-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Book Search Co-ordinator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EgyptAir Anomalies?  "No Credit" Terrorism
Date: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 6:55 AM

I heard a "terrorism expert" on Fox News state that taking
credit for terrorist acts is a thing of the past.  The Echelon
system, he alleged, makes it very difficult to for anyone to
"take credit" without setting-up an electronic trail for the

Then, the morning host asked a great question:  What
would our government's response be to terrorism under
these conditions of "no credit being taken".  The expert
refused to answer!  He said he would rather not speculate.

How about "denial that terrorism happened?"

                            Lloyd Miller

From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(please forgive repost, the last file was (=3D...) corrupted)

Right after the sudden crash of Flight 990 not far from Long
Island, I did a search of the Coast Guard's Local Notice to
Mariners for District 1 to see if there were any live-fire
warnings (http://www.navcen.uscg.mil/lnm/default.htm). I
found no warnings during the month of October. However,
there is a report from NewsMax of air-traffic control
being overheard rerouting planes because "there are
rockets being fired in the area." Here's that report:


After receiving many reports from people hearing that Flight
990 landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California but then
the story was denied, I went to search the AP wire. Indeed,
the AP reported that Egyptian TV quoted EgyptAir officials
who said that the plane made a stop at Edwards Air Force
Base after departing from LA. The relevant excerpts from
those articles are below (the URLs will go down 14 days
after initial post). Reuters then reported the denial
from an FAA official, who said "This Edwards story has
got to stop." One would assume that EgyptAir officials
would have immediate knowledge of their plane's itinerary.
Another oddity was that only one person got off at JFK, and
he works as a grief counselor for families of air-crash victims.
He was speaking at a press conference hours after the crash, and,
according the report below, never mentioned he'd been on the plane.
That's got to be one of the more bizarre twists I've ever heard of:
one man walks off the flight, a guy whose job will be to console the
families of those who didn't get off. MSNBC calls it an "odd twist."
Also included below is a time-line for the plane reported by the AP.


Sunday October 31 10:16 AM ET

US Coast Guard Finds Body From EgyptAir Crash

By Leslie Gevirtz
Earlier reports from Cairo had the plane coming from
Los Angeles International Airport to JFK airport via
Edwards Air Force Base in California. But the FAA
said those were reports were wrong.

``This Edwards story has got to stop. This plane
didn't go into Edwards,'' FAA spokesman Bruce
Nelson in Los Angeles said. ...



Plane Disappears Off East Coast

By Laura Vozzella
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, Oct. 31, 1999; 6:37 a.m. EST

Egyptian television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying
that after the flight left Los Angeles it made a landing
at Edwards Air Force Base in California before continuing
on to Kennedy. However, there was no immediate
confirmation from Edwards.

According to FAA officials in Washington, the plane's
takeoff from Kennedy was delayed by two hours
because it arrived late from Los Angeles. ...



Plane Disappears Off East Coast

By Laura Vozzella
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, Oct. 31, 1999; 7:04 a.m. EST

According to FAA officials in Washington, the plane's
takeoff from Kennedy was delayed by two hours
because it arrived late from Los Angeles. The cause of
the delay was not immediately known but Egyptian
television quoted EgyptAir officials as saying the
plane landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California
after leaving Los Angeles; there was no confirmation
from Edwards. ...


You'd think EAFB would be able to quickly confirm or deny.

MSNBC Repub of AP article (no date given):

Timeline of EgyptAir jet’s final hours

8:02 a.m. EDT -- Plane, diverted because of
inclement weather, lands at Newark International
10:25 a.m. EDT -- Plane leaves Newark, N.J., bound
for Los Angeles International Airport.
1:46 p.m. PDT -- Plane lands in Los Angeles.
4:30 p.m. PDT -- Plane departs Los Angeles for
New York’s JFK airport. The scheduled time of
departure from Los Angeles was 12:30 p.m.
12:48 a.m. EDT -- Plane lands at JFK airport. ...


The plane took 8 hours and 18 minutes enroute from LA to JFK.
Only one passenger got off at JFK and he, which was lucky
because he works as grief counselor for the crash victims.

MSNBC repub of AP article:

Man who got off
doomed flight is
a grief counselor


NEW YORK, Oct. 31 -- Only one passenger
got off EgyptAir Flight 990 when it
landed in New York, but in a strange
twist, his services were needed by the
airline almost immediately. Ed McLaughlin
works for the Family Enterprise Institute,
which helps airlines notify family members
of air accident victims.

in a news conference eight hours after the
plane went down, describing his work to
       "We work with EgyptAir to try to help
the families with the notification process," he
said. "At the moment we’re struggling to get
everything together."
       McLaughlin never mentioned that he’d
been on the doomed plane and was the only
passenger who boarded in Los Angeles to get
off in New York. The plane vanished off
radar screens near Nantucket Island while
en route to Cairo from New York. ...


List of Passangers and Crew:

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm
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