-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991104b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
: No innocent bystanders were slaughtered to produce this bulletin. Yet.
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@ The Structure Of Things: http://www.tapir.org/gbc/shapes/
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# Students question advice from the stars. Advice on careers, relationships
  and money is something many students claim to need. But whether or not
  students take their astrological advice into account when determining what
  life steps to take varies. http://news.excite.com/news/uw/991103/odd-179

: Does astrology guide your life? Do maggots eat your brain? Do you contribe
generously to paranormalities? Will you follow my mystical advice? Why not?

# Latest Australian UFO Sighting Reports:
# Redefining cults should put us all on alert:
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# Hackers alter Romanian money rate. BUCHAREST (AP) - Hackers broke into the
  Finance Ministry's Web site, setting bogus "taxes on stupidity" & changing
  the exchange rate of Romania's currency. Money gathered from the new taxes
  would be used to bribe NATO officials to take Romania into the military
  alliance. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561906404-fcf

# Echelon 'Confirmation:' Not. (Wired) An Australian official's remarks to
  the BBC may boost calls for investigation into international surveillance
  activities. But they don't confirm the alleged Project Echelon, experts
  say. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,32302,00.html

: Do you wage cyberwar? Do aliens help you? Do you do it all by yourself? Do
you monitor international communications? Do you interfere in ecomonics or
politics or religion or art? Do you siphon-off funds? Are you omnipotent?

@ UN monitors ought to supervise American elections, which look more like
  a banana republic plebisite than any true democracy. And maybe bring in
  Jimmy Carter: http://www.thenation.com/issue/991115/1115hitchens.shtml

@ The fight against poverty requires that we reject both the libertarian
  illusion that private charity can do all & liberal suspicion of religious
  agencies: http://intellectualcapital.com/issues/issue314/item6997.asp
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# Japan Passes Law Aimed At Doomsday Cult. TOKYO (Reuters) Japan approved a
  bill to restrict activities of the doomsday cult accused of a 1995 nerve
  gas attack on the Tokyo subway. The bill did not directly name the cult,
  Aum Shinri Kyo (Supreme Truth Sect), but said its purpose was to monitor
  the activities of any group that has engaged in "indiscriminate mass-
  murder." http://news.excite.com/news/r/991102/00/international-japan-cult

# Rev. Moon's son dies in hotel fall; suicide questioned. The medical
  examiner says Young Jin Moon, 21, committed suicide, but a Moonie flack
  says he doesn't believe it. "He was not despondent or despairing."

: Does cultic activity inevitably culminate in violence? Are you cultic,
violent, dead? What's your favorite form of violence? May I kill you now?

# Nun who wrote racist graffiti fined. JOLIET, Ill. (UPI) A frail-looking
  Catholic nun who wrote white supremacist graffiti on the walls of a
  hospital where she worked will be undergoing psychiatric examination,
  then exorcism: http://news.excite.com/news/u/991104/11/health-nun

@ Albinos: A White Minority: http://www.primenet.com/~obscure/albino.html
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@ INVOLUNTARY HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION. I'm an abductee, and was subjected to
  involuntary human experimentation all through my childhood in genetic and
  viral research at John Hopkins University and Bethesda Navel Hospital. The
  Greys were in the underground/basement of Hopkins. Though they saved my
  life, due to horrific torture & experimentation that went on upstairs at
  Hopkins by CIA based doctors (MK ultra sub-site #87), it was not done out
  of altruism. They just didn't want to loose one of their psychic experim-
  entees who produced so many hybrids for them. http://caus.org/mc110499.htm

: Have you been experimented upon lately? Have you experimented on anyone
lately? What were/are the results? Is abduction vital to experimentation?

@ Through the Eyes of a Child: http://caus.org/pc110499.htm
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# Kinkel sorry he killed parents. EUGENE, OR (AP) In a note that Kip Kinkel
  left on a living room table after he offed his parents, he apologized for
  shooting them, described voices in his head urging him to violence & said
  he wished he had been aborted. "I have to kill people. I don't know why.
  I have no other choice. What have I become? I am so sorry," he wrote. The
  morning after he killed his parents, he went to Thurston High School and
  shot up the cafeteria, killing two students. We all have problems, eh?
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561912756-8ec

# Can Gender Switch Lead To Road Rage? OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) An Oklahoma
  man in the midst of a sex change went to court to claim gender confusion
  made him shoot another man in a fit of road rage. Or maybe his implant
  misfired: http://news.excite.com/news/r/991104/07/odd-crime-sexchange

: What's your favorite excuse for your behavior? Are you controlled by gods,
demons, voices, agents, robots, me? Are you too complex for analysis? Why?
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  cheeseburger or dish of ice cream? It's all in the head, especially for
  kids nearing puberty, new research with mice suggests. Extrapolating
  from rats: http://cnn.com/HEALTH/diet.fitness/9911/03/kids.fat.ap/

@ Natural childbirth purists find moral superiority in refusing pain relief.
  Labor is a performance, and spurning the palliatives of modern medicine
  is an emblem of virtue. Anaesthesia is cheating. Torture is redemptive.

# Tripping on iboga - hallucinogenic tribal rites. Despite iboga's common
  appearance, in those lands that know of it, the plant is worshipped as the
  source of spiritual knowledge, a tool for accessing the wisdom of the
  ancestors. http://salonmagazine.com:80/travel/feature/1999/11/03/iboga/

: What's your favorite behavior/emotion/thought-modifying chemical? Do you
generate it internally? Do you crave new biochemical experiences? Do voices
in your head direct your cravings? Dou you resist, succumb, enjoy, loathe?
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  "Filbert's beanie propeller, caught in a sudden updraft in the Bank
   of America plaza, snatched him off his delivery bike and whirled him
   skyward, plunking him down onto TransAmerica's lofty spire, where now
   he is slowly spinning in the wind at a constant fifteen revolutions
   per minute." --William D. Cox  [note: When I was a bike messenger in
   SanFran, this was my constant nightmare. But that's past... --Ric]

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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