-Caveat Lector-

 <A HREF="http://www.devvy.com/waco_19990901a.html">General Janet The Flame
Thrower Reno</A>
Mr. Thompson has an excellent video available on General Janet The Flame
Thrower Reno. You might call his office to learn how to obtain a copy. I
purchased mine back in '93/'94 time period, loaned it out and never got it
back so I don't have a source on it at the moment. By the way, in case you
aren't aware of this little fact, I'll pass it along: General Stonewall Reno
was confirmed by the United States Senate 98-0 without an FBI background
investigation. Thank you Democrats and Republicans in the Senate. Oh, I
forgot - you did it for the children.
Devvy Kidd

John B. Thompson, Attorney
1172 South Dixie Highway, Suite 111
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Phone: 305-666-4366
August 24, 1999
The Honorable Walter Smith
United States District Court
Waco, Texas VIA E-MAIL
Re: Information Pertaining to the Branch Davidian Wrongful Death Action

Dear Judge Smith:
I hestitate to intrude regarding the above, but I am privy to certain
information that
may lead to the discovery of admissible evidence that may help inform the
jury as
to why the unfortunate deaths in Waco at the Branch Davidian compound
occurred. Today's reportage of an FBI Agent's statement that pyrotechnic
grenades were actually used prompts me to approach Your Honor.
May I first note that I am rated "A/V" by Martindale-Hubbell, so I do not make
any assertions herein lightly and unmindful of the consequences should they
not be
Secondly, I am record counsel in the much-publicized federal lawsuit filed in
Paducah, Kentucky, in April of this year on behalf of the parents of the
three girls
shot and killed in the school shootings there. Having been on 60 Minutes,
CNN, Fox, ABC World News Tonight, and NBC Nightly News, largely because
our suit was filed before the Littleton massacre and predicted it, because of
commonality of the entertainment products involved, I am not looking for
in that or any other matter. I have plenty to contend with. I am providing
information because I believe it my duty as an officer of the court.
Further, I am a Christian who understands that I do not have the luxury or
of falsely defaming anyone.
But I do know and can prove the following: I was the last Republican to run
against now Attorney General Janet Reno, having been her opponent in the
election of 1988 for the office of Dade County (Florida) State Attorney.
Janet Reno was then and is now a chronic alcoholic, so inebriated at times
office hours that she would pass out at her desk here in Miami.
There were five police officers ready, willing, and able to testify at her
confirmation hearings for the office of A.G. that they pulled her over on five
separate occasions for drunk driving while she was State Attorney.
Another individual and I were approached by the Senate Judiciary Committee
this information. I have spoken with another officer regarding similar
conduct by
Ms. Reno.
After Waco, I was called by senior political reporter David Johnston of the
York Times, who told me of Reno's drunkenness while she was A.G. I could go
on about this problem she has, including its interplay with her Parkinson's
symptoms, but the point is that Ms. Reno was probably "out of it" when the
decision to make the incursion into the compound was made. She wasn't
a vehicle while drunk; she was operating a Department of Justice while drunk.
Secondly, and related to what I understand may be some issues in the case
you, Janet Reno has a very, very, very long history of making up, out of whole
cloth, child abuse and sexual child abuse allegations in order to burnish her
reputation as a child rights advocate. Dorothy Rabinowitz of the The Wall
Journal, arguably the dean of all American newpaper editorialists, exposed
habit of hers, which habit helped secure a long-standing and completely
criminal conviction of a South Miami police officer, Grant Snowden. Also,
editor of Readers Digest, Trevor Armbrister, also exposed Reno on this
to make these things up, thereby crushing innocent people with false child
claims. I say all this as someone who myself has been a child rights advocate
has represented sex abuse victims.
This is relevant because you will recall that Ms. Reno, the night of the
incursion into
the compound, stated categorically on Larry King Live on CNN that the assault
occurred in order to save the children from this abuse.She has since had to
that no such proof ever existed. She knew at the time that this was a
She was not mistaken. She knew she was making it up. She has built a career
upon making such allegations up.
I believe what I and others can show, then, is that Reno was most likely
by alcohol abuse at the time of the Waco assault, and further that she knew
was absolutely nothing to the concerns about child abuse. She lied.
Your Honor, you know the case before you better than I, but I would
submit that these bits of information, which can be corroborated independent
me, may indeed have a bearing upon why and how the conflagration that ended in
the lives of innocent children occurred. I am willing to state under oath
what I
know. I am sure others will as well. I am not sure how best to get this
into the hands of the plaintiffs.
I will conclude by stating further that the House of Representative's Majority
Counsel for the Impeachment Inquiry, David Schippers, sent his top two
investigators to Miami to debrief me about what I know about Ms. Reno in the
above and other regards, some of it so sensitive that I think it best not to
put it in
this e-mail. The next day Mr. Schippers acted upon my information. It
pertains to
blackmail. t may provide a further explanation as to why the Justice
has been less than forthcoming with the information as to what really went on
Your honor, if you choose to move on and do nothing with this information, I
understand. I happen to believe, however, that the survivors of what the
Department did--killing the children to save them--have a right to know all
there is to know.
Respectfully submitted,
John B. Thompson,
Florida Bar #231665

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