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10th Amendment
"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground:
That all powers not delegated to the United States, by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States or to the people' (10th Amendment). To take a single step
beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of
Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no
longer susceptible to any definition." -- Thomas Jefferson in a letter
to George Washington,15 February, 1791
Title: Sign Eagle Forum's petition to STOP the Panama Giveaway!
Emergency Alert for American National Security
     Read: Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal
                Panama — the Biggest Blast of Y2K
                Admiral Moorer's Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Map of Panama
Charles R. Hazard/Insight

To: U.S. Senators and Representatives:

We the undersigned urge you to reassert and reconfirm U.S. military presence in Panama in order to protect the Canal and to stop any future use of strategic bases or ports in Panama by the Communist Chinese.

On December 31, 1999, Communist China is scheduled to take over a strategic beachhead in the Western Hemisphere -- a port at each end of our Panama Canal.

We cannot allow this to happen because Communist China is the greatest national security threat to America for the foreseeable future.

Unless Congress acts now, we will be heading for disaster -- a missile crisis or a crisis affecting America's most important military and commercial waterway.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Thomas Moorer told the U.S. Senate that "we are on what I consider to be a collision course with disaster. . . . I truly can't remember a time when I have been more concerned about the security of the country."

Time is short. Please act now to stop Communist China from getting a foothold in Panama. Please co-sponsor one of the resolutions on Panama —

     in the Senate: Sen. Jeff Sessions' S.Con.Res. 61
     in the Senate: Sen. Bob Smith's S.Con.Res. 59
     in the House: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's H.Con.Res. 186

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