-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Book Search Co-ordinator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: Re:Founding of the Modern Conspiracy to Rule the World--Mystery of
Date: Thursday, November 04, 1999 8:08 AM

>>BF>Beyond refuting or accepting this thesis lies the inevitable question,
asked respectfully, "Who cares?".

Lloyd Responds:  One does not learn anything by dismissing good evidence with "who 
cares".    One nails down the evidence and then sees where it leads and what the 
application might be.  What is a waste of time is throwing around 100% unsupported 
supposition as you do in the rest of your post.

                 Lloyd Miller

>>If Masonry rules the world, it rules
because of a world structure set up for factional rule.  This structure
rewards the least amount of work and industry, rewards selfishness, and
ultimately over-rides national sovereignty <in the end, it over-rides
British and German imperial sovereignties just like any other because
these imperialisms were probably viral "carriers" all along>.
I doubt that Masonry rules, or solely rules, today's "New World
Order".  I think that today's "New World Order" is more of a coalition of
once contending forces around the great "golden calf" of the
international market.  The Prussian/Teutonic faction probably favors the
black helicopter/MIB model, while the Masonic faction probably favors the
"global democracy" model, but neither seem to challenge market rule or
favor the reconstruction of national greatness along the model of
industrial republicanism.
The Masonic faction may have more patriots in it than its
opposition, and should be acknowledge for its support of America in her
hour of need.  It is also comprised of different factions, some
tolerant, others anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, closed, and intolerant.
Some favor intellectual freedom, others mind control.  Some support the
exposing of NASA "secrets", others their continual suppression.  Better
the Templars than the Thule Society any day.  Better the replacing of
oligarchicalism with ethical scientific republicanism than either one of
More important than the image of Ben Franklin and "Bob Dobbs"
dancing with beautiful French aliens aboard a UFO in Area 51, spraying
contrails over William Cooper's house while thinking of clever retorts to
Robert Anton Wilson's clever deconstructionism is the real loss of
sovereignty which is less a conspiracy than a consensus.  The WTO, the
UN, and NATO are all real manifestations of the New World Order which do
not need the hidden conspiracies---even though these exist in some form.
The Trilateral, Fascist, Red, and other "conspiracies" have all done
their part, and will probably retire as the tangible NWO takes form.
The real loss of sovereignty is here.  The Masons---well, they
created the Constitution and probably feel entitled to over-ride it when
deemed necessary <the "National Security State">.  Hoever, those who seek
for the origins of the modern One World Order stritcly in Masonry look in
vain.  The Holy Alliance may be a better source, but not if one is really
honest.  The City/Gold Standard bankers are closer to the truth.  The
real source of today's NWO lie in the consensus reached by rival elites
that the fools can fight, but the "untouchables" must over-come
contention to at least a minimal extent.  Out of this we have to WTO and
the IMF.  These, and not Art Bell's reverse speech, are the real menaces.
One Perpsective
"I know nothing"-Socrates.
 Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
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