From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In doing a web search of WRT Energy, I came up with the following hit:

Prosecutor: FBI investigating former official of WRT Energy
The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), February 20, 1999
By Peter Shinkle
The FBI is investigating a former official of the defunct WRT Energy Corp.
who sent $2.6 million to an account in the Turks and Caicos Islands, a
federal prosecutor said Friday.
The man, James Florence, already faces a civil lawsuit accusing him of
defrauding WRT. The federal judge in that case has ordered Florence not to
move the money from the offshore account.

U.S. Attorney Mike Skinner said Friday his office normally does not reveal
its investigations, but did so in this case so the attorneys suing Florence
could "secure the offshore account." The FBI probe is the latest twist in
the sprawling litigation over WRT, an independent oil company operating in
South Louisiana. WRT filed for bankruptcy protection from its creditors in
1996, shortly after writing down the value of its oil leases by $100

Even by the standards of Louisiana's sometimes rough-and-tumble oil
industry, the case of WRT seems, well, unusual.

Attorneys seeking to recover cash for creditors have sued an array of
defendants including a trust set up by L. Ron Hubbard, the deceased founder
of the Church of Scientology; two leading Wall Street investment firms;
former Gov. Edwin Edwards' son, Stephen; an associate of the former
governor; and WRT's directors and officers. At least 10 of the suits make
allegations of fraud.

The massive litigation over the company's failure inching through U.S.
Bankruptcy Court in Opelousas. One case where there have been developments
is that of Florence, a Houstonian who was WRT's director of marketing and
whose tasks at the company included selling WRT's oil and gas to other
companies. At the same time as he worked for WRT, Florence set up his own
company, Tri-Deck Oil & Gas Inc., to act as an intermediary, buying WRT's
oil and selling it to larger companies, he has said.

Meanwhile, WRT's former president, Steven McGuire, has said he cannot recall
signing WRT's oil sales contract with Tri-Deck, although McGuire's signature
appears on the contract.

Florence has said he got $2.6 million from selling WRT's oil, and sent that
money to the offshore account after discussions with Gordon Kerr, an
attorney in the Turks and Caicos Islands. But Florence said in a sworn
statement he could not recall how he learned about the account or when he
transferred the money, though it might have been in 1996.

Florence also said he sent the money as a "blind investment," making it
impossible for him to get any information about the money.

In a sworn deposition in November, Florence professed ignorance about his
offshore arrangement with Kerr.

"I don't know what a blind investment is, but it was made based on my
conversations with him," Florence said.

He said he made the investment "with expectations of great
returns."Attorneys for a trust representing WRT's creditors have asserted
that Florence defrauded WRT though the oil marketing contract, perhaps with
McGuire's help. Florence has repeatedly blocked efforts to uncover
information about the money, the attorneys claimed.

Florence has denied those claims and said he intends to pay WRT any money he
owes the company for selling its oil.

On Friday, Skinner acknowledged the U.S. Attorney's Office is investigating
Florence, but said he could not comment on whether his office is probing
other dealings by WRT.

"It's generally our policy not to even confirm that an investigation is
under way," he said.

The creditors trust - headed by former New York City comptroller Harrison
Goldin - pointed to the criminal investigation when it asked U.S. Bankruptcy
Judge Gerald Schiff to block movement of the money from the account.
Florence "would possibly flee and dissipate the funds," Kerry Brennan, an
attorney for Goldin's law firm, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts of New
York City, said in an affidavit.

On Dec. 28, Judge Schiff, who is overseeing the case, ordered Florence not
to move the money and "not to take any steps to thwart" the trust from
getting information about it.

In 1997, an independent bankruptcy examiner reported that he found numerous
transfers of funds by WRT and people associated with the company for which
there was no explanation or for which WRT received little or no value.

Last year, Judge Schiff approved a partial resolution of the bankruptcy in
which an Oklahoma oil company bought WRT's oilfield leases and other assets.
Yet with WRT's creditors claiming they are still owed more than $100
million, Schiff set up trust headed by Goldin to bring litigation to recoup
funds for the creditors.

Here are some snapshots of the litigation: Scientology founder Hubbard
invested money in a company run by McGuire, according to Goldin's attorneys.
WRT improperly paid out some money to a trust set up by Hubbard, the
attorneys claimed. That trust paid $12,500 to settle a suit in which Goldin
sought to recover money paid by WRT.

Mark Miller, a former stockbroker for CIBC Oppenheimer, a worldwide
investment company, advised WRT, Florence said. Miller also signed
Florence's contracts with WRT, identifying himself as a vice president of
Tri-Deck. The creditors trust has sued Miller and CIBC Oppenheimer for fraud
and negligence in a Texas court.

The creditors trust alleges Stephen Edwards conspired with McGuire and other
WRT officials to defraud WRT through a series of transactions that drained
it of millions of dollars.

Stephen Edwards, who has acknowledged WRT placed more than $11 million in a
trust account he controlled, said he distributed the company's money in
accord with the law and at the direction of WRT. He and his father are
awaiting trial on an unrelated federal indictment that stems from their
dealings with riverboat casinos.

Joseph Brantley IV, a Baton Rouge attorney, received a $378,000 house in
1995 from Stephen Edwards as partial payment for an oil lease WRT bought
from Brantley and other investors in 1994.

Attorneys for Goldin claim the house transfer was fraudulent because WRT
received nothing of value in exchange.

Brantley has denied the claims and said the house transfer was a legitimate

Brantley and Stephen Edwards disagree on some facts about their dealings.
For instance, Stephen Edwards said the two met in the early 1990s when
Brantley, whose firm represented a local casino, sought advice on gambling
regulatory matters. But Brantley has said the two met years later, and only
in relation to WRT.

The creditors trust also sued an associate of Edwin Edwards, former
Department of Natural Resources Secretary William Huls. In part, Huls
defrauded WRT by helping a company collect a $500,000 fee from WRT on the
sale of an oil lease, Goldin claims.

Huls sent the court a handwritten letter from Florida saying he was too poor
to afford an attorney. The trust also claims that a company once owned by
Louis Roussell II, a longtime friend and political backer of Edwin Edwards,
sold a lease to WRT at an exorbitant price, $1 million. The company has
denied the claim.

Attorneys are now taking sworn statements from many of the figures in the
case in advance of a hearing, set to begin in August, in which Schiff will
decide when WRT became insolvent.

That issue is important because, under federal law, a judge can order the
return of money transferred out of a bankrupt company before it declared
bankruptcy, if the company was insolvent at the time of the transfer and if
the company did not receive fair value for the expenditure.

The creditors trust is seeking return of numerous payments, claiming WRT was
insolvent as early as 1994, a point disputed by the defendants.

Connell Archey, attorney for Stephen Edwards, said the defendants have won
several preliminary battles with the creditors trust and are confident about
winning on the insolvency issue.

"At this point, I believe the depositions have gone very well for the
defense," he said.


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