
private prisons hardly have a monopoly on such violence, critics
argue that hiring low wage, untrained guards-some of them with
criminal records of their own-makes brutality more likely.

The prison industry is not a new phenomenon, but rather has some
grim historical antecedents. As death row journalist Mumia
Abu-Jamal argues in a special column for Corporate Watch, mixing
the profit motive with punishment only invites abuse reminiscent
of one of the ugliest chapters in US history. "Under a regime
where more bodies equal more profits, prisons take one big step
closer to their historical ancestor, the slave pen," writes

In fact, prison labor has its roots in slavery. Following
reconstruction, former Confederate Democrats instituted "convict
leasing."  Inmates, mostly freed slaves convicted of petty theft,
were rented out to do everything from picking cotton to building
railroads.  In Mississippi, a huge prison farm resembling a slave
plantation later replaced convict leasing. The infamous Parchman
Farm was not closed until 1972, when inmates brought suit against
the abusive conditions in federal court.

Today, criminal justice issues have become so urgent that
organizing efforts by diverse communities around the country are
beginning to pierce the deafening "tough on crime" drumbeat
espoused by pundits and policy makers for the last 20 years.
Community organizers, church groups, labor unions and progressive
think tanks are coming together to fight prison privatization in
the South. Organizations like Families against Mandatory Minimums
are fighting discriminatory sentencing.  Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch put prison issues at the top of their US
agenda. In Concord, California 2,000 Latino students have taken
to the streets to demand "education not incarceration," as part
of a protest against the backlash against immigrant communities.

Labor code and freedom of speech violations like those alleged in
the suit against CMT Blues also resonate beyond prison walls.
UNITE, the garment workers union, has joined inmates Ervin and
Flemming in their suit against the clothing manufacturer and the
California Department of Corrections. And the suit has caught the
attention of first amendment advocates who would like to overturn
California's ban on journalist interviews with state prisoners.

Punishment endured by prisoners like Ervin and Flemming has "an
incredible chilling effect on prisoners because, combined with
the media access ban, they know they can't communicate (with the
press) with out suffering retaliation," explains Joseph Pertel,
an attorney for the inmates. Pertel says it was actually a prison
employee, not his clients, who called a local television station.
Nevertheless, the two men, both convicted of second-degree
murder, spoke out against working conditions at CMT Blues
jeopardizing their eventual parole.

Because prisoners have so little voice on the outside, we
highlight writings by prison journalists in this Feature,
including an original column by Mumia Abu-Jamal and writings from
Prison Legal News, edited by two Washington State inmates.
Contributor Alex Friedmann, due to be paroled next month, was
transferred out of a CCA private prison into a Tennessee state
penitentiary, when his reporting behind bars angered company
executives. We hope that by giving a voice to those inside prison
walls we can contribute to a dialogue on redirecting criminal
justice policy in this country.

--Julie Light
For Corporate Watch


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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