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>From http://www.allsouthwest.com/columnists/bward.html
FBI Creating Demons To Save Us From?

Last Weeks Column: Time to Get Serious

By Bob Ward
Host of the Texas Journal Radio Show KIXL 970AM  Austin
Editor of The Texas Journal Print Publication
AllSouthwest News Columnist
Email Bob
Bob Ward Archives

The FBI is busy trying to convince Americans that the republic is
threatened by unspecified but dangerous groups of paranoids,
fanatics, militias and, of course, the obligatory "white supremacists"
who might become violent in connection with the coming of the new

   Last week the FBI announced a new program alerting local police of
the threat from these"extremist" groups who are targeting  non-whites,
Jews and the Federal government.  The connection between race and the
end of the millennium is not spelled out.

   The program was dubbed "Project Megiddo" which is the biblical site
of the battle of Armageddon, the final clash between the forces of
good and the forces of evil. Presumably, the FBI sees itself as the
forces of good.

   In a subsequent statement intended to clarify its first
Project Megiddo the FBI softened its language in regard to the

The majority of militias, the FBI said, "engage in and support law
abiding activities."  This conciliatory tone was apparently meant to
protect the

FBI's attempt to establish a rapport with the militias, a program the
agency announced several weeks ago.  The purpose, they said, was to
demonstrate to militia members that Federal agents are human beings
and Americans and that we all believe in the same things. This is a
program militias would be advised to be cautious about because while
the FBI agents are establishing all that rapport they are also
collecting names, addresses and personal data and information about

   The clarifying statement also contained additional information
Project Megiddo which was described as the product of extensive

about individuals and groups  who attach "special significance" to the
year 2000.  This significance, the FBI said, is based on their
"apocalyptic"religious beliefs or a "conspiracy theory" about the New
World Order.

   Throughout history, governments have been suspicious of religion,
which diverts loyalty and allegiance from the government. It is also
an alternative and competing source of authority.

There is no reason to believe the government of the United States is

different.  If it were we could safely repeal the First Amendment.

   And when it comes to "apocalyptic" beliefs, the FBI can bat in
anyone's league. The agency warns of "violent white supremacists who
seek to initiate a race war, apocalyptic cults which anticipate a
violent Armageddon, radical elements of private citizen militias who
fear that the United Nations will initiate an armed takeover of the
United States and establish One World Government, and other groups.
That's quite a list of horribles without a

single name of a person or organization that would allow an interested
or skeptical citizen to check or verify.  And of course, naming a
person or groups would permit someone to respond to these accusations.

   We are left to take it on the word of the FBI that these groups and
individuals are out there and plotting dreadful things and we should
welcome whatever the FBI does to counteract them.

   But to do accept thee claims as gospel, we have to ignore the fact
that for six years the FBI lied to us about incendiary device at Waco,
or the

fabricated reports of a drug laboratory that were used  to justify the
use of military equipment and training at Waco.

   And we would have to forget the deceptive tactics they used against
Richard Jewell, the suspected Olympic bomber. They told him they were
making training film and he was to role play a suspect who waives his
rights. Fortunately, the ruse did not work and Jewell avoided being
framed by the FBI.

   And about that One World Government concern.  If they really want
convince people otherwise, instead of demonizing unnamed people,  they
might advise Under Secretary of State Strobe Tallbot to put a cork in
it because he recently predicted that in the coming century nations
will be abolished and "single, global authority" will be established.

   Should Americans be characterize as dangerous paranoids for paying
attention to what high level government officials tell us?

   This latest announcement from the FBI follows by several months the
disclosure of a mobilization program in the Pacific northwest which it
described by the special agent in charge in Seattle as the locale of
many incidents of terrorism. Presumably, she was not including the
murder by Federal agents of Randy Weaver's wife and son, but that
doesn't mean we can't.

   As in the more recent announcement, there were references to

radical, paranoid and, as usual, "white supremacist."  The theory
seems to be that if you call somebody a white supremacist, you can do
anything to him and nobody will object too much.

   Some of these "groups" were said to believe  the Federal government
might use the disruptions caused by Y2K computer breakdowns to impose
martial law. And, again, if anyone doesn't think that, you need only
cite actual statements by government officials to understand why.  In
June of 1998, a Senate committee asked John Hamre of the Defense
Department whether the DOD was prepared to impose martial law if Y2K
computer problems caused a breakdown of community services.  Hamre
assured the senator the military is indeed ready and that Y2K was not
the only thing they were prepared for.

   Almost as though they are following Hamre's script, in recent
U.S. military has intensified its campaign of conducting military
maneuvers in U.S. cities complete with black helicopters, live
ammunition, armed troops patrolling the streets and harassing
citizens. In at least one case it was reported soldiers practiced
house-to-house searches for "illegal"

guns. And all the time they insist they are not rehearsing for martial

   If the FBI, or the rest of the Federal government, truly wants to
stop people from being suspicious of them, they should stop acting
weird, stop threatening us, and get the soldiers out of our cities.

   We have to wonder why the FBI is publicizing its newest program.
advertised as a training program for local law enforcement.  Why bring
the general public in on it? The fact that the government radio
network (National Public Radio) played the story more than anyone else
indicates the government is doing all it can to make us believe that
we are under some

kind of threat and should welcome whatever they do to save  us.  The
current obsession with taking away our guns should be viewed in this

   It is the oldest gimmick in the demagogue's playbook.  You create a
demon and then promise to defend us from it, which, of course, will
require new powers, new monitoring, new surveillance authority, and
anyone who objects is suspect.  Hitler used Jews, Stalin used
capitalists.  The villain du jour in 1990s America is the "white
supremacist," loosely defined.

    The image of the U.S. government as a benevolent and trusted
guardian of
our rights and safety went up in smoke at Waco.  Americans would
foolish to do anything less than prepare for what the government
appears to be planning.



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