-Caveat Lector-

>From Public Information Resources

Dave Hartley

[ The CIA asked University of California administrator Earl Clinton Bolton,
who was spending some time at CIA headquarters, to suggest ideas on how to
improve relations between the Agency and academia. ]

Academia 01, p.1 http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p01.gif
5 August 1968
SUBJECT: Agency-Academic Relations

This is an attempt to make some observations and suggestions about
Agency-academic relations. In doing so I am grateful for the stimulus
furnished by your outline. Although I believe I have addressed myself to
most of the questions you have raised I have done so in free form rather
than by a point by point consideration. I have also used "head notes" for
purposes of organization and in an attempt to highlight the crucial
questions in the subject.

Justifying an Agency-Academic Relationship: Let me stress at the outset that
I believe Agency-academic relations are for the most part very good. Though
I have no quantitative data to support such a conclusion my guess is that
99% of the members of the academy would be willing to assist the Agency if
properly and skillfully approached, and that only a small fraction of that
other 1% would be angered by an invitation to assist or would attempt to
embarrass the Agency in any way.

However, on occasion when a university or an individual has acknowledged any
contact with the Agency there has been some outcry by a few vocal members of
the academic community.

In a later part of this paper I suggest "an affirmative program" designed to
improve the Agency's reputation in academic circles and thus decrease the
risks (costs) of association with the Agency. However, until either the
passage of time or an image bolstering plan changes the cliches of the
moment an educational institution or individual electing to assist the
Agency may be on the defensive.

In my view the best way to defend association with the Agency when such a
defense is necessary is:

1. By relating work for the Agency to one of the traditional functions of a
university; and
Academia 01, p.2  http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p02.gif
2. By basing the defense or rejoinder on long established academic values.
The Functions of a University: There is almost universal agreement that
universities do (and properly should) engage in the following basic

1. The preservation and transmission of knowledge to their constituency
(i.e. the so-called teaching function); and
2. The testing of that which is currently accepted as "truth" and the
discovery of new truth (i.e. the research function); and

3. The performance for society's benefit of those functions which can best
(or exclusively) be performed by a university (i.e. the public service

Authorities will differ as to whether a sub-function e.g. the training of a
leadership elite to be innovative and responsive should be included under
"1" or "3" above, but there is little disagreement that what higher
education is all about is encompassed within these general goals.

The Agency should phrase its requests to academia in such a way that the
service being sought relates as clearly and directly as possible to one of
these traditional functions and when necessary the university and individual
scholar should explain involvement with the Agency as a contribution to one
of these proper academic goals. It should also be stressed that when an
apologia is necessary it can best be made: (1) by some distant academic who
is not under attack, (2) in a "respectable" publication of general
circulation (e.g. Harpers, Saturday Review, Vital Speeches, etc.), and (3)
with full use of the jargon of the academy (as illustrated below).

Traditional Mores of the Academic: Every profession develops a certain
ethical or philosophical penumbra which is more or less sacred and which
protects from attack the most vulnerable or least understood rites of that
profession. This body of doctrine usually develops by "common law" and is
subsequently codified. (Incidentally the codified dogma never precisely
articulates the full scope of the protective doctrines; hence there is
sufficient vagueness in the total traditions of the profession to provide a
skillful polemicist with formidable ammunition for defense.)

Academia 01, p.3  http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p03.gif

Two doctrines fiercely protected by the academy are "academic freedom" and
"privilege and tenure." The former is the absolute right of the scholar to
investigate any subject within his competence, in any lawful way, at any
time. The latter doctrine holds that a fully initiated member of the
profession has certain irrevocable privileges, including but not limited to,
the right to continue his association with the university until retirement
without fear of termination except for a very few egregious offenses.

When attacked for aiding the Agency the academic (or institution) should
base a rejoinder on these sacred doctrines. For example, a professor's right
to undertake classified research is unassailable if he stands on the ground
of academic freedom and his privileges as a scholar. And he should be
reminded that although his derogators may undertake a good deal of no loud
rhetoric they really cannot impair his tenure.

Contracts and Grants: I have discussed [several words deleted] the matter of
research arrangement between the Agency and academic world. Here are some of
my further ideas on the subject.

1. Shouldn't the Agency have an insulator such as Rand or IDA? Such entities
have quite good acceptance in academia, do excellent work and provide real
protection against "blow back." Such an independent corporation should of
course have a ringing name (e.g. Institute for a Free Society), should do
work for the entire intelligence community, and should really have a
sufficiently independent existence so that it can take the heat on some
projects if necessary.
2. In my opinion we are in a cycle in which we are moving away from
institutional involvement in classified contracts toward a time when no
classified research will be allowed on campus even by a professor acting on
his own. The Agency might want to try to anticipate this trend by offering
off-campus leased space to scholars doing work for the Agency.

Academia 01, p.4  http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p04.gif
3. The indirect cost rate which is allowed by BOB Circular A-21 is regarded
by academic people as being unfair to the university. This "overhead" rate
does not allow adequate recovery of actual hidden costs. Your contracting
officer ought to be encouraged to adjust the established rate upward by a
point or two as an incentive to institutions of higher education to take
4. As a general rule contracts and grants should be made only in response to
proposals which "originate" with the principal investigator on the campus.
The real initiative might be with the Agency but the apparent or record
launching of the research should, wherever possible, emanate from the

5. (Here is a declaration against interest.) It seems to me that there are
few instances in which it is indispensable or even necessary to contract
with an academic entity rather than the principal investigator directly.
Therefore because of the increased complexity of the transaction of the
institution is involved I would suggest that virtually all of your contracts
and grants be made directly to the individual. Perhaps personal service
agreements could be used to replace traditional contracts and grants for
sponsored research.

6. Would it be possible to substitute some new designations for words such
as "classified," "secret," "confidential," etc? Perhaps labels such as
"limited access research," "not to be discussed with others without prior
permission of the Agency," etc. could be used. My point is that such terms
as classified research have become so emotionally charged that they provoke
an irrational response before substantive content is even considered.

Academia 01, p.5 http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p05.gif
"The Image": An Affirmative Program: Good public relations means excellent
performance publicly appreciated. Because of the nature of the Agency's work
discussions about performance must be limited, and efforts to gain public
appreciation minimized. However I think it is possible to improve acceptance
among that "public" which is the academic world.

To accomplish such a result would require a positive, long-term public
relations plan. My impression is that the Agency has excellent press
relations, but is not affirmatively interested (probably intentionally) in
overall public relations. As to the academic community I would suggest that
a very well considered, affirmative public relations program be developed.

The evolution of a public relations plan follows well recognized steps.
These steps are suggested by the following questions.

1. How do we appear to the target group (academia) today?
2. How do we want to appear to that target group five years hence?

3. What steps should we take to get from phase 1 to 2?

It is of course unlikely that the goal in 3 above will just happen by
accident; the goal is obviously more likely to be reached if there is a

It is difficult to suggest implementing techniques without first knowing the
precise future image the Agency would like to have in the academic world.
However, I believe the following suggestions would generally improve that
image among academicians.

1. Follow a plan of emphasizing that CIA is a member of the national
security community (rather than the intelligence community) and stress the
great number of other agencies with which the Agency is allied in advancing
national interests. Several such agencies (FBI, AEC, Secret Service, State
Department, etc.) have spent much time, money and thought on telling their
story. In my view the Agency will benefit by some "transfer" effect.

Academia 01, p.6 http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p06.gif
2. Establish at Yale the Walter Bedell Smith or William J. Donovan Lectures
or Chair on Intelligence as an Instrument of National Policy. (Try in as
many ways as possible to establish the study of intelligence as a legitimate
and important field of inquiry for the academic scholar.)
3. Invite qualified and sympathetic scholars to take their sabbaticals at
the Agency. They would work not as consultants, for that is a very different
function, but on subjects and in a manner traditionally followed by a
professor on his sabbatical.

4. Permit a few carefully nominated and selected doctoral candidates to
spend a year at the Agency working on their dissertations. The unclassified
materials in the library are a rich source of materials for genuine academic
research. The candidate would of course have to recognize the Agency's right
to review the finished document for accidental leaks.

5. Provide a handsomely funded post doctoral one-year opportunity for
selected scholars. (The John McCone Fellowships?)

6. Publicize any effort of the Agency to make scarce materials available to
scholars. (Could the story of the Hoover Institution -- Agency arrangement
be told by a distinguished scholar of Chinese affairs in a publication of
general interest to academics?)

7. Stress in recruiting, articles and speeches that the Agency is really a
university without students and not a training school for spies. There is as
much academic freedom within the walls of the building and among those
competent on a given subject as on any campus I know. (I haven't detected
the slightest tendency on the part of anyone to resist saying what he

Academia 01, p.7 http://www.pir.org/foia/ac01p07.gif
8. Encourage Agency representatives who attend academic meetings to clearly
identify their affiliation.

9. Do all recruiting off campus and try to time these visits so that the
probability of reaction is decreased e.g. during the summer, between
semesters, after the last issue of the student paper is printed for the
semester, etc.

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